APP - Can America EVER unite behind a black President?

that's fucking stupid. He got the label because the media treated him with kid-gloves and praised everything he did or was expected to do as the acts of a god-like superstar

Oh, c'mon now. If anybody was fawned over, handled with kid gloves and treated like a superstar, it was reagan, the 2nd worst president ever, and he was never called a messiah.
Turd just munch his own turd.
I hate Obama for not leaving Iraq.
I hate Obama for sending more troops to Afghanistan
I hate Obama for corporate give aways.
All the same reasons Bush was hated. Since Obama is black I must be a racist. Liberal men are retarded. I need a new party that is socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
I do not see a lot of blatent racism toward President Obama. It is more of an undercurrent that seems to make it more okay to have excessive hate toward him for doing some of the same things other presidents have done.

This hatrid for liberals is not new, I saw it when I lived in Alabama and Bill Clinton was president. There was even an undercurrent of racism and sexism against Bill Clinton. I heard lots of time, "Bill Clinton is a N---er lover", "Bill Clinton is going to give all of our money to the blacks" and "I cant trust a man who cant controll his wife" or "his wife wears the pants in that family"!
I do not see a lot of blatent racism toward President Obama. It is more of an undercurrent that seems to make it more okay to have excessive hate toward him for doing some of the same things other presidents have done.

This hatrid for liberals is not new, I saw it when I lived in Alabama and Bill Clinton was president. There was even an undercurrent of racism and sexism against Bill Clinton. I heard lots of time, "Bill Clinton is a N---er lover", "Bill Clinton is going to give all of our money to the blacks" and "I cant trust a man who cant controll his wife" or "his wife wears the pants in that family"!

An undercurrent? Yes. A mysterious imperceptible undercurrent that you're hallucinating.
Alan Keyes is black?

I don't even know anything about the guy except a vague name recognition.
Actually, Allen Keyes is American.

They feel they can get away with more vitrial because to them he is less American, because he is a first generation immigrant and because he is black.

That is the reason behind the, "he was really born in Kenya argument"!
They feel they can get away with more vitrial because to them he is less American, because he is a first generation immigrant and because he is black.

That is the reason behind the, "he was really born in Kenya argument"!
How do you know what the opposition "feels"?
back to the original question, since it appears that America will never unite behind any president, whatever his or her race, the answer would have to be no.....
Oh, c'mon now. If anybody was fawned over, handled with kid gloves and treated like a superstar, it was reagan, the 2nd worst president ever, and he was never called a messiah.

Actually, the left was responsible for Obama getting the title of Messiah. It was funny the way you guys slobbered all over him. I even liked him at one time.
Actually, the left was responsible for Obama getting the title of Messiah. It was funny the way you guys slobbered all over him. I even liked him at one time.

after I read some of his books, saw the people he hung around and how he treated his white family as if they didn't exist....I can say I never liked him, and he has turned out worse than I even could of imagined..
after I read some of his books, saw the people he hung around and how he treated his white family as if they didn't exist....I can say I never liked him, and he has turned out worse than I even could of imagined..

I liked him until I found out the people with whom he associated and his record in the corrupt state senate. It didn't take long to change my mind.