Who was spit on more often, returning vets or peace activists?
I didn't say you made it up Mainman.
All known evidence points to it being a rare occurence. Yet, nearly every vet you see on message boards, says it happened to them. I don't even believe BB is actually a Vietnam Vet, no less that he was spit on. I think he is full of shit all around, if you want to know the truth.
You seem to imply there was some sort of altercation when you were spit on. i wonder which group spit first. Right wing veterans, or, I should say, alleged veterans, have been spitting on peace protesters in DC lately. If one of them spits on me you can bet your ass I will spit right back in their faces, and when it gets reported, no doubt on FOX, it will be "anti war protester spits on veteran". In fact, I have long hoped one of them would do it to me, because from what I have seen, in videos on the internet, right wing bullies have been posting video of their intimidating peace protesters, spitting on them, ripping their signs out of their hands, and running them off. I will give them a video to put on Utube, but it will be slightly different.
You want me to believe it was so different back then. But I don't. I know these people. They haven't changed.