Can you believe


we're getting tornadoes here?

To top this off, I took a personal day today because I felt like hanging around on my deck with my bf listening to music. So what happens? He gets called in to work anyway, and we get tornadoes, so I am stuck inside with you fools. And for this, I lose a day. The only bright side is, he did pick up some really good pistachios, which I am working my way through. Maybe I will go watch Star Trek.
we're getting tornadoes here?

To top this off, I took a personal day today because I felt like hanging around on my deck with my bf listening to music. So what happens? He gets called in to work anyway, and we get tornadoes, so I am stuck inside with you fools. And for this, I lose a day. The only bright side is, he did pick up some really good pistachios, which I am working my way through. Maybe I will go watch Star Trek.



They're just on Long Island right?
We had really bad weather for a while too, but defintiely no funnel clouds.

Kind of sucks because we just got the dog and I have to go take her on long walks since she's young. Sorry about the wasted vacay day.
you shouldn't live there
you shouldn't be juvenile and attack my spelling.
3 you should fire up some tree!!
We had really bad weather for a while too, but defintiely no funnel clouds.

Kind of sucks because we just got the dog and I have to go take her on long walks since she's young. Sorry about the wasted vacay day.

The weather has just sucked this year.
Shows my knowledge of weather. I didn't get know you got tornadoes in NY.

Thought that particular misery was confined to our neck of the woods.
its rather tropical around here lately. seems like 3-4x a week getting thunder storms in late afternoon.

strange weather this year. I hope we get a nice cold winter.
The weather has just sucked this year.

You think? I thought this was one of the best years we've had so far. Not usually too hot for long periods, enough rain to get lots of good fress veggies, and not a lot of snow during the winter.

I have nothing to complain about.
You think? I thought this was one of the best years we've had so far. Not usually too hot for long periods, enough rain to get lots of good fress veggies, and not a lot of snow during the winter.

I have nothing to complain about.

We've had so many storms. I've already lost my electricty more times this summer than all of last year.
Shows my knowledge of weather. I didn't get know you got tornadoes in NY.

Thought that particular misery was confined to our neck of the woods.

They're rare, but we've had them. We had a lot of warnings yesterday, but I don't think any actually touched down. Not near me anyway.
We've had so many storms. I've already lost my electricty more times this summer than all of last year.

knock on wood.....but we haven't too much of a problem with that. If it goes off during hte night, I usually wake up to the power being back on, so no real issues there.
Apparently LI is contagious.....

Oh, did you hear the contraversy about Belmar beach in Jersey and Staten Islanders?

No, tell me about it, I'm totally bored. What's going on?

Do you ever come out here to the beaches? I generally avoid Jones Beach because of the bad neighborhood it's in, and the element it attracts. Yes, that's right...Republicans. I will usually go to Robert Moses. But, I prefer my deck, or my friends' pools.
Hang on, I'll try to do dig up the articles. You have to read the comments though on They are hilarious.
The weather has just sucked this year.

the weather was fabulous here may, june, and most all of rain, got pretty dry....

look at pics! (Thorn, just for you!)

the past 3 weeks, has been nothing but rain, every single day....and this week, our nights have been in the 50's!

wild apples are doing good though, and wild cherry trees and wild plum trees with all the rain....grass is finally green too and wild flowers have taken over...i am beginning to think i will never be able to get a handle on them and under control....wild rose bushes pop up in the middle of the lawn, daisies, marigolds and every kind of variation of dandilion and clover too! i've convinced myself that yellow dandilion flowers are ''pretty'' in the lawn just to be able to deal.... lol

hope the rain pattern STOPS soon is killing their summer resort business here, which many rely on to help make it through the winter!

can buy pound and a half weight live lobsters for $9.50.....soooo, life is still good! lol

the weather was fabulous here may, june, and most all of rain, got pretty dry....

look at pics! (Thorn, just for you!)

the past 3 weeks, has been nothing but rain, every single day....and this week, our nights have been in the 50's!

wild apples are doing good though, and wild cherry trees and wild plum trees with all the rain....grass is finally green too and wild flowers have taken over...i am beginning to think i will never be able to get a handle on them and under control....wild rose bushes pop up in the middle of the lawn, daisies, marigolds and every kind of variation of dandilion and clover too! i've convinced myself that yellow dandilion flowers are ''pretty'' in the lawn just to be able to deal.... lol

hope the rain pattern STOPS soon is killing their summer resort business here, which many rely on to help make it through the winter!

can buy pound and a half weight live lobsters for $9.50.....soooo, life is still good! lol


Oh beautiful Care. Did you take that one from Dec of 07? That looks like it came straight out of the Christmas Fantasy world in Frosty the Snowman. Wow.
Basically a Bellmar newsletter went out about Bennies (Jersey shore term to describe the people that flock there during the summer) who got into trouble. He made fun of them for being stereotypical guido's, blondes, tough guys and staten islanders and that got everyone's panties in a bunch. The entire thing was so funny.

The newsletter that started it all:

The Aftermath:

The Olive Branch: