BREAKING: Trump says he’s going to overturn the 14th Amendment with an executive order.

The govt is merely a protector of rights.
Until it isn't.
The govt should have no say over whether or not I own a gun or a nuclear warhead.
It doesn't. No government can prevent you from owning a gun or a nuclear warhead, no matter how oppressive said government is.
The govts ONLY concern should be if or when I use either or both to infringe on the rights of other people. You idiots are so fucked up is a miracle if you still have all your fingers.
Self defense does not infringe on any right. There is right to murder or theft.
Currently the only people I can think of born here but not subject to our jurisdiction are those born in embassies or to diplomats.
Because you pretend to know the law, Pretender. You don't. You don't even know the meaning of 'jurisdiction'. You also have trouble with the words 'citizen', 'America', 'climate', 'science', 'religion', 'rights', 'inherent', 'gun', 'weapon', 'Arm', 'people', etc.

Go learn English.
How many times do you need this answered? How incapable of learning are you?
Who is under US jurisdiction and who is not? Can you tell us what you learned after it was explained to you?
Go learn English. Go learn what 'jurisdiction' means and what 'citizen' means and what 'illegal' means.
If you can't repeat back what you are told then you truly are incapable of learning.
Chanting what the Democrats tell you to chant accomplishes nothing, Poorboy.
Here is a court case from 1812 which states that the only exemptions to US jurisdiction in US territory are foreign sovereigns, foreign ministers and foreign troops which the US agrees to allow to enter.
Illegal immigrants also, Poorboy. Same with their 'anchor babies'.
Special pleading fallacy.
The 14th amendment isn't about racism, Sybil. Go stuff your racism up your butt.
So you think the last 155 years of AMerican history have been problematic because of Birthright citizenship? Because that's when it was established in the US.

I don't think you actually know what you are talking about here.
It was not established 155 year ago, Sybil.