APP - Can America EVER unite behind a black President?

with so many people, even those who voted for this President being called a racist, and a few other choice names because they don't agree with his policies. The Obama and his followers might of made it a lot harder for the next black person who runs as President...people will be afraid they will have to go through all the shit and name calling as they have with this one...

really a shame too..
No, I'd rather confront race baiting idiocy directly. You think it is "perceptive" because your own nation has yet to have a black man in that same type of position in government. It would be like us asking if Britain could "unite" behind Maggie Thatcher because of all the sexism.

The nation voted for the man, they can obviously get behind him. End of story.

Those words are by Gavin Esler who obviously hasn't risen to your illustrious heights but can claim some knowledge of the US. If you don't agree then fine but to dismiss it in such a desultory manner is, in my view just risible. You may also note that he knows something about Northern Ireland which is more than most on here can claim judging by some of the ludicrous comments posted on my thread about Edward Kennedy.

Esler joined the BBC in 1977 as Northern Ireland reporter, and extended his role upon joining Newsnight in 1982. Esler was then made Washington correspondent and later chief North America correspondent for the BBC, in charge of shaping coverage across the whole continent for the corporation, and covering both the earlier George H. W. Bush and Clinton administrations. His report on the military build up in the Aleutian islands as part of the Reagan administration's New Maritime Strategy earned him a Royal Television Society award.
Those words are by Gavin Esler who obviously hasn't risen to your illustrious heights but can claim some knowledge of the US. If you don't agree then fine but to dismiss it in such a desultory manner is, in my view just risible. You may also note that he knows something about Northern Ireland which is more than most on here can claim judging by some of the ludicrous comments posted on my thread about Edward Kennedy.

Esler joined the BBC in 1977 as Northern Ireland reporter, and extended his role upon joining Newsnight in 1982. Esler was then made Washington correspondent and later chief North America correspondent for the BBC, in charge of shaping coverage across the whole continent for the corporation, and covering both the earlier George H. W. Bush and Clinton administrations. His report on the military build up in the Aleutian islands as part of the Reagan administration's New Maritime Strategy earned him a Royal Television Society award.

The person you laud so much appears to be imbecilic.
Those words are by Gavin Esler who obviously hasn't risen to your illustrious heights but can claim some knowledge of the US. If you don't agree then fine but to dismiss it in such a desultory manner is, in my view just risible. You may also note that he knows something about Northern Ireland which is more than most on here can claim judging by some of the ludicrous comments posted on my thread about Edward Kennedy.

Esler joined the BBC in 1977 as Northern Ireland reporter, and extended his role upon joining Newsnight in 1982. Esler was then made Washington correspondent and later chief North America correspondent for the BBC, in charge of shaping coverage across the whole continent for the corporation, and covering both the earlier George H. W. Bush and Clinton administrations. His report on the military build up in the Aleutian islands as part of the Reagan administration's New Maritime Strategy earned him a Royal Television Society award.

Tom my question is the premise of the article. As has been stated by a few others on this thread a more basic question would be can America unite behind any President? The country united behind Bush for awhile post 9/11 and behind Bush Sr. right after the first Gulf War other than that the country has always been divided politically. So the author's attempt to say the country can't unite behind a black President overlooks the basic fact that outside two unique events the country doesn't unite behind any President.
You would certainly have the credentials to judge imbecility purely on the basis that it take one to know one.

And you would certainly have the _________ to judge ______ purely on the basis that it ______.

Tom Pendergrast insult mad lib.

Fill in the blanks and enjoy.

I'm here for you people.
And you would certainly have the _________ to judge ______ purely on the basis that it ______.

Tom Pendergrast insult mad lib.

Fill in the blanks and enjoy.

I'm here for you people.

Mad Lib is pretty funny. That is old school. I've haven't heard of Mad Lib in years!
To tom:
And you would certainly have the oversized forehead to judge the accuracy of waterpistols purely on the basis that it takes a very steady hand to wet your gargantuan head surface.
Tom my question is the premise of the article. As has been stated by a few others on this thread a more basic question would be can America unite behind any President? The country united behind Bush for awhile post 9/11 and behind Bush Sr. right after the first Gulf War other than that the country has always been divided politically. So the author's attempt to say the country can't unite behind a black President overlooks the basic fact that outside two unique events the country doesn't unite behind any President.

I interpret what he is saying to mean that the level of disunity is greater than it's been for many years and a proportion of that is due to prejudice and blind hatred.
And you would certainly have the _________ to judge ______ purely on the basis that it ______.

Tom Pendergrast insult mad lib.

Fill in the blanks and enjoy.

I'm here for you people.

What would call somebody who cannot get my surname right even though it is there in big letters?