APP - Can America EVER unite behind a black President?

liberals are plain stupid on this issue.....

when liberals didn't support clarance thomas, condi rice, colin powell, alberto gonzales, michael steele, alan keyes etc......then it must have been because they couldn't unite behind black people or hispanics.....

when liberals don't support republican minorities, its not racist.....but forbid republicans don't support a liberal....then they must be racist.....

plain stupid....your race card is maxed out and has been DECLINED!
I interpret what he is saying to mean that the level of disunity is greater than it's been for many years and a proportion of that is due to prejudice and blind hatred.

Well I'm not going to deny there is racism out there but after living in San Francisco during the Bush years I saw plenty of hatred so imo trying to argue that racism is the main uniter of the anti-Obama folks is not accurate.
Well I'm not going to deny there is racism out there but after living in San Francisco during the Bush years I saw plenty of hatred so imo trying to argue that racism is the main uniter of the anti-Obama folks is not accurate.

Neither he or I are saying that.
liberals are plain stupid on this issue.....

when liberals didn't support clarance thomas, condi rice, colin powell, alberto gonzales, michael steele, alan keyes etc......then it must have been because they couldn't unite behind black people or hispanics.....

when liberals don't support republican minorities, its not racist.....but forbid republicans don't support a liberal....then they must be racist.....

plain stupid....your race card is maxed out and has been DECLINED!

and didn't alan keyes run for PRESIDENT......liberals are racists because they could only support a half black president and not alan keyes....
I interpret what he is saying to mean that the level of disunity is greater than it's been for many years and a proportion of that is due to prejudice and blind hatred.

you think it is greater than it was under George W Bush? That the blind hatred the left had towards Bush was somehow less than what has been shown towards Obama?

If that is your point or the authors... then I would strongly disagree.
you think it is greater than it was under George W Bush? That the blind hatred the left had towards Bush was somehow less than what has been shown towards Obama?

If that is your point or the authors... then I would strongly disagree.

The left hated Bush for real reasons that the independents and moderate righties came to understand. There wasn't anything "blind" about it.

The right hates Obama for reasons I really can't figure out. The left at least had the Iraq War, tax cuts for the wealthy, the Patriot Act, etc . . . Whether you agree with the lefties or not, those are legitimate reasons to dislike the guy. With Obama the righties decided they hate him and are trying to find reasons why.
The left hated Bush for real reasons that the independents and moderate righties came to understand. There wasn't anything "blind" about it.

The right hates Obama for reasons I really can't figure out. The left at least had the Iraq War, tax cuts for the wealthy, the Patriot Act, etc . . . Whether you agree with the lefties or not, those are legitimate reasons to dislike the guy. With Obama the righties decided they hate him and are trying to find reasons why.

More to the point the hatred started well before he got into office.
The left hated Bush for real reasons that the independents and moderate righties came to understand. There wasn't anything "blind" about it.

The right hates Obama for reasons I really can't figure out. The left at least had the Iraq War, tax cuts for the wealthy, the Patriot Act, etc . . . Whether you agree with the lefties or not, those are legitimate reasons to dislike the guy. With Obama the righties decided they hate him and are trying to find reasons why.

You can't figure it out? It's his massive spending and growth of governent tentacles into more areas. Most will say that plain as day. ANd you can't figure it out? you're just not listening.
The left hated Bush for real reasons that the independents and moderate righties came to understand. There wasn't anything "blind" about it.

The right hates Obama for reasons I really can't figure out. The left at least had the Iraq War, tax cuts for the wealthy, the Patriot Act, etc . . . Whether you agree with the lefties or not, those are legitimate reasons to dislike the guy. With Obama the righties decided they hate him and are trying to find reasons why.

The above shows your partisanship...

While I agree that some of the lefts reasons were legit (Iraq, Patriot Act).... pretending there aren't legitimate reasons to be pissed at Obama is nothing short of nonsense.

1) $1.6 trillion dollar deficit for the year

2) Healthcare plan that many oppose

3) Cap and Trade plan that many oppose

4) Bailout of GM and the takeover of GM

5) Bailout of banks and allowing the 'too big to fail' to get bigger

Right there are five reasons to not like what Obama is doing. Like Iraq and the Patriot act, you will have people that support the above three and those that oppose it. Some on each side of the argument will do so simply for partisan reasons. Some on each side will have legitimate reasons for their support/opposition. Whether you agree with those on the right (and center) does not take away from the fact that each of the above are legitimate reasons to not like what is going on in DC.

As for your final comment, that is purely partisan bullshit. While it may apply to some, to pretend it applies to everyone who has protested is absurd.
More to the point the hatred started well before he got into office.

Again, how is that different than W? Molly Ivins writing a book entitled "Shrub" somehow expressed a lot of love? Or the fact that many on the left to this day don't consider Bush legitimately elected in 2000 and thus hated him from day one.

Is Obama really viewed as such a 'messiah' that it's impossible to see how anyone could be against him short of racism? Like its impossible to see how someone could not be for all the policies he's laid out so far?
Those clinton miscreants trashed the white house like the trailer trash they were.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we started calling The White House The Black House? And painted it black? That would be awesome. On the for real.
Excellent point. Somehow we have to encourage intelligent assessment of issues on their own merits. Sadly, I don't feel too optimistic for that in the near future at least.

Pack mentality? Or just division of personality types?
How much is those in power using us for their benefit?
The left hated Bush for real reasons that the independents and moderate righties came to understand. There wasn't anything "blind" about it.

The right hates Obama for reasons I really can't figure out. The left at least had the Iraq War, tax cuts for the wealthy, the Patriot Act, etc . . . Whether you agree with the lefties or not, those are legitimate reasons to dislike the guy. With Obama the righties decided they hate him and are trying to find reasons why.

My main gripes with Bush are.
Invasion of Iraq.
lack of tolerance for gays and such.
legislating morality.
Spending like a drunken sailor.
Lack of enforcement for existing programs.
Pack mentality? Or just division of personality types?
How much is those in power using us for their benefit?

It's the intitutionalization of interpersonal abuse.

Sending mixed messages, judging harshly, yet encouraging the worst behavior. Creating images to aspire to that are impossible to achieve in the conditions they create. Pretending to care, but actually seeking means of population reduction. This is all DOCUMENTED in UN charter papers. Whitepapers. Eugenics essays from Eric Holdren.

The elites conspire to put us all literally in a state of walking post traumatic stress disorder, to control us, stop our critical thought, and make us JOIN the system of generational abuse. Or they will cancel us out of the database, once we are microchipped and our bank accounts are virtual.

Separated from the land through GREEN RESTRICTIONS, we will perish.

The Matrix is real and we're in it.
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