But Bush said not yet....


Villified User
Flags Replaced With Swastikas in Wash.

ORCAS ISLAND, Wash. (AP) -- Vandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans' graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikas, authorities said Monday.

Forty-six flag standards were found empty and another 33 flags were in charred tatters Sunday in the cemetery, authorities said. Swastikas drawn on paper appeared where 14 of the flags had been.

Members of the American Legion on this island off Washington's northwest coast replaced the burned flags with new ones Sunday afternoon.


It would appear that some of the NEO's just can't wait....
Flags Replaced With Swastikas in Wash.

ORCAS ISLAND, Wash. (AP) -- Vandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans' graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikas, authorities said Monday.

Forty-six flag standards were found empty and another 33 flags were in charred tatters Sunday in the cemetery, authorities said. Swastikas drawn on paper appeared where 14 of the flags had been.

Members of the American Legion on this island off Washington's northwest coast replaced the burned flags with new ones Sunday afternoon.


It would appear that some of the NEO's just can't wait....
It would appear that RSR was right, some people "celebrated" Veterans day by protesting with burning flags...
Yes it does sound like RSR was right on that, but were they cons or libs ?
no proof either way. MIght even have been Jews, illegal immigrants or Canadians ....
Yes it does sound like RSR was right on that, but were they cons or libs ?
no proof either way. MIght even have been Jews, illegal immigrants or Canadians ....
It sounds to me like they were attempting to make the point that those who support the war, and those who fight in it, are NAZIs... It's the modern, and far more wimpy, way to spit on those who return. Only do it to those who can't fight back any longer other than with the evidence of their sacrifice, and do it in secrecy so nobody will know who you are.
It sounds to me like they were attempting to make the point that those who support the war, and those who fight in it, are NAZIs... It's the modern, and far more wimpy, way to spit on those who return. Only do it to those who can't fight back any longer other than with the evidence of their sacrifice, and do it in secrecy so nobody will know who you are.

Say what you will Damo, I know nobody in the peace movement who would ever even think of doing something like this.

And, there is no benefit to us to do something like this.

Who benefits from an act like this?

The faux outrage queenies that's who. Who's hurt by it? The Peace movement. So, I say, prove it.
It sounds to me like they were attempting to make the point that those who support the war, and those who fight in it, are NAZIs... It's the modern, and far more wimpy, way to spit on those who return. Only do it to those who can't fight back any longer other than with the evidence of their sacrifice, and do it in secrecy so nobody will know who you are.

All just conjecture Damo.
Say what you will Damo, I know nobody in the peace movement who would ever even think of doing something like this.

And, there is no benefit to us to do something like this.

Who benefits from an act like this?

The faux outrage queenies that's who. Who's hurt by it? The Peace movement. So, I say, prove it.
And I say that often the most direct answer is the answer. Occam's razor. The whole, well it has to be a conspiracy inside another one because I don't know anybody who will admit to doing this is a bit convoluted and seriously tweaked. Nobody wants to claim these turds because they smell particularly bad.

There is a reason they do this in secret, it is because they know how both sides will react. One will say, "Hey! Be more responsible in your protest and if you don't we'll kick you!" the other will say, "Hey! There's those guys who desecrate graves! GET THEM!"

As I said, one of the wimpiest "protests" I have ever seen. If you feel this way then air it out, don't secretly spit on those with no more voice.
Maybe it was the wacko preachers bunch that protest at the funerals and such.

I intentinally don't remember his name, he does not deserve the storage space.
Maybe it was the wacko preachers bunch that protest at the funerals and such.

I intentinally don't remember his name, he does not deserve the storage space.
Definitely possible. Phelps and his pack of animals... Although they have yet to hide behind secrecy... They "protest" outrageously because they want to hit the news with their 'message' (loosest of terms there). This doesn't feel like his M.O.

This is a whole new pack of wimpy animals who are even lower than Phelps. They are the parasites that grow in whale poop.

Say what you will Damo, I know nobody in the peace movement who would ever even think of doing something like this.

And, there is no benefit to us to do something like this.

Who benefits from an act like this?

The faux outrage queenies that's who. Who's hurt by it? The Peace movement. So, I say, prove it.

Cindy Sheehan did and now she has left the protest...need I really say more???
And I say that often the most direct answer is the answer. Occam's razor. The whole, well it has to be a conspiracy inside another one because I don't know anybody who will admit to doing this is a bit convoluted and seriously tweaked. Nobody wants to claim these turds because they smell particularly bad.

There is a reason they do this in secret, it is because they know how both sides will react. One will say, "Hey! Be more responsible in your protest and if you don't we'll kick you!" the other will say, "Hey! There's those guys who desecrate graves! GET THEM!"

As I said, one of the wimpiest "protests" I have ever seen. If you feel this way then air it out, don't secretly spit on those with no more voice.

Occam's razor would have provided the WRONG explanation for Countelpro activities now wouldn't it have? But you wouldn't have believed it then either Damo, and years later when it came out, you wouldn't have been around to admit it.

I know no one who would desecrate a grave. this is absurd. It's a right wing fantasy of how an anti-war protester would behave.

My own father is buried at Calverton National cemetary Damo, and if anyone put a swatski on his grave, I would beat the living shit out of them, so they better not let me catch them doing it.

You like to make anti-war protesters into cartoons. And this fits right in with that cartoon.

I notice that this time, you dont' want to "wait for proof" before you make a judgement. Kind of telling.

Occam's razor would have provided the WRONG explanation for Countelpro activities now wouldn't it have? But you wouldn't have believed it then either Damo, and years later when it came out, you wouldn't have been around to admit it.

I know no one who would desecrate a grave. this is absurd. It's a right wing fantasy of how an anti-war protester would behave.

My own father is buried at Calverton National cemetary Damo, and if anyone put a swatski on his grave, I would beat the living shit out of them, so they better not let me catch them doing it.

You like to make anti-war protesters into cartoons. And this fits right in with that cartoon.

I notice that this time, you dont' want to "wait for proof" before you make a judgement. Kind of telling.

Your Father served...please elborate! Which war?...and just to be honest If my daughters had made statements like this...and if there is a 'Afterlife' which I believe there is..well to be honest Darla I would be rolling over in my grave had I not survived my personal ordeal...and I am sure 'Cindy' finally got the message from her son...in her dreams...enough' said!
My guess is it is some deranged little kids trying to get attention. They likely did this in secret to see what the response would be. My guess is that seeing condemnation from both sides will cause them to remain quiet. To equate this to either side seems a bit silly.
Ahh so it was those liberal spare the rod types that caused it then super ?
Yeah expect me to raise their brats for them....
Your Father served...please elborate! Which war?...and just to be honest If my daughters had made statements like this...and if there is a 'Afterlife' which I believe there is..well to be honest Darla I would be rolling over in my grave had I not survived my personal ordeal...and I am sure 'Cindy' finally got the message from her son...in her dreams...enough' said!

Made statements like what? What are you talking about?

My father loved me and used to beam with pride over me, but thanks for implying that he's ashamed of me. That was really nice.