California is insane...

I assume the State of California determined:

1. These tools were made in Germany
2. Germans were once Nazis
3. Nazis were "Radical Right Wingers"
4. That makes them domestic terrorists
5. But calling a bunch of tools domestic terrorists is insane
6. So, they declared they caused cancer.


It's the plastic in the handles and casing, I'm sure, with an orientatition to pregnant women and kids.

I'm more curious why you need a $300 set of screwdrivers and pliers? Is there really that much difference for the job?
I just hate liars like you.

Dark Soul; you're the one making false accusations.

You and I both know you just like to hate because you are a dark soul. A bitter asshole who knows I'm right about your marriage soon and living alone. I told you this a year ago. You obviously don't want to change and save your marriage. Your call. My call is freedom to give my opinion on the matter. LOL
Dark Soul; you're the one making false accusations.

You and I both know you just like to hate because you are a dark soul. A bitter asshole who knows I'm right about your marriage soon and living alone. I told you this a year ago. You obviously don't want to change and save your marriage. Your call. My call is freedom to give my opinion on the matter. LOL
Ok Boomer.
The west is the best, get here and we'll do the rest. - Jim Morrison

If the sun refuse to shine,
I don't mind, I don't mind,
If the mountains fell in the sea,
let it be, it ain't me.
Alright, 'cos I got my own world to look through,
And I ain't gonna copy you.
Did he even make it out of his twenties?

No. Neither did a lot of other Boomers, son. Not just musicians like Morrison, Hendrix and Joplin, but over 56,000 young Americans.

So feel free to take your dumb, fat, drunken Gen X ass and get a fucking clue before you find yourself playing Russian Roulette in trailer home.
Hello Micawber,

Following Jim Morrison would be like following Jim Jones.

Not really, IMO. People liked Jim because he looked like a statue of David and sang like a crooner. LOL

People liked Jim Jones were mental case victims.

I agree emulating Jim Morrison's lifestyle cannot end happily. But same with hundreds of rock stars
who could not cope with the fame.
Hello Micawber,

Not really, IMO. People liked Jim because he looked like a statue of David and sang like a crooner. LOL

People liked Jim Jones were mental case victims.

I agree emulating Jim Morrison's lifestyle cannot end happily. But same with hundreds of rock stars
who could not cope with the fame.

Many of the greatest guitar players had an abusive or missing father.

Being a little messed up seems to help with focusing on music. Look at Joni Mitchell, Amy Winehouse.
Hello Micawber,

Many of the greatest guitar players had an abusive or missing father.

Being a little messed up seems to help with focusing on music. Look at Joni Mitchell, Amy Winehouse.
The movie “Amadeus” made light of a similarly insane genius.

There’s evidence mental illness aids creativity, but it’s not a requirement as history often proves. The key point to creativity is to be able to see things in different ways. People who only see things one way might as well sing karaoke or buy paint-by-numbers kits. Those who are creative, specifically those who use the right side of their brains (in most people), then they can tap into something special.

Western thought is linear thought just like the left brain. Eastern thought uses both sides, both the linear and the holistic creative side of themselves in the right brain.

IMO, it’s important to use both sides, but that all ideas must be tempered in logic. For people in technical fields, that’s an excellent position. For those writing books, screenplays, songs or painting art, they benefit by going the other way. Letting their “gut” overrule their head. Everyone should do this for fun, but not if it will get you killed.

The downside is going too far either way. Too much one way a person becomes a fucking robot and too much the other way they become an emotional hot mess ODing in their $1000/night hotel room.