But Bush said not yet....


My father is buried at Calverton National Cemetary. That's all I am going to say about him, because anything else is none of your fucking business asshole.

I mentioned it because I wanted to point out to Damo that anti-war protesters are not cartoons. I don't care whether you believe me or not.

As to what my father would think of what I do, I can tell you this much...he'd bash your fucking head in in two seconds if you ever had said any of this above to his face.

And he was a 6'3 Irish man who grew up on the streets of Brooklyn. when I say he would have bashed your fucking head in, I mean, he would have bashed your fucking head in.

Now screw off.

Shit! ..I am just a little Italian kinda guy...5'7" of pure dine-o-mite...your Daddy would have been my friend...if what you are saying about him is true...I think not as you are evading the real life experience of your fantasy Daddy!...Get with it prove me wrong or quit with your fantasy world..I am so tired of y'alls liberal BS...making up facts that are way far from reality...Put up or shut up...I had a real life...unlike you!(and I still do...lol)
All I know is that if I were a neoconservative opportunist who saw public support for my little war waning, pulling off a stunt like this might be just the thing to possibly turn the public away from the anti-war movement.

It certainly cannot turn the public TOWARD the anti-war movement...it certainly cannot garner support for their cause. It is clearly a thought out and well planned event - not anything at all like the inappropriate - but nonetheless spontaneous - spitting on troops that happened during Vietnam - Once to me, in fact, in OHare airport, in December 1969 - and I certainly don't think those young kids went to the airport with the express intention of spitting on guys in uniform...I think that the situation escalated and folks reacted. this event is nothing like that.
Regardless, I look to the message sent and how often I have heard them called "nazis" and who has done the name-calling.

I'd suspect Phelps but he would have done it openly and the flags would have said something nasty about gays....
Fine... Better example. The left has little to gain from booby-trapping trees and killing/maiming loggers. Yet we know that it happens sometimes.

Just as the right has little to benefit from blowing up people at abortion clinics, yet we know it happens sometimes.

Sick freakos exist on both sides, that neither side wants to claim them because they are so disgusting doesn't change that they are there.

I would disagree when you call environmentalists "the left"...

and from their perspective, they DO have something to gain. they are saving a tree or two or more.... much like abortion clinic bombers are saving a some number of fetuses.
Can you imagine that this drunken asshole thinks I'm making up that my father was in the military? As if I had said, my father was in the movies! What a moron.

My father wasn't in the military, think what you want. You really think I care? I wasn't talking to you anyway.
Up yours...

Indeed, I've never met one who actually saw it happen. It's always "someone they knew" or the proverbial friend-of-a-friend.

I'm not saying that it didn't happen, I'm just saying there's precious little evidence to support the idea it happened with any regularity. Most of the Vietnam War era protesters that I knew then and continue to know now had nothing against those who served on the ground. Our quarrel was, as always, with the politicians and, to a lesser extent, the generals.

BS freak...I for one was 'spit upon'...needless to say the spitter received his just reward..Ft Ord California,1968 on my ets departure...quit with all the BS it was a fact of everyones life in the military VN era...kiss Lt.Kerry's proverbial ass all ya want...he was a fraud too!
Yet I had made no "positive" assurance and used words like "most likely", you only read what you want again. I have made no claim to absolute knowledge, just a judgement of what I think is most likely.

And often nobody benefits from a negative action taken, we look to why somebody might take such an action and what message was sent through the action.

I also notice that you believe Rs to be "cartoons" with your positive assurance that the protestors aren't.

The charicature of somebody sneaking through the night doing some inane thing laughing as they say, "It'll be blamed on the lefties..." is just such a "cartoon".

I am closer to saying that the most likely is the kids scenario brought forward by SF.

No I think it was the FBI or some other government agency. I don't think it was the "r's" if by that you mean, Republican citizens. And it's not a "cartoon" Damo, it happened (anti-war protesters being set up by FBI agitators) far more than vietnam vets were spit on.
BS freak...I for one was 'spit upon'...needless to say the spitter received his just reward..Ft Ord California,1968 on my ets departure...quit with all the BS it was a fact of everyones life in the military VN era...kiss Lt.Kerry's proverbial ass all ya want...he was a fraud too!

I personally know Vietnam Vets who would read this post, and say that YOU were the fraud.
No I think it was the FBI or some other government agency. I don't think it was the "r's" if by that you mean, Republican citizens. And it's not a "cartoon" Damo, it happened (anti-war protesters being set up by FBI agitators) far more than vietnam vets were spit on.
I don't think it was. But if it happens to come out that way, you can rest assured I will remember and humbly apologize for opining in the other direction.

As for the "I disagree environmentalists are leftists" (other posters I know..) I could say the same thing about the RR. Yet they vote with your crowd. I know you don't want to claim the stink that is among you, but it exists.

I personally know Vietnam Vets who would read this post, and say that YOU were the fraud.

Well hun...tell them if ya really know them..to come into this site and challenge me...start with USC..move forward from there..I respect USC because he is honest in his assessment of VN...being that he was there and did that..albeit we have a difference of opinion on the end result..Like I said put up or shut the hell up!...Post your Dads war record...and where he served..and why you have come to this conclusion...now back to NYC clubs with ya...or is that DC clubs...'Party Hardy' Georgetown University' HO!
I personally know Vietnam Vets who would read this post, and say that YOU were the fraud.
And I know of others at the Legion what would just about spit nails reading yours. Now that we've traded anecdotes can we get to the subject at hand?
"BS freak...I for one was 'spit upon'...needless to say the spitter received his just reward..Ft Ord California,1968 on my ets departure...quit with all the BS it was a fact of everyones life in the military VN era...kiss Lt.Kerry's proverbial ass all ya want...he was a fraud too!"

ummm... BB... where exactly did I say anything with regards to vietnam vets being spit upon?????
BS freak...I for one was 'spit upon'...needless to say the spitter received his just reward..Ft Ord California,1968 on my ets departure...quit with all the BS it was a fact of everyones life in the military VN era...kiss Lt.Kerry's proverbial ass all ya want...he was a fraud too!
Awww, did the nasty protester offend you, little boy? I hope your mommy kissed it and made it better. :rolleyes:

I specifically said that I didn't deny it happened, I'm just saying that I've seen little evidence it was common. I've still seen little.

The insecure often have trouble seeing past their own experiences, I've noticed. What happens to him -- or her -- is blown all out of proportion.
Give it a rest!

"BS freak...I for one was 'spit upon'...needless to say the spitter received his just reward..Ft Ord California,1968 on my ets departure...quit with all the BS it was a fact of everyones life in the military VN era...kiss Lt.Kerry's proverbial ass all ya want...he was a fraud too!"

ummm... BB... where exactly did I say anything with regards to vietnam vets being spit upon?????

Are you now saying you are ORNO?...why do y'all have to have alternate personnas??? Stand your ground on what ya say..don't dodge the questions..I am honest and up front...'can we all get along'...never mind y'all take the alter-ego route to distract...lol
What can one say....

Awww, did the nasty protester offend you, little boy? I hope your mommy kissed it and made it better. :rolleyes:

I specifically said that I didn't deny it happened, I'm just saying that I've seen little evidence it was common. I've still seen little.

The insecure often have trouble seeing past their own experiences, I've noticed. What happens to him -- or her -- is blown all out of proportion.

But up yours freak..ya never had a real life experience in your whole life...just keep on a keeping on with your BS though...'Professor'...LMAO
Are you now saying you are ORNO?...why do y'all have to have alternate personnas??? Stand your ground on what ya say..don't dodge the questions..I am honest and up front...'can we all get along'...never mind y'all take the alter-ego route to distract...lol

Listen tool... you said.... "BS freak"... now it could be that you were calling ORNO a freak. In that case, my bad. But I think it is fairly easy to see why I thought you were talking to me.

So calm down a bit and pull the stick out of your ass.
I don't think it was. But if it happens to come out that way, you can rest assured I will remember and humbly apologize for opining in the other direction.

As for the "I disagree environmentalists are leftists" (other posters I know..) I could say the same thing about the RR. Yet they vote with your crowd. I know you don't want to claim the stink that is among you, but it exists.

No, I'll want more than an apology. You'll have to be my slave for the whole day.
Awww, did the nasty protester offend you, little boy? I hope your mommy kissed it and made it better. :rolleyes:

I specifically said that I didn't deny it happened, I'm just saying that I've seen little evidence it was common. I've still seen little.

The insecure often have trouble seeing past their own experiences, I've noticed. What happens to him -- or her -- is blown all out of proportion.

He's gone sideways since I posted that my father was a vet. He apparently thought that peace activists could not have had family in the military, ever.

He lives in a very small world. If I had known he'd freak out like this just from finding out about my dad, I would have posted it weeks ago.
Well hun...tell them if ya really know them..to come into this site and challenge me...start with USC..move forward from there..I respect USC because he is honest in his assessment of VN...being that he was there and did that..albeit we have a difference of opinion on the end result..Like I said put up or shut the hell up!...Post your Dads war record...and where he served..and why you have come to this conclusion...now back to NYC clubs with ya...or is that DC clubs...'Party Hardy' Georgetown University' HO!

I don't know how to make this any clearer than I already have.

When you sober up, read this again and see if you can get it through your head.

I could not possibly care any less than I do, about what you believe or don't believe. It would not be possible to care less. I don't care at all. I care to the Zero amount. Caring less would put me into negative caring territory.

I have nothing to prove to you because I don't care. My father wasn't in the military, I don't know any Vietnam Vets who say that this spitting story you are telling is Bullshit, I'm not even a girl, whatever.

I don't care.