California is insane...

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
I just bought some new insulated screwdrivers and pliers.


They weren't cheap, and are some of the best you can buy. They're certified by OSHA, NFPA70E, CSA, UL, etc., but according to the state of California they can cause cancer and reproductive harm...

California is fucking retarded.
I hate California, they scream Climate change while abusing the state water table for decades. Their costs are inflated for no reason. Their leadership makes Trump look like a genius!
I just bought some new insulated screwdrivers and pliers.


They weren't cheap, and are some of the best you can buy. They're certified by OSHA, NFPA70E, CSA, UL, etc., but according to the state of California they can cause cancer and reproductive harm...

California is fucking retarded.

I'm a bit of a tool junkie. What makes them worth the price?
I hate California, they scream Climate change while abusing the state water table for decades. Their costs are inflated for no reason. Their leadership makes Trump look like a genius!

how have they been abusing the state water table, dumbfuck?
I'm a bit of a tool junkie. What makes them worth the price?

They're 1000 VAC (most cheap insulated go to 600 VAC) insulated and they're made to last decades in hard use. I a set of SKG's from the 80's that are still great. These are the same way. They just don't wear out or break on you when you're using them everyday.
They're 1000 VAC (most cheap insulated go to 600 VAC) insulated and they're made to last decades in hard use. I a set of SKG's from the 80's that are still great. These are the same way. They just don't wear out or break on you when you're using them everyday.

Cool. Most of my hobby is the 12 volt variety. I have a nice set of Grace hollow ground screwdrivers, wood handles and made in some weird place called Yousa. Great for old slotted screws, like on 60's carburetors or old furniture.
Cool. Most of my hobby is the 12 volt variety. I have a nice set of Grace hollow ground screwdrivers, wood handles and made in some weird place called Yousa. Great for old slotted screws, like on 60's carburetors or old furniture.

I like tools made by the Nazis (Germans). They make killer good tools... :awesome: American made are good too but they lack a certain Teutonic flair for neurotic precision.
by building resorts in deserts dumbshit, pulling water from multiple states, there is no natural green grass in southern CA for a reason. The forest fires and a direct reaction to their actions
bullshit, bitch. that has nothing to do with their water table, you ignorant slimeball.
A good start would be in Owens Valley / Owens Valley lake and the construction of the Los Angeles aqueduct...

Over pumping ground water in California has done this:




so doing what it takes to drink water is fucking up the water table? you guys are so fucked up. fucking up the water table is fracking, that allows toxic gases and fluids TO FUCK UP THE WATER TABLE....building a pipeline that would allow all kinds of shit into the water table and fuck it up, is FUCKING UP THE WATER TABLE. it is the INCREDIBLE CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSED DROUGHT THAT IS FUCKING UP THE WATER TABLE, IDIOT CLOWNS.
so doing what it takes to drink water is fucking up the water table? you guys are so fucked up. fucking up the water table is fracking, that allows toxic gases and fluids TO FUCK UP THE WATER TABLE....building a pipeline that would allow all kinds of shit into the water table and fuck it up, is FUCKING UP THE WATER TABLE. it is the INCREDIBLE CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSED DROUGHT THAT IS FUCKING UP THE WATER TABLE, IDIOT CLOWNS.

Wrong. Trying to do massive, large scale agriculture in a desert is "fucking things up." Over pumping ground water and overuse of freshwater from lakes (like Owens) is what's screwing shit up. Gorebal Warming has nothing to do with this. Fracking isn't the problem. In California most fracking is done using the steam method, so there are fewer chemicals involved than in processes used in places like Pennsylvania or Texas.

For decades, California bought and used a big chunk of Colorado River water that had been allotted to Nevada and Arizona. These states starting about the 90's started taking their full allotment leaving California short on water because that state had failed to develop alternatives to that water.
California's handing of water has been myopic and in some cases, delusional. Now they're reaping the results of that stupidity.


So, when the retards in Sacramento are slapping all sorts of restrictions on homeowners and businesses while allowing farmers to use uncontrolled amounts of water, they're simply ignoring where the problem really is for an attempted quick fix.
Wrong. Trying to do massive, large scale agriculture in a desert is "fucking things up." Over pumping ground water and overuse of freshwater from lakes (like Owens) is what's screwing shit up. Gorebal Warming has nothing to do with this. Fracking isn't the problem. In California most fracking is done using the steam method, so there are fewer chemicals involved than in processes used in places like Pennsylvania or Texas.

For decades, California bought and used a big chunk of Colorado River water that had been allotted to Nevada and Arizona. These states starting about the 90's started taking their full allotment leaving California short on water because that state had failed to develop alternatives to that water.
California's handing of water has been myopic and in some cases, delusional. Now they're reaping the results of that stupidity.


So, when the retards in Sacramento are slapping all sorts of restrictions on homeowners and businesses while allowing farmers to use uncontrolled amounts of water, they're simply ignoring where the problem really is for an attempted quick fix.

so you are saying they should just give up on an industry that creates 47 billion dollars a year? give up on agriculture production that creates 13% of the total agriculture in this country and 99% of the agriculture that produces almonds, figs, olives, peaches, plums, pistachios and walnuts?