do you have oral over there?
No, we aren't big on Evangelists over here but our regular Church of England vicars have been known to suck a cock or two, if that counts.
The fact that I have been told I look like a white Mohhamad Ali has not hurt either, of course, and I am willing to bet you look moore like a white PeeWee Herman?
We had to kick the britts butts twice and then bail them out a couple of times too.
sounds like a big family thing.
Teeth are overrated. How many do you really need anyway? Two for biting and two for chewin' is plenty. Anything more is capitalist decadence.
It's a bugger trying to put down an insurrection when you're spread out all over the world putting out fires and subjugating native peoples. If only you'd learned from our mistakes.
Scotland.Yep most hillbilly ancestors came from England.
A lot of them are Scottish descent.Hillbillies came from Scotland?
Hillbillies came from Scotland?
LadyT, you're really just so willfully obtuse on recognizing any problem with socialized anything, aren't you?
Doctors offer a "limited schedule" of nhs treatment, and are free to conduct "private more expensive work" on the side. Can't you fucking read between the lines on what's happening here? Why are you so willfully fucking stupid?
It's a Jewish conspiracy!
The problem here, actually, would be that it's not socialized enough. However, your clearly too obtuse and stupid to see that.
It's a Jewish conspiracy!
The problem here, actually, would be that it's not socialized enough. However, your clearly too obtuse and stupid to see that.
It's clearly under-funded. Funny how it seemed to work okay even after the Attlee government was booted out of office. Even the Tories knew it was a good idea and to fund it. Labour nowadays needs a kickin the arse, they should fund it properly.