But Bush said not yet....


I actually doubt that you really knew Ken Osmond. You would know he served on the LAPD for 18 years, not five.

more bubblebutt bullshit.

Is the "story" of your military service more of the same?

just askin'.

You are about as dumb as a rock...yes I knew him I worked LAPD from 1971-1975 then went on to the Feds...and for your info 'Ensign Pulver'...I grew up in Burbank,Calif...so I was familiar with alot of oldie actors and actresses...went to school with quite a few...and for my Military experience it is as stated many times in here...now back to doing lunch with the terrorists with ya...'Lard Ass'!!!
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You are about as dumb as a rock...yes I knew him I worked LAPD from 1971-1975 then went on to the Feds...and for your info 'Ensign Pulver'...I grew up in Burbank,Calif...so I was familiar with alot of oldie actors and actresses...went to school with quite a few...and for my Military experience it is as stated many times in here...now back to doing lunch with the terrorists with ya...'Lard Ass'!!!

you inability to unambiguously communicate using the english language is all about you....

and I would even do lunch with YOU if my country asked me to, but I would probably "purge" afterwards.

you inability to unambiguously communicate using the english language is all about you....

and I would even do lunch with YOU if my country asked me to, but I would probably "purge" afterwards.


I wouldn't be able to hold out until afterwards. I'd puke right in his plate.
Flags Replaced With Swastikas in Wash.

ORCAS ISLAND, Wash. (AP) -- Vandals burned dozens of small American flags that decorated veterans' graves for Memorial Day and replaced many of them with hand-drawn swastikas, authorities said Monday.

Forty-six flag standards were found empty and another 33 flags were in charred tatters Sunday in the cemetery, authorities said. Swastikas drawn on paper appeared where 14 of the flags had been.

Members of the American Legion on this island off Washington's northwest coast replaced the burned flags with new ones Sunday afternoon.


It would appear that some of the NEO's just can't wait....

Question: what in heavens name does the OP Title have to do with the Link or issue???? perhaps it is "YOU" who should ---

"think a little bit"
For fuck's sake...both "sides" have radicals. They don't speak for the majority. The more both sides point towards the radical elements of their "enemies", and proclaim them as "the norm", the longer we have to deal with the ridiculous outcomes of policies based on radical ideologies.
Radical ideology is only dangerous when it is given precedence due to fear of the opposing radical ideology. We've suffered through seven years of this. Can we grow up now?