Monarchies are a form of dictatorship. If the monarchy controls the economy then it is likely to one degree or another socialist as well. North Korea is more a monarchy than communist nation. You have an hereditary head-of-state who by some propaganda is of divine birth, and that monarch controls everything.
One needs to be consistent in placing various systems of government, society, and economics on some sort of scale. Defining their position by labeling alone is useless.
Fascism is on the Left because it is dictatorial, socialist (either outright or statist-Capitalist a variant), nationalist (as opposed to internationalist for Communism). On this last, you might think of Fascism as akin to a non-converting religion where Communism is a converting religion. That is Fascism seeks to elevate the nation and promotes xenophobia. Communism seeks to spread itself to every corner of the planet and promote a one-world-government.
In both cases, the state subsumes the individual, government runs the economy (even if in a fascist state the means of production is left in private hands so long as they do as the government dictates), and the government itself is a dictatorship.