Bush Is "The Devil" and The Master of Chaos and Death!

Good one dixie!

I'm sure that FDR being Secretary of the Navy during World War One, was not relevant to him developing skills to be a commander in chief.

And four of FDR's sons served in front line combat in WW2, and were all highly decorated.

Remind me: what are the Bush twins doing during this time of bush's war when the Army needs more people to serve?
Wouldn't that be the same thing with Rumsfeld?
It's amazing how the same people who trash Bush for imprisoning others in Gitmo are all excited about a man who imprisoned so many Americans openly in camps across this nation! They create a hero myth surrounding this person as if his own atrocities can be overwhelmed by the US voting for somebody willing to imprison, because of race only, groups of people in interment camps. What he did was wrong, regardless of how many times people voted for him.;
Good one dixie!

I'm sure that FDR being Secretary of the Navy during World War One, was not relevant to him developing skills to be a commander in chief.

And four of FDR's sons served in front line combat in WW2, and were all highly decorated.

Remind me: what are the Bush twins doing during this time of bush's war when the Army needs more people to serve?

What? They let the bastard be Secretary of the Navy with absolutely no military experience? Where was Maine to speak out against this absurdity? Oh, that's right, the "D" beside the name, stands for "Doesn't Matter" ...like with Bill 'The Draft Dodger' Clinton ! I think it's quite telling of the hypocrisy, to see the same people who lambaste Bush and the "Chickenhawks", will completely ignore the military service aspects when it comes to the Liberal Hero, FDR.
It's amazing HOW MUCH YOU WISH and WOULD LIKE US to be acting in the way you feel would be best for us....



I feel what would be best for Pinheads, is probably to get what you clamor for. Abandon the War on Terror, bring our troops all home, give the terrorists Constitutional rights and ACLU lawyers, and wait for the Apocalypse to happen, and watch you sit in stunned dumbfounded silence, as your entire country goes down the tubes before your eyes. That's what would be best for you, because, short of you having to watch alQaeda behead your Mom in the living room, you are not going to wake up.
I feel what would be best for Pinheads, is probably to get what you clamor for. Abandon the War on Terror, bring our troops all home, give the terrorists Constitutional rights and ACLU lawyers, and wait for the Apocalypse to happen, and watch you sit in stunned dumbfounded silence, as your entire country goes down the tubes before your eyes. That's what would be best for you, because, short of you having to watch alQaeda behead your Mom in the living room, you are not going to wake up.

Well maybe if you and your beloved "can do no wrong" administration, had not lied us in to a fricking war with the Iraqi people, we would trust them in their fight on the war on terror....

you and your support for this ilk in control and their continuous spinning and deceiving of all of the facts around them, has HURT this great country of ours and has made us unsafe, more than ever....because even if we were in danger NOW for real, we would NOT BELIEVE this administration....not after all of the misleading they have done and the deceiving they have done over the course of the last 6 years on a NUMBER OF THINGS and issues, not just the war....so YOU AND THEY have cost us a great deal when it comes to security..

Because, of the unquestioning support you have given this administration and the free reign YOU have given this administration, WE TOOK OUR FRICKING EYES OFF THE FICKING BALL, and have not focused on fighting terrorism and the things that cause it and the things that promote it like the madrass schools and teachings, the abject poverty conditions in countries that we hold the hand of their Prince... while tiptoeing through the tulips at the National Texas Ranch....did I say tulips?

Yes, we are in greater danger now, but not from the people warring in Iraq and not from the people that were warring in Lebanon, and not from the people or the leader of Iran, nor from the leader or north korea...but from Bin Laden and from Alqaeda, both abroad and located here within the usa already

And in addition, this administration is wasting billions upon billions in this war in iraq, making defense contractors rich, and republicans only contractors and subcontractors as the dtory goes, and with my democratic tax dollars...lovely...not, while conditions are getting worse and worse as they continue to say they are doing better and in their last throws!


Yadda Yadda... you sound like a John F'ing Kerry speech!
Do you think you can be just a tad more dramatic and over-exaggerated?

Wars can't be fought by popular opinion poll, the president doesn't have the luxury of sticking his finger in the air and seeing which way the political winds are blowing, to decide what to do.

We have had war declared on us since 1993, and in 2001, it cost us 3,000 innocent American lives. If you have watched the news the past few days, and listened to the speeches of the nutbags we are dealing with, you can clearly see that sides are being taken, lines are being drawn, and we are in WWIII. As a peace-loving liberal tree hugger, I know this bothers you and you'd just rather not deal with it, but again, the president of the United States doesn't have that luxury.
What Chavez said was inappropriate for a leader of a Nation to say on a World stage....

I honestly don't see any difference in what he said and what Howard Dean has said. In fact, you could put his speech next to Dean's, and I bet the average Pinhead couldn't tell you which one was which. It's funny how you idiots are now trying to distance yourself from this rhetoric, since you have seen how absolutely insane it sounds coming from someone else.

If I were Karl Rove, I would make campaign commercials of Dean, Reid, Pelosi, Murtha and Kerry, morphing into Chavez and Armagedongoneinsane! They speak the same message!

I don't see how YOU do not see the difference Dixie....WE are Americans, we get to choose our president, support our president or critisize our president, BECAUSE he is OUR President and represents us.....

As far as Chavez having the "right" to say what he did on this world stage in our country...sure, he has every right to do what he wants....and can make any sophmoric speech that he wants, but he will reap what consequences are to come....from his own actions....we do live in a free country don't we?


on another note, sort of....

What is the difference between EVIL and the DEVIL.....?

I'll answer for you....NOTHING.

So, our president has been on the world stage himself and called the leaders of Korea, Iran and Iraq the DEVIL/EVIL....one and the same....

Did YOU CRINGE when Bush started his name calling of other leaders?

What goes around, comes around.... have YOU ever heard of that cliche'?

It appears Care that the bushies can do it but no one else is allowed to. For them to be right everyone who opposes them has to be wrong.
It appears Care that the bushies can do it but no one else is allowed to. For them to be right everyone who opposes them has to be wrong.
Who has stated that he would or should be actually silenced? (Strawman!) Mostly the right has made it clear that they think there should be more outrage across the board rather than a venue for him to receive more clapter held by lefties in Harlem....
That's my point. Even the most outpoken against him haven't said he had no right to say it, just that it was irresponsible.

And once again, they ask the question of why people would give him more "clapterfests" rather than simply dismiss his irresponsible inanities? Listen away, don't provide the platform and the support.
That's my point. Even the most outpoken against him haven't said he had no right to say it, just that it was irresponsible.

And once again, they ask the question of why people would give him more "clapterfests" rather than simply dismiss his irresponsible inanities? Listen away, don't provide the platform and the support.
Unless one agrees with him, of course.
Yadda Yadda... you sound like a John F'ing Kerry speech!
Do you think you can be just a tad more dramatic and over-exaggerated?

Wars can't be fought by popular opinion poll, the president doesn't have the luxury of sticking his finger in the air and seeing which way the political winds are blowing, to decide what to do.

We have had war declared on us since 1993, and in 2001, it cost us 3,000 innocent American lives. If you have watched the news the past few days, and listened to the speeches of the nutbags we are dealing with, you can clearly see that sides are being taken, lines are being drawn, and we are in WWIII. As a peace-loving liberal tree hugger, I know this bothers you and you'd just rather not deal with it, but again, the president of the United States doesn't have that luxury.

Wars can't be fought by popular opinion poll, the president doesn't have the luxury of sticking his finger in the air and seeing which way the political winds are blowing, to decide what to do.

We have had war declared on us since 1993, and in 2001, it cost us 3,000 innocent American lives.

Wars most certainly have to be fought with the consent of the american people. That's the way the founders of this country intended it. The reason for a war should be self-evident.

And, Iraq had nothing to do with "attacking" us, or killing "three thousand americans".

Iraq is a theorectical nation-building exercise, dreamed up by some civilian NeoCons.
I think I may start a line of "I (heart) Hugo!" and "Hugo Speaks For Me!" t-shirts. I can make a bundle.


Especially if you get right on it. He has sent Noam Chomsky's books to the top of Amazon's best seller lists in less than a day. People have at least been paying attention, or maybe it is because he got people's attention. In any event, those shirts would sell like hotcakes for at least two weeks...After that no one here will remember who he is....It will be Hugo who?????

Iraq is a theorectical nation-building exercise, dreamed up by some civilian NeoCons.

Is that all it is ?
What Chavez said was inappropriate for a leader of a Nation to say on a World stage....

I honestly don't see any difference in what he said and what Howard Dean has said. In fact, you could put his speech next to Dean's, and I bet the average Pinhead couldn't tell you which one was which. It's funny how you idiots are now trying to distance yourself from this rhetoric, since you have seen how absolutely insane it sounds coming from someone else.

If I were Karl Rove, I would make campaign commercials of Dean, Reid, Pelosi, Murtha and Kerry, morphing into Chavez and Armagedongoneinsane! They speak the same message!

I'm not distancing myself from it. I thought it was funny as hell. And in case you, the chief pinhead hadn't noticed, his words were little different than the things our moron in chief has stated. What with all of his evildoer and axis of evil crap.

The difference? Chavez showed some panache. He was funny. The looking up at the heavens and crossing himself was hysterical.
That's nothing, the day after his performance at the United Nations, Chavez took his stand-up routine to the Church in Harlem, where he said what he really thought. Chavez called Bush an "alcoholic," (Bush is really a dry drunk, or at least that is what he claims) and said he was a "sick man." Chevez is not alone in his diagnosis. In Bush on the Couch (2004), Justin A. Frank, M.D. a teaching analyist at the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute, was even less forgiving. After looking at Bush's false sense of ominpotence, the president's history of untreated alcohol abuse, the growing anecdotal evidence that Bush suffers from several different thought disorders, his comfort living outside the law, his love-hate relationship with his father, and Bush's rigid and simplistic thought patterns, paranoia, and megalomania, Frank suggests Bush is sick indeed.
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