California is insane...

so you are saying they should just give up on an industry that creates 47 billion dollars a year? give up on agriculture production that creates 13% of the total agriculture in this country and 99% of the agriculture that produces almonds, figs, olives, peaches, plums, pistachios and walnuts?

You're an idiot, and your complex question fallacy is ignored.

Agriculture uses the bulk of water nationwide. We should be focused on getting it to use that water more efficiently to reduce its consumption. Focusing on homeowners and business will produce far less results than a reduction of water use by agriculture.

For example:


Many of those across the US are not concrete lined. Few have a top covering. Lining irrigation canals and providing a top cover will reduce water loss to near zero and increase the amount delivered by as much as 50% or more. That's a massive savings.

Going from this


To this:


Or even this:


Is another huge reduction in usage.

But politicians--who are almost uniformly ill-informed technical illiterates--always go for the low hanging fruit and those who don't have the political juice to fight back. It doesn't matter if what they do is useless so long as they can claim they're doing something.
I just bought some new insulated screwdrivers and pliers.


They weren't cheap, and are some of the best you can buy. They're certified by OSHA, NFPA70E, CSA, UL, etc., but according to the state of California they can cause cancer and reproductive harm...

California is fucking retarded.

Laugh, BELIEVE IT OR NOT- but the truth is- there have been many frivolous lawsuits the state has had to pay because the plaintiffs said they got cancer or had some birth defect and they were not warned by the state of the dangers of certain chemicals.

So in 1986, California started posting Proposition 65 Warnings to cover their ass.
Laugh, BELIEVE IT OR NOT- but the truth is- there have been many frivolous lawsuits the state has had to pay because the plaintiffs said they got cancer or had some birth defect and they were not warned by the state of the dangers of certain chemicals.

So in 1986, California started posting Proposition 65 Warnings to cover their ass.

California environmental laws, along with ones like the ADA, and safety regulations, have bred an entire industry of what amounts to ambulance chasing lawyers looking for lawsuits on the basis of these laws. I read about one where a manufacturer of those air inflated bouncy things you get at your kid's birthday party or whatever got sued because there was trace amounts of lead in the material they were using.
They didn't make the material, just assembled the bouncy things. The material manufacturer couldn't be sued because they weren't in California. Didn't matter to the state or courts. They still held the bouncy thing manufacturer responsible. That bankrupted the company...
Of course, there was ZERO health or safety issues with the material or product over the few parts per billion lead in the material.

I found little stickers on the metal gutter I hung on the house last year saying California says it can cause cancer... I think Shakespeare was right, we do need to kill all the lawyers...
California environmental laws, along with ones like the ADA, and safety regulations, have bred an entire industry of what amounts to ambulance chasing lawyers looking for lawsuits on the basis of these laws. I read about one where a manufacturer of those air inflated bouncy things you get at your kid's birthday party or whatever got sued because there was trace amounts of lead in the material they were using.
They didn't make the material, just assembled the bouncy things. The material manufacturer couldn't be sued because they weren't in California. Didn't matter to the state or courts. They still held the bouncy thing manufacturer responsible. That bankrupted the company...
Of course, there was ZERO health or safety issues with the material or product over the few parts per billion lead in the material.

I found little stickers on the metal gutter I hung on the house last year saying California says it can cause cancer... I think Shakespeare was right, we do need to kill all the lawyers...

Frivolous lawsuits and those people and their lawyers that file them really suck!

Just about every state has some silly and stupid laws though.

Florida is about the stupidest of all! Like the one where it is illegal to fart in public after 6PM! I mean- HERE COMES THE FART PATROL! LOL!
Laugh, BELIEVE IT OR NOT- but the truth is- there have been many frivolous lawsuits the state has had to pay because the plaintiffs said they got cancer or had some birth defect and they were not warned by the state of the dangers of certain chemicals.

So in 1986, California started posting Proposition 65 Warnings to cover their ass.

One can make an argument for the original Prop 65 warnings at their inception. Today they have become so ubiquitous that they are on almost everything you buy and everywhere you go that you don't pay attention to it anymore.
You're an idiot, and your complex question fallacy is ignored.

Agriculture uses the bulk of water nationwide. We should be focused on getting it to use that water more efficiently to reduce its consumption. Focusing on homeowners and business will produce far less results than a reduction of water use by agriculture.

For example:


Many of those across the US are not concrete lined. Few have a top covering. Lining irrigation canals and providing a top cover will reduce water loss to near zero and increase the amount delivered by as much as 50% or more. That's a massive savings.

Going from this


To this:


Or even this:


Is another huge reduction in usage.

But politicians--who are almost uniformly ill-informed technical illiterates--always go for the low hanging fruit and those who don't have the political juice to fight back. It doesn't matter if what they do is useless so long as they can claim they're doing something.

no shit, dickhead. but that takes dough. is the state of california supposed to pay it all, wouldn't that be radical democratic socialism? you are against SNAP benefits but you want the state to help huge agrobusinesses modernize their equipment?
no shit, dickhead. but that takes dough. is the state of california supposed to pay it all, wouldn't that be radical democratic socialism? you are against SNAP benefits but you want the state to help huge agrobusinesses modernize their equipment?

The switch in irrigation systems drives the cost down not up. Framers have to pay for the water they use. Using 50 to 70% less results in a huge savings. The use of the syphon method is extremely cheap compared to central pivot irrigation systems. Use of drip irrigation, particularly on crops that are annual like orchards and vineyards, once installed only require periodic maintenance and are again cheaper than sprinklers or central pivot.
Cementing of canals and irrigation ditches is an on-going thing in most Western states and has been for decades now. As those are public use (ie., have numerous users) they are in the same category as roads and such so the government contracts that work paying for it with user fees and taxes.

And, yes, I'm against generous food stamps (the program was renamed SNAP because food stamps got negative connotation--like being called a liberal) because it like endless welfare breeds sloth and a desire not to work.
The switch in irrigation systems drives the cost down not up. Framers have to pay for the water they use. Using 50 to 70% less results in a huge savings. The use of the syphon method is extremely cheap compared to central pivot irrigation systems. Use of drip irrigation, particularly on crops that are annual like orchards and vineyards, once installed only require periodic maintenance and are again cheaper than sprinklers or central pivot.
Cementing of canals and irrigation ditches is an on-going thing in most Western states and has been for decades now. As those are public use (ie., have numerous users) they are in the same category as roads and such so the government contracts that work paying for it with user fees and taxes.

And, yes, I'm against generous food stamps (the program was renamed SNAP because food stamps got negative connotation--like being called a liberal) because it like endless welfare breeds sloth and a desire not to work.

but giving huge tax cuts to super rich fatcats and big corporations make them more does that work?
One can make an argument for the original Prop 65 warnings at their inception. Today they have become so ubiquitous that they are on almost everything you buy and everywhere you go that you don't pay attention to it anymore.

I can believe that! It's kind of like all of the fine print with disclaimers and limit's of liability clauses, etc. that precedes most contracts. People choose to say they read them, and they actually should- BUT OFTEN TIMES DON'T!
I can believe that! It's kind of like all of the fine print with disclaimers and limit's of liability clauses, etc. that precedes most contracts. People choose to say they read them, and they actually should- BUT OFTEN TIMES DON'T!

The problem with warnings like these are that people come to ignore them because of their ubiquity and obvious insanity when overused or used incorrectly.
They're 1000 VAC (most cheap insulated go to 600 VAC) insulated and they're made to last decades in hard use. I a set of SKG's from the 80's that are still great. These are the same way. They just don't wear out or break on you when you're using them everyday.

Nice. Too bad idiots in the SOTC thinks they cause cancer! :laugh:
by building resorts in deserts dumbshit, pulling water from multiple states, there is no natural green grass in southern CA for a reason. The forest fires and a direct reaction to their actions

I say we should stop exporting anything to the SOTC. No trucks, no trains, no aircraft, no ships, no electricity, no water.

Let 'em sit in the hot dark and do some serious navel gazing.
They make great cars too.

Porsche did most of that. Mercedes added their bit (some important bits, actually). There are some stupid elements in the design of BMW and Mercedes today, though; such as mounting the battery mid vehicle and making a long run to the starter motor and charging system.
Damn right it does, they have drained the state dry and wonder why they have fires

Not a State. California no longer recognizes the constitution of the State of California. I call it the SOTC now.

Fires occur in the SOTC not because it's dry, but because they don't manage their brush and forests anymore. It is a wet spring that causes excess brush to grow. By late summer, it's tinder.

Most fires in the SOTC are arson or carelessness.
so doing what it takes to drink water is fucking up the water table? you guys are so fucked up. fucking up the water table is fracking, that allows toxic gases and fluids TO FUCK UP THE WATER TABLE....building a pipeline that would allow all kinds of shit into the water table and fuck it up, is FUCKING UP THE WATER TABLE. it is the INCREDIBLE CLIMATE CHANGE CAUSED DROUGHT THAT IS FUCKING UP THE WATER TABLE, IDIOT CLOWNS.

Define 'climate change'.
Fracking does not produce anything toxic.
No one is building a pipeline for oil in the SOTC. The CalNeva pipeline first began moving oil products in 1980 and does not go up the San Joaquin valley.