But Bush said not yet....

Do you mean the EO statement? We are an equal opportunity employer, blah blah? I’ve never read it. I read the offer letter, that’s about it. I didn’t know there was a law, and as soon as you said there was one, my heart sank thinking about what rat bastards the government is filled with. They’re the ones who sent them over there for a lie. They’re the ones who fought the very idea that PTSD even existed when they came back. They’re the ones who didn’t treat them. And then they used them one more time, in order to discredit the anti-war movement, filled with returning Vets itself.

As I said we’re on two different worlds on this, but your implication that I was pretending not to know something for some nebulous reason, is wrong, and weird. I’m surprised you think I’d do that
I was letting you have the last word, but it has come to my attention that I should note the fact that I don't think you were being deliberately dishonest when you didn't know about the AA laws effecting specifically the Vietnam era veterans. While I have had myriad chance to know about them, being at times the employer as well as the employee, others may not have had such exposure.
I was letting you have the last word, but it has come to my attention that I should note the fact that I don't think you were being deliberately dishonest when you didn't know about the AA laws effecting specifically the Vietnam era veterans. While I have had myriad chance to know about them, being at times the employer as well as the employee, others may not have had such exposure.


I'm only a lowly copywriter, and have never hired anybody. And if I ever am in that position, I plan on hiring only men, and they will have to remove their shirts first. Anything else will not be relevant.

I'm only a lowly copywriter, and have never hired anybody. And if I ever am in that position, I plan on hiring only men, and they will have to remove their shirts first. Anything else will not be relevant.
LOL. I hope you don't ask them to set their chest hair on fire...
Give it a rest...Child of the flower...

Who was spit on more often, returning vets or peace activists?

I didn't say you made it up Mainman.

All known evidence points to it being a rare occurence. Yet, nearly every vet you see on message boards, says it happened to them. I don't even believe BB is actually a Vietnam Vet, no less that he was spit on. I think he is full of shit all around, if you want to know the truth.

You seem to imply there was some sort of altercation when you were spit on. i wonder which group spit first. Right wing veterans, or, I should say, alleged veterans, have been spitting on peace protesters in DC lately. If one of them spits on me you can bet your ass I will spit right back in their faces, and when it gets reported, no doubt on FOX, it will be "anti war protester spits on veteran". In fact, I have long hoped one of them would do it to me, because from what I have seen, in videos on the internet, right wing bullies have been posting video of their intimidating peace protesters, spitting on them, ripping their signs out of their hands, and running them off. I will give them a video to put on Utube, but it will be slightly different.

You want me to believe it was so different back then. But I don't. I know these people. They haven't changed.

Sorry to disappoint the flower child...but I am a VN era Vet...1st and 2nd cav...and yes I was spit on...'You can't handle the truth'...even maineman admits to it...have a nice protected life though!
so what the fuck? When you want to quote me, I am a credible source, but the rest of the time I am a lying blowhard? Eat shit, Bubblebutt!

so what the fuck? When you want to quote me, I am a credible source, but the rest of the time I am a lying blowhard? Eat shit, Bubblebutt!

and where did I say you were credible Ensign Pulver...I just said you admitted it...alas... relax Darla loves and believes you since you are a Liberal...! After all we who are conservatives are nothing but liars and phoneys...albeit we do most if not all the fighting...:rolleyes:
and where did I say you were credible Ensign Pulver...I just said you admitted it...alas... relax Darla loves and believes you since you are a Liberal...! After all we who are conservatives are nothing but liars and phoneys...albeit we do most if not all the fighting...:rolleyes:

I believe him because he told me his whole story, it sounded believable, and also because he has never lied to me before. You on the other hand, have engaged in some stunning displays of projection on this thread, and I think you are a big phony.

And ps, you sound a little jealous of Mainman here.
After all we who are conservatives are nothing but liars and phoneys...albeit we do most if not all the fighting...:rolleyes:

the mere choice of your overtly macho screen name would tend to indicate otherwise... your blustering about shit you know nothing of tends to confirm the initial indication.

I believe him because he told me his whole story, it sounded believable, and also because he has never lied to me before. You on the other hand, have engaged in some stunning displays of projection on this thread, and I think you are a big phony.

And ps, you sound a little jealous of Mainman here.

Yeah thats me jealous of lard ass maineman...the 'Do Lunch with the enemy' (Ensign Pulver)...I have seen his pics...but hey go for the liberals they talk big, but carry a small stick...and you know for a fact he never lied to you?...amazing simply amazing...you deduced this from what he posts on a message board...Right! Back to the 'Copy' room with you!

the mere choice of your overtly macho screen name would tend to indicate otherwise... your blustering about shit you know nothing of tends to confirm the initial indication.

Ensign Pulver...Do lunch and gain some more weight...maybe a terrorist is available to meet ya for a lamb burger!
Yeah thats me jealous of lard ass maineman...the 'Do Lunch with the enemy' (Ensign Pulver)...I have seen his pics...but hey go for the liberals they talk big, but carry a small stick...and you know for a fact he never lied to you?...amazing simply amazing...you deduced this from what he posts on a message board...Right! Back to the 'Copy' room with you!

LOL! Oh boy you are really jealous of him.
it would seem that all you have are one liners that are as crisp as last night's french fries.... what else ya got there, bubblebutt?

It is funny that you denigrate my service to my country while serving with the UN as "doing lunch with the enemy".... that really is pointlessly insulting and inaccurate but I consider the pathetic and clearly jealous source and laugh it off. My JOB was to gain the respect and trust of the leaders of a variety of armed factions in southern lebanon. I did it very well. You make light of it, but I doubt you would have had the wisdom or the stomach for it.
Ensign Pulver...Do lunch and gain some more weight...maybe a terrorist is available to meet ya for a lamb burger!

and, by this comment, I would imagine that you are one of those former "soldiers" who is now as wide as you are tall. A few too many tallboys at the American Legion Post lying about your service?
it would seem that all you have are one liners that are as crisp as last night's french fries.... what else ya got there, bubblebutt?

It is funny that you denigrate my service to my country while serving with the UN as "doing lunch with the enemy".... that really is pointlessly insulting and inaccurate but I consider the pathetic and clearly jealous source and laugh it off. My JOB was to gain the respect and trust of the leaders of a variety of armed factions in southern lebanon. I did it very well. You make light of it, but I doubt you would have had the wisdom or the stomach for it.

That must be some picture he's seen of you Mainman. He's clearly eaten alive by the green monster.

the mere choice of your overtly macho screen name would tend to indicate otherwise... your blustering about shit you know nothing of tends to confirm the initial indication.

Okee Dokee...look at the fat man hiding behind the storm flag...in front of a pyramid...Isn't lunch about ready???;)
wouldn't you have loved to have the opportunity and the ability, not to mention the chutzpah, to climb Cheops and watch the sunrise from on top? lol