Can a person who voted for Trump be a respectable human being?

Precisely. They were making a big stink about whether or not electors would even be "faithful" to Trump, yet it was Clinton who most of the defecting electors chose to defect from.

Correct. They don't care. They don't like The Constitution; it gets in their way. They want to be outwardly governed instead of inwardly governed. They want to be slaves rather than to be free.

That's one way to "dumb it down" in a general sense, but by the sounds of it, even that doesn't do the trick...

If these people don't like our federated republic, and instead want fascism by oligarchy, then there are plenty of other countries to choose from...

It's not really dumbing it down. They don't understand why the system we have is in place nor how it works. Maybe the grades/GPA example is too hard for them to understand.
It's not really dumbing it down. They don't understand why the system we have is in place nor how it works. Maybe the grades/GPA example is too hard for them to understand.
Correct. It shouldn't need "dumbing down" to begin with. There are many good reasons for why the newly founded USA put into place the system that it did. Unfortunately, history loves to repeat itself, as there is nothing new under the sun. We can see all throughout history that the centralization of power never ends well (as it results in an unpleasant "owner/slave" type relationship, rather than one being self-governed and free). Yet, that centralization of power (ultimately, globally) is what many people keep clamoring for...
I have several former friends and relatives, I'm embarrassed to say, who did vote for the pigfucker Trump;

and the fact that I use the word "former" pretty much answers my own question.

Trump, despite being a chronic liar, did not disguise who he was in his presidential campaign.

The vile, disgusting people who voted for him got exactly that for which they voted.

Consequently, nothing else that could be described as positive about their demeanor or character mitigates the reality of what they are.

They are people of absolutely no intrinsic value whose immediate disappearance would be nothing but a huge boon for the universe.

I have expanded my definition for worthless people. I no longer limit that classification to troglodytes who voted for Trump.

I have expanded it to include people who didn't vote for Trump but did not disown their friends and family who did.

Inability to unconditionally hate a Trump voter, no matter who it is, indicates a fatal character flaw.

To tolerate such people socially is to define oneself as an indiscriminate and fundamentally unprincipled person.

Many people believe in redemption for anything. They are dead wrong. Having voted for Trump is an irredeemable transgression that identifies one as a person whose birth was a terrible mistake of nature.

Trump is a lifetime conman. He is good at it. He was shocked that his cons worked on a national scale. That is when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes. The Trumpys were unable to understand that was an insult. They still are unable to see that. Trump has been a Buffoon in office, often embarrassing the country on the national stage. He has a 5th-grade vocabulary that is commensurate with his followers. He repeats things over and over and lies like it is a sport. His accomplishments include pushing away America's friendly nations and hugging dictators while publically stating he admires their power in their countries. He has used tariffs like an idiot at the shock of nearly every economist. Tariffs are anathema to free trade which is what Repubs have always claimed to be behind.
He is jailing thousands of children who will suffer serious psychological damage as a result. They are not people to Trump. They are just pawns in his game of power. He does not care at all about how they are being treated. If he did, he would have allowed food and clothing to be donated and doctors to see the kids. He would have opened the detentions to politicians. Must be a reason he hid them.
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Trump is a lifetime conman. He is good at it. He was shocked that his cons worked on a national scale. That is when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes. The Trumpys were unable to understand that was an insult. They still are unable to see that. Trump has been a Buffon in office, often embarrassing the country on the national stage. He has a 5th-grade vocabulary that is commensurate with his followers. He repeats things over and over and lies like it is a sport. His accomplishments include pushing away America's friendly nations and hugging dictators while publically stating he admires their power in their countries. He has used tariffs like an idiot at the shock of nearly every economist. Tariffs are anathema to free trade which is what Repubs have always claimed to be behind.
He is jailing thousands of children who will suffer serious psychological damage as a result. They are not people to Trump. They are just pawns in his game of power. He does not care at all about how they are being treated. If he did, he would have allowed food and clothing to be donated and doctors to see the kids. He would have opened the detentions to politicians. Must be a reason he hid them.

What's a buffon? You should be embarrassed yet you're not.

If those at the border don't like the conditions, turn around and go the fuck home. No one is making them stay.
Project much? Speak of a clay person....and up jumps the example. Right....err....left on que.

I posted a VIDEO of Trump turning his grade-school invective on a rival for lying(!) and you say I'M projecting? :rolleyes:

Here it is again:

“I must tell you something about Ted Cruz. I have never, never met someone who lies more than Ted Cruz. One of the great liars of all time. That’s why we call him Lyin’ Ted. He’s taken so much money from so many different people. He’s a nasty guy, nobody likes him, nobody in Congress likes him. Cruz is not a truthful person. Cruz is the most dishonest guy I think I’ve ever met in politics."

P.S. What's "que"?
I posted a VIDEO of Trump turning his grade-school invective on a rival for lying(!) and you say I'M projecting? :rolleyes:

Here it is again:

“I must tell you something about Ted Cruz. I have never, never met someone who lies more than Ted Cruz. One of the great liars of all time. That’s why we call him Lyin’ Ted. He’s taken so much money from so many different people. He’s a nasty guy, nobody likes him, nobody in Congress likes him. Cruz is not a truthful person. Cruz is the most dishonest guy I think I’ve ever met in politics."

P.S. What's "que"?

Cruz is the most hated man in politics by Dems and Reds, Yet he was the last man standing in the 2016 race with Trump. Two of the worst people in politics since Nixon were battling to lead the Repugs. Trump is a reprehensible human being blatantly selfish and stupid. But the best conman since PT Barnum.Cruz is a sleazeball who shares Trump's selfishness.
Not hard to see why the Repubs lack respect in the country and the world.
If that's the explanation, why did Trump get 3 million fewer votes than Hillary?

That's fortunate, because this is what the ambassador of America's closest ally reported privately to his government:

"We don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction-riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept."

3 million illegals in California and other sanctuary cities voted as directed by the DNC gestapo. You can fool all of the folks some of the time & some of the folks all of the time but you can never fool all of the folks all of the time.
It's amusing how deep "THE PRESIDENT" can & has gotten into the rabid mad junkyard dog democrat's feeble minds! He has literally driven the anti-American scum, nuts!
Rightys are too suckered in to evaluate the dumbest president ever........

That sort of childish post just proves your ignorance.

The economy is booming, unemployment is at its lowest in 50 years, ISIS is wiped out, no new wars... call that dumb? You're just a fucking idiot.

That sort of childish post just proves your ignorance.

The economy is booming, unemployment is at its lowest in 50 years, ISIS is wiped out, no new wars... call that dumb? You're just a fucking idiot.


The economy is on the same trajectory as it was when Obama handed it over. Trump did nothing at all to the economy but take credit for it,. It took him a year to pass a tax bill to make the wealthy even richer and increase the wealth gap. He jacked the debt up 2 trillion bucks. Isn't that great economics? when the economy is on an upward trajectory, the guy inheriting it will gather the benefits. He will get a growing economy and less unemployment merely by taking office. Trump heaped all that credit on himself fooling the dumbest of us. That would be you. Trump is a dumb shit who is capable of real damage. He shows signs of dementia. He says the dumbest crap when asked simple questions. He reminds me of Reagan. But Ronnie's people were better managers. They worked hard to keep him talking on one subject. They dreaded questions off topic during press conferences. Remember those? Presidents used to have them. With Trump, they would not dare.
The economy is on the same trajectory as it was when Obama handed it over. Trump did nothing at all to the economy but take credit for it,. It took him a year to pass a tax bill to make the wealthy even richer and increase the wealth gap. He jacked the debt up 2 trillion bucks. Isn't that great economics? when the economy is on an upward trajectory, the guy inheriting it will gather the benefits. He will get a growing economy and less unemployment merely by taking office. Trump heaped all that credit on himself fooling the dumbest of us. That would be you. Trump is a dumb shit who is capable of real damage. He shows signs of dementia. He says the dumbest crap when asked simple questions. He reminds me of Reagan. But Ronnie's people were better managers. They worked hard to keep him talking on one subject. They dreaded questions off topic during press conferences. Remember those? Presidents used to have them. With Trump, they would not dare.

For those of you that claim the economy is growing because of Obama's policies, why don't you blame Obama when glitches occur?

It didn't take anything but Trump winning against, as was claimed, the most qualified person to ever run for the office, for you pussies on the left to start whining and crying.