Bush Is "The Devil" and The Master of Chaos and Death!

Because you responded to My post, which was to Gaffer.

Back to the question:

Do you agree with Gaffer's logical construction that because Stalin and Pol Pot were socialists, then it logically follows that Ornot - a self admitted socialist - is a therefore communist?

Or, do you agree with me that Gaffer's logical algorithim left something to be desired?
Socialists are not Communists. Communists are as idealistic and retarded as anarchists, who are on the opposite side of that spectrum...
Socialists are not Communists. Communists are as idealistic and retarded as anarchists, who are on the opposite side of that spectrum...
Colorful, but inaccurate. That's not the distinction between socialists and Communists.

And actually, there's no real distinction between Communists -- political Communists -- and anarchists. They have the exact same vision, they just see different avenues of approach.
Colorful, but inaccurate. That's not the distinction between socialists and Communists.

And actually, there's no real distinction between Communists -- political Communists -- and anarchists. They have the exact same vision, they just see different avenues of approach.
It is where the circle meets. Anarchists are a righty approach.
Noam Chomsky whose book, Chavez pushed to the top oif the best seller lists is an anarchist. Are you claiming then that Chomsky is a righty????
I would say that Chomsky is a Communist. According to the site I gave a link to above, he may be misrepresenting his position. Minarchist is to Socialist what Communist is to Anarchist... The step just before reaching that goal.
Because you responded to My post, which was to Gaffer.

Back to the question:

Do you agree with Gaffer's logical construction that because Stalin and Pol Pot were socialists, then it logically follows that Ornot - a self admitted socialist - is a therefore communist?

Or, do you agree with me that Gaffer's logical algorithim left something to be desired?

sounds like SRian logic to me ;)
I would say that Chomsky is a Communist. According to the site I gave a link to above, he may be misrepresenting his position. Minarchist is to Socialist what Communist is to Anarchist... The step just before reaching that goal.

What link, you have posted two links on page 5 alone, above? Pesonally I think you just want to send people scurrying around looking at all your posts.

Who are you going to believe your website that is using god knows what criteria to make the mis-judgement or what Chomsky says about himself. He says he is an anarchist. Do you think he knows more about himself and what political position he holds than you do pr your website does or not? I think I'll go with what Chomsky says about the positions he holds and not some biased ignorant website whose understanding of the nuances of complex political positions probably goes no further than communist/anti-communist.

This is becoming kind of SOP for you isn't it. You always know more about people than they do about themselves. And of course once you have decided what somebody is or what they believe then they are what you say they are no matter what else they might think or say. Chomsky identifies himself as an anarchist in the movie "Manufacturing Consent." If you haven't seen the movie or read his books, you really can't discuss him or the finer points of his beliefs can you? Isn't that the first rule of the board? You can't discuss anything you haven't read yourself, right? Didn't we go through this when I hadn't read the pope's speech I couldn't even talk about what I had heard about it until I had read it? That was you who reminded me of that several times wasn't it? So I wouldn't trust some web site over what Chomskey says about himself and according to the poster, Damocles, you really shouldn't be talking about something that you have no personal experience of.
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Ahhhh... I think I believed I was in the one where I gave the link with the definitions of Communism as opposed to Socialism. It was from a Marxist site, but had very good definitions...

I'll look it up. Sorry about that one.
So I wouldn't trust some web site over what Chomskey says about himself and according to the poster, Damocles, you really shouldn't be talking about something that you have no personal experience of.

Fair enough. I believe that the true definition of communism and anarchism are both the same thing. They believe that all will work together for the betterment of them all. However the path to anarchism is through minarchism, the path to communism is through socialism from that site that I will search out the link to again... (Truly I thought it was this thread that I had posted it... unfortunately I am posting quickly on small breaks while doing hard work on a "vacation" so I get a bit off of my normal game.)

Anyway Bush says he is both Compassionate and Conservative, and I believe he is neither. He also says that he is for individual rights but his actions show different. I believe with Chomsky it could be the same regardless of what he says. I will defer to his opinion of himself and agree with you...He believes the path to his utopia is through minarchism.
LOL. They were socialist. Admiring certain socialists doesn't change that socialist governments have by far committed some of the worst ever violations of human decency.

They weren't marxist, or communist, they were most definitely socialist.

Here, for your reading pleasure... Even Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc. realized they had, at best, an imperfect form of socialism....


BTW - Here was the post that I thought was posted in this thread... Actually I thought when I posted in this thread that it was in the thread where this post was originally... *sigh* I'm babbling, man I'm tired. I did the last 300 feet of my driveway today and I am exhausted....

The link above talks about Communism and Socialism... etc. as I presented in the other post.
I think I may start a line of "I (heart) Hugo!" and "Hugo Speaks For Me!" t-shirts. I can make a bundle.


Why not? I see lots of ignorant teenagers walking around with Che Guevara t-shirts.
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That's nothing, the day after his performance at the United Nations, Chavez took his stand-up routine to the Church in Harlem, where he said what he really thought. Chavez called Bush an "alcoholic," (Bush is really a dry drunk, or at least that is what he claims) and said he was a "sick man." Chevez is not alone in his diagnosis. In Bush on the Couch (2004), Justin A. Frank, M.D. a teaching analyist at the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, was even less forgiving. After looking at Bush's false sense of ominpotence, the president's history of untreated alcohol abuse, the growing anecdotal evidence that Bush suffers from several different thought disorders, his comfort living outside the law, his love-hate relationship with his father, and Bush's rigid and simplistic thought patterns, paranoia, and megalomania, Frank suggests Bush is sick indeed.
A remote diagnosis ala Frist-Schiavo.
Let me add my two cents.

Communism has two main branches. Anarcho-Communism which was advocated by men like Mikhail Bakunin. And State based Communism advocated by Lenin.

Bakunin was basically an anarchist with the hope that a Communist society would develop as a result of abolition of the state and property.

Lenin on the other hand viewed the state as a necessary intermediary to reach Communism.

There has never been a modern nation state that was Communist. In the leninist view a socialist state would be necessary to make the transition from a capitalist state to a Communist society.

Thus Leninists see socialism as a necessary precursor to Communism.

Thus all Leninists see socialism as necessary but not all socialists seek communism as an end in of itself.
A remote diagnosis ala Frist-Schiavo.

Not quite, Frist looked at one short film clip before making his diagnosis, Bush has a long history of evidence of many of these conditions in his past. So there is plenty of evidence to refer to. It would be much like an art critic or a psychoanalyst anlyzing a text. You don't have the live subject on the couch, as it were, but you do have voluminous information about the subject. Probably more than the average patient would be able or willing to tell them about themselves especially in the early stages of analysis. So I would say there is little similarity between what Frist did, and what Frank did.