APP - Can America EVER unite behind a black President?

Actually, the left was responsible for Obama getting the title of Messiah. It was funny the way you guys slobbered all over him. I even liked him at one time.

Sorry to burst your bubble but I never slobbered over Obama. I did think his platform was light-years away from the same old sh*t McCain was dishing up.
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after I read some of his books, saw the people he hung around and how he treated his white family as if they didn't exist....I can say I never liked him, and he has turned out worse than I even could of imagined..

Treated his white family as if they didn't exist? What planet are you living on?

His mother and grandfather died back in the '90's, his grandmother was ailing and died just last year, and his half-sister worked for his campaign.

It would be a miracle if you posted something about Obama that wasn't false.
Why did all the right wingnutz read Obama's books?

I never read any of his books but I can honestly say I never liked the guy. He was just the lesser of the evils come Nov 2008.
Treated his white family as if they didn't exist? What planet are you living on?

His mother and grandfather died back in the '90's, his grandmother was ailing and died just last year, and his half-sister worked for his campaign.

It would be a miracle if you posted something about Obama that wasn't false.

oh, how often did you see his sister on the stage with him?..

and don't forget his famous quote, his grandmother was just a typical white person when she saw a black man approaching her...

it would be a miracle if you could post something about him that was the truth and not spin...
oh, how often did you see his sister on the stage with him?..

and don't forget his famous quote, his grandmother was just a typical white person when she saw a black man approaching her...

it would be a miracle if you could post something about him that was the truth and not spin...

She was onstage with him at the convention. How often did you see McCain's brother on stage with him?
Treated his white family as if they didn't exist? What planet are you living on?

His mother and grandfather died back in the '90's, his grandmother was ailing and died just last year, and his half-sister worked for his campaign.

It would be a miracle if you posted something about Obama that wasn't false.

Yeah. They didn't exist, and he treated him that way. duh.
Why is it that racism must always delve back into slavery? There is racism in countries and places where there have never been slaves. To equate them both is to ignore that there were white slaves and black slave owners. It is intellectualy dishonest.
The Muslim world was actually the largest consumer of african slaves. But they castrated them all, so we don't see their offsprings in the current muslim world.
I think many Republicans and many democrats can only unite behind a black president if they are carrying pitchforks.