California is insane...

The movie “Amadeus” made light of a similarly insane genius.

There’s evidence mental illness aids creativity, but it’s not a requirement as history often proves. The key point to creativity is to be able to see things in different ways. People who only see things one way might as well sing karaoke or buy paint-by-numbers kits. Those who are creative, specifically those who use the right side of their brains (in most people), then they can tap into something special.

Western thought is linear thought just like the left brain. Eastern thought uses both sides, both the linear and the holistic creative side of themselves in the right brain.

IMO, it’s important to use both sides, but that all ideas must be tempered in logic. For people in technical fields, that’s an excellent position. For those writing books, screenplays, songs or painting art, they benefit by going the other way. Letting their “gut” overrule their head. Everyone should do this for fun, but not if it will get you killed.

The downside is going too far either way. Too much one way a person becomes a fucking robot and too much the other way they become an emotional hot mess ODing in their $1000/night hotel room.

I say if you can swing a $1000 per night hotel room you don't have a problem.... yet!
I say if you can swing a $1000 per night hotel room you don't have a problem.... yet!

They do. Drugs, psychological problems, dysfunctional families, etc. I've often joked that I'm glad I wasn't born rich since I'd have probably ended up a coke-addicted asshole like this guy:


Rich assholes and the welfare/poverty cycle are two reasons why I think it's best people should earn what they have. It's a matter of self-respect.
I just bought some new insulated screwdrivers and pliers.


They weren't cheap, and are some of the best you can buy. They're certified by OSHA, NFPA70E, CSA, UL, etc., but according to the state of California they can cause cancer and reproductive harm...

California is fucking retarded.

Actually Russian trolls are insane at being a threat against the Russian residents of California too in favor of a bunch of fake democrats and repuke lunatics who want to not only destroy the Calif. economy but, in particular, the Russian economy too.