California is insane...

Hello Dutch Uncle,

That 'liberal paradise' hype is reinforced heavily from Right Wing Propaganda.

Those water shortage problems go way back to before California elected 'liberal' Reagan as governor.

...and what have they done in the past 50 years about it? Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Please don't give me the "it's the Republicans" bullshit. California did it to themselves just as surely as the Big Texas Freeze fiasco was self-inflicted.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

...and what have they done in the past 50 years about it? Nothing. Nada. Zip.

Please don't give me the "it's the Republicans" bullshit. California did it to themselves just as surely as the Big Texas Freeze fiasco was self-inflicted.

I only pointed out that California is not all liberals. They are now in the process of trying to throw their 'liberal' governor out - again.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Agreed and too expensive. High taxes and high prices along with water and electrical rationing. A liberal paradise. :laugh:

That's a right wing propaganda soundbyte which is not exactly accurate. It's not all liberals, and it is no paradise because it is too crowded.
It's just a place with temperate climate and a lot of natural beauty. It has become too crowded. You can't blame people for wanting to live there, but it has been ruined because too many people, basically.

The problem is it is a forewarning of what is happening, basically, to the entire planet because of the Climate Crisis.
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Do you know why LA doesn't have the urban vibe of other great American cities?
It's a car town.
People walk around in other great cities.
Things are spread out in LA, and people just don't walk like they do in the other cities.
Even in San Francisco, where walking those hills gives you Olympian calves. you see people walking.

California is a great place from a climate perspective, and true city people accept crowds as a way of life.
If the burbs are too crowded, that's another story. That's not my preferred lifestyle.

Also, PollyAnna's pretentious signature is still annoying.
I just bought some new insulated screwdrivers and pliers.


They weren't cheap, and are some of the best you can buy. They're certified by OSHA, NFPA70E, CSA, UL, etc., but according to the state of California they can cause cancer and reproductive harm...

California is fucking retarded.
They seem to put that label on basically everything... They really ARE fucking retarded over there... Well, the LA/San Fran/Sacramento areas that control the SOTC, anyway...
8th largest economy in the WORLD
stay away and continue collecting welfare checks for yoyr state before we decide to keep it a and let you hateful filthy racist drown.
8th largest economy in the WORLD
stay away and continue collecting welfare checks for your state before we decide to keep it
and let you hateful filthy racist drown.

8th largest economy in the WORLD
stay away and continue collecting welfare checks for your state before we decide to keep it
and let you hateful filthy racist drown.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

That's a right wing propaganda soundbyte which is not exactly accurate. It's not all liberals, and it is no paradise because it is too crowded.

Texas isn't all conservatives but that hasn't stopped LW nutjobs from saying it's a "conservative state", "Red State", etc. In fact, it's pretty purple in a lot of spots which has nothing to do with the fact the "Left Coast" fucked itself over the past 50 years+.