Bush Is "The Devil" and The Master of Chaos and Death!


Senior Member
And all this Chaos and Death in Iraq is coming in the face of a new report that warns Generals in Iraq to prepare for greater levels of death and destruction. How bad can it get before the administration decides to take whatever steps are needed to quell the violence? Does anyone at this stage believe that if the Army, Rumsfeld, or anyone else in the Bush administration really wanted to quell the violence in Iraq just a little they would be able to do so. Why does Bush want the Iraqis to murder and torture each other by the thousands, while pretending to bring freedom and democracy to their shores at the point of a gun? Why is the American population allowing this kind of insanity to be conducted in their name? Have the America people no Pride or Humanity left whatsoever?

Bush is the Master of Chaos and Death: The number of Iraqi civilians killed in July and August hit 6,599, a record-high number that is far greater than initial estimates suggested, the United Nations said Wednesday.

U.N.: Iraq Civilian Deaths Hit a Record

By NICK WADHAMS, Associated Press Writer 30 minutes ago

The number of Iraqi civilians killed in July and August hit 6,599, a record-high number that is far greater than initial estimates suggested, the United Nations said Wednesday.

The report from the U.N. Assistance Mission in Iraq's Human Rights office highlighted the sectarian crisis gripping the country, offering a grim assessment across a range of indicators — worrying evidence of torture, unlawful detentions, growth of sectarian militias and death squads, and a rise in "honor killings" of women.

That raises new questions about U.S. and Iraqi forces' ability to bring peace to Baghdad, where the bulk of the violent deaths occurred. Iraq's government, set up in 2006, is "currently facing a generalized breakdown of law and order which presents a serious challenge to the institutions of Iraq," it said.

According to the U.N., which releases the figures every two months, violent civilian deaths in July reached an unprecedented high of 3,590, an average of more than 100 a day. The August toll was 3,009, the report said.

The lower August number may have been the result of a security crackdown in Baghdad, though it was partly offset by a rise in attacks elsewhere, including in the northern city of Mosul.

For the previous period, the U.N. had reported just under 6,000 deaths — 2,669 in May and 3,149 in June. That was up from 1,129 in April, and 710 in January.

Of the total for July and August, the report said 5,106 of the dead were from Baghdad.

The report attributed many of the deaths to the rising sectarian tensions that have pushed Iraq toward the verge of civil war.

"These figures reflect the fact that indiscriminate killings of civilians have continued throughout the country while hundreds of bodies appear bearing signs of severe torture and execution style killing," the report said. "Such murders are carried out by death squads or by armed groups, with sectarian or revenge connotations."

At the heart of the U.N. findings are casualty figures that combine two counts: from the Ministry of Health, which records deaths reported by hospitals; and the Medico-Legal Institute in Baghdad, which tallies the unidentified bodies it receives.

The U.N. investigators who compiled the report said it was likely that even those numbers were low. In July, for example, the Health Ministry reported no people killed in Anbar, the chaotic province that includes the extremely violent cities of Ramadi and Fallujah.

Also, the Medico-Legal Institute's number of 1,536 was the same as the number of violent deaths in Baghdad reported by the Iraqi Health Ministry earlier this month.

The U.S. military had initially claimed a drastic drop in the death toll for August, but the estimate was revised upward after the United States revealed it had not counted people killed by bombs, mortars, rockets or other mass attacks.

The report said torture was a major concern in Iraq and the bodies showed significant evidence of it.

"Bodies found at the Medico-legal Institute often bear signs of severe torture including acid-induced injuries and burns caused by chemical substances, missing skin, broken bones (back, hands and legs), missing eyes, missing teeth and wounds caused by power drills or nails," the report said.

Full Gory Story
I guess the "on the verge of civil war" is like the "last gasps" rhetoric and will always stay in that status ?
Chavez's comment was childish and assinine.

But, it shows how low respect for a US president has sunk. People actually laughed and applauded Chavez. Bush is a laughing stock, and in now way capable of being a world leader, as a US president must be.

This joke, and the applause that followed, would never have happned to previous american presidents: Reagan, Bush 41, Carter, Clinton, Ford, etc.
Between Bush, Chavez and the pres of Iran it was sort of a childish na na nana na fest. Very discouraging.
Chavez's comment was childish and assinine.

But, it shows how low respect for a US president has sunk. People actually laughed and applauded Chavez. Bush is a laughing stock, and in now way capable of being a world leader, as a US president must be.

This joke, and the applause that followed, would never have happned to previous american presidents: Reagan, Bush 41, Carter, Clinton, Ford, etc.

Was it anymore assinine than Bush calling Iraq, Iran, and North Korea "the Axis of Evil" or Bush's comparing Saddam Hussein to Hitler or Reagan calling Russia the "evil empire". It seems that the United States and her various leaders have engaged on numerous occasions of demonizing others. Now someone finally turned the tables. I must confess to Laughing along with Chevez at his joke at Bush's expense. You have to admit that "smell of sulfur " comment was pretty funny, and his crossing himself, forming the praying hands and looking up to heaven "priceless." He might have a furture in standup after his tenure as President is completed.
Was it anymore assinine than Bush calling Iraq, Iran, and North Korea "the Axis of Evil" or Bush's comparing Saddam Hussein to Hitler or Reagan calling Russia the "evil empire". It seems that the United States and her various leaders have engaged on numerous occasions of demonizing others. Now someone finally turned the tables. I must confess to Laughing along with Chevez at his joke at Bush's expense. You have to admit that "smell of sulfur " comment was pretty funny, and his crossing himself, forming the praying hands and looking up to heaven "priceless." He might have a furture in standup after his tenure as President is completed.

Oh, for sure Bush has hurled childish insults at other world leaders. Didn't he call Kim Jong Ill, a little pygmy, or something.

I'm just thinking this can't be good for America. I don't give a shit about Bush - except for the fact, that we pay his salary to represent us to the world, and to be a strong world leader. Our taxes are paying for him to be a laaughing stock.

I never thought I'd say it, but I miss Ronald Reagan. The dude had at least the grudging respect of most world leaders.
Oh, for sure Bush has hurled childish insults at other world leaders. Didn't he call Kim Jong Ill, a little pygmy, or something.

I'm just thinking this can't be good for America. I don't give a shit about Bush - except for the fact, that we pay his salary to represent us to the world, and to be a strong world leader. Our taxes are paying for him to be a laaughing stock.

I never thought I'd say it, but I miss Ronald Reagan. The dude had at least the grudging respect of most world leaders.

Not me, I miss Franklin Roosevelt...there was a guy with some balls.
It seems to me that Chavez should be darned glad he said that in America about the American President and not in the Middle East about Mohammed. If he had said it about Mohammed he'd either be dead by now or running for his life.

Chavez's comment was childish and assinine.

But, it shows how low respect for a US president has sunk. People actually laughed and applauded Chavez. Bush is a laughing stock, and in now way capable of being a world leader, as a US president must be.

This joke, and the applause that followed, would never have happned to previous american presidents: Reagan, Bush 41, Carter, Clinton, Ford, etc.

What do you mean it was childish and assinine? Isn't what Chavez said, essentially what you've all been saying the past 6 years? Hell, I thought he made a pretty damn good case for the Democratic nomination in '08... I think you guys should go with him, maybe let Akmadenijad be his running mate, since they apparently have the Bush Hate lines down so well and have so connected with the Democratic message. I think they could beat out Hillary!
It seems to me that Chavez should be darned glad he said that in America about the American President and not in the Middle East about Mohammed. If he had said it about Mohammed he'd either be dead by now or running for his life.

The big difference is that Bush isn't the prophet of a major religion, unless you call Dixie's adoration a religion...
It seems to me that Chavez should be darned glad he said that in America about the American President and not in the Middle East about Mohammed. If he had said it about Mohammed he'd either be dead by now or running for his life.


Si, Immie, si. Or as Fonzie would say, "exactamundo!!"
The libs would elect Chavez president if it could.

Probably do a better job than the fuck-wit you voted for....
Not me, I miss Franklin Roosevelt...there was a guy with some balls.
Hell yeah, he sure knew what to do with those Japs right Prakosh?
Made Bush's Guantanamo situation and Patriot Act look like kids stuff.

<DrippingSarcasmMode>Also his great SS program has ensured that people now look to depend on government for their retirement, rather than looking to themselves. So far government, has had just great returns for the people who were forced to pay in.</DrippingSarcasmMode>

Let's not also forget that while most presidents were able to pull out of recession fairly easily, it took an entire world war for FDR to manage that, thanks to his continuation of big gov policies of Hoover.
The libs would elect Chavez president if it could.

Probably do a better job than the fuck-wit you voted for....

Well Chavez managed to post South America's worst numbers for double digit inflation and despite huge oil reserves and development, unemployment is still way up from when Chavez took over.

Yes Bush sucks, Chavez sucks worse.
You can always do worse, the Dem party's platform shows that every day.
It seems to me that Chavez should be darned glad he said that in America about the American President and not in the Middle East about Mohammed. If he had said it about Mohammed he'd either be dead by now or running for his life.

The big difference is that Bush isn't the prophet of a major religion, unless you call Dixie's adoration a religion...

Actually, I was thinking that Mohammed was just a man just like Bush.

It seems to me that Chavez should be darned glad he said that in America about the American President and not in the Middle East about Mohammed. If he had said it about Mohammed he'd either be dead by now or running for his life.

The big difference is that Bush isn't the prophet of a major religion, unless you call Dixie's adoration a religion...
