APP - Can America EVER unite behind a black President?

and who is promoting it? Who is being used by it?
And it is not total BS just partial.
Many do not support him becuase he is black.

the left and their lapdogs in the lamestream media is promoting it, just look at Jimma Carter..

sure there are some who don't support him because he is black, but the majority of people who oppose him is for his radical policies, his arrogant attitude towards the people who don't support him, his total lack of humility..

myself I find him cold, arrogant, uncaring and a radical who actually hates America and most of the people in it...he thinks it should be changed into "his vision" and the American people aren't going to go with that would think he would get the drift, but he doesn' I think he will be gone in 2012 and I can't wait..
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Again, how is that different than W? Molly Ivins writing a book entitled "Shrub" somehow expressed a lot of love? Or the fact that many on the left to this day don't consider Bush legitimately elected in 2000 and thus hated him from day one.

Is Obama really viewed as such a 'messiah' that it's impossible to see how anyone could be against him short of racism? Like its impossible to see how someone could not be for all the policies he's laid out so far?

If people didn't hate Obama from way back they wouldn't have attached the "messiah" label to him.
the left and their lapdogs in the lamestream media is promoting it, just look at Jimma Carter..

sure there are some who don't support him because he is black, but the majority of people who oppose him is for his radical policies, his arrogant attitude towards the people who don't support him, his total lack of humility..

myself I find him cold, arrogant, uncaring and a radical who actually hates America and most of the people in it...he thinks it should be changed into "his vision" and the American people aren't going to go with that would think he would get the drift, but he doesn' I think he will be gone in 2012 and I can't wait..

If his policies actually were radical I could understand the dislike, but he's not radical enough. His continuation of a number of bush policies should tell you that. And how do you get that he "hates America and most of the people in it"? That's just lame.
If his policies actually were radical I could understand the dislike, but he's not radical enough. His continuation of a number of bush policies should tell you that. And how do you get that he "hates America and most of the people in it"? That's just lame.

like Kanya West about Bush, he hates black people..
I think the Hugo Obama hates white people..
that is how I see it..
and if you don't think he is radical enough, then you will see more and more people not standing behind you all and this don't be so shocked..just continue screaming racism ever chance you all get, cause it is now falling on deft ears...good job..
This country united for a few seconds to unanimously elect Gen. Washington to president in 1788, and then for a few seconds to do so again in 1792. The closest we've ever been since was the Era of Good Feelings and WWII...

I don't get how people are naive enough to think that unity is a realistic goal, or that we are uniquely divided and partisan today...
the Unity crap come when a Democrat is in office...

when it is a Republican, the call is "dissent is patriotic"..

same ole same ole crap they always pull..and when they don't get their way, it's the Republicans and conservative who are, just hateful...
If people didn't hate Obama from way back they wouldn't have attached the "messiah" label to him.

that's fucking stupid. He got the label because the media treated him with kid-gloves and praised everything he did or was expected to do as the acts of a god-like superstar
You are catching on.

i what you are saying is....

libs will not answer or address a true issue.....they only make up faux issues....numerous opportunities...yet not one liberal offered a response, despite numerous posters quoting for a response.......

what do you make of that?
i what you are saying is....

libs will not answer or address a true issue.....they only make up faux issues....numerous opportunities...yet not one liberal offered a response, despite numerous posters quoting for a response.......

what do you make of that?

Only that I was mistaken, you are not catching on. sigh...