Can you believe

the weather was fabulous here may, june, and most all of rain, got pretty dry....

look at pics! (Thorn, just for you!)

the past 3 weeks, has been nothing but rain, every single day....and this week, our nights have been in the 50's!

wild apples are doing good though, and wild cherry trees and wild plum trees with all the rain....grass is finally green too and wild flowers have taken over...i am beginning to think i will never be able to get a handle on them and under control....wild rose bushes pop up in the middle of the lawn, daisies, marigolds and every kind of variation of dandilion and clover too! i've convinced myself that yellow dandilion flowers are ''pretty'' in the lawn just to be able to deal.... lol

hope the rain pattern STOPS soon is killing their summer resort business here, which many rely on to help make it through the winter!

can buy pound and a half weight live lobsters for $9.50.....soooo, life is still good! lol


Sadly, that'd be enough to make me want to move there too.

Do I think of anything except food?
Basically a Bellmar newsletter went out about Bennies (Jersey shore term to describe the people that flock there during the summer) who got into trouble. He made fun of them for being stereotypical guido's, blondes, tough guys and staten islanders and that got everyone's panties in a bunch. The entire thing was so funny.

The newsletter that started it all:

The Aftermath:

The Olive Branch:


"It discusses "Guidos," ''Staten Island girls" and "blondes." Ken Pringle told the Asbury Park Press the July 4th edition was meant to be tongue-in-cheek and entertaining.

Pringle described "Guidos" as rare birds in Armani Exchange T-shirts and are "as welcome as, oh, Canada geese."

Describing a fight involving a Staten Island woman, the mayor wrote, "Journalistically speaking, "SI woman punches other woman' is right up there with "Dog bites man."

That is the truest thing written about Staten Island girls! I almost got caught between two of those lunatics years ago in the STaten Island Ferry ladies' room, on the way to visit my father, when I worked on Wall Street. What a friggging brawl. You do not want to make eye contact on the Staten Island Ferry...they're like dogs that way, they take it is as challenge.
Please send some of that rain my way!! We've had 40+ days over 100 this year, and have been in a burn ban for 3 years running :(. You know it's bad when you get notices from the city about watering your lawn...once every 5 days for 30 minutes depending on the last 2 numbers of address.

"It discusses "Guidos," ''Staten Island girls" and "blondes." Ken Pringle told the Asbury Park Press the July 4th edition was meant to be tongue-in-cheek and entertaining.

Pringle described "Guidos" as rare birds in Armani Exchange T-shirts and are "as welcome as, oh, Canada geese."

Describing a fight involving a Staten Island woman, the mayor wrote, "Journalistically speaking, "SI woman punches other woman' is right up there with "Dog bites man."

That is the truest thing written about Staten Island girls! I almost got caught between two of those lunatics years ago in the STaten Island Ferry ladies' room, on the way to visit my father, when I worked on Wall Street. What a friggging brawl. You do not want to make eye contact on the Staten Island Ferry...they're like dogs that way, they take it is as challenge.

LOL - I must admit I did laugh my @$$ off too.

the entire thing was hilarious. But you are right. Staten Island chicks can be um....well interesting.
Please send some of that rain my way!! We've had 40+ days over 100 this year, and have been in a burn ban for 3 years running :(. You know it's bad when you get notices from the city about watering your lawn...once every 5 days for 30 minutes depending on the last 2 numbers of address.

Well, Meg, that's what happens when your state votes for Bush. If you want rain, perhaps you should think about voting Democratic in this election like us.

God is obviously mad at you and loves Jersey. Our storms are like cool water shows.
Well, Meg, that's what happens when your state votes for Bush. If you want rain, perhaps you should think about voting Democratic in this election like us.

God is obviously mad at you and loves Jersey. Our storms are like cool water shows.

we're getting tornadoes here?

To top this off, I took a personal day today because I felt like hanging around on my deck with my bf listening to music. So what happens? He gets called in to work anyway, and we get tornadoes, so I am stuck inside with you fools. And for this, I lose a day. The only bright side is, he did pick up some really good pistachios, which I am working my way through. Maybe I will go watch Star Trek.

:eek: :eek2: :eek3:
You think? I thought this was one of the best years we've had so far. Not usually too hot for long periods, enough rain to get lots of good fress veggies, and not a lot of snow during the winter.

I have nothing to complain about.

Global COOLING!!!!

Global COOLING!!!!


Well, the climate is definitely changing. I'm just trying to luxuriate in the good parts now.

Hey Darla, have you noticed that Halloween is usually warm now? When I was a kid we had to work by fending off frostbite to get our candy. These pampered kids don't know how good they have it now.
Please send some of that rain my way!! We've had 40+ days over 100 this year, and have been in a burn ban for 3 years running :(. You know it's bad when you get notices from the city about watering your lawn...once every 5 days for 30 minutes depending on the last 2 numbers of address.

yah it was hot as HELL in Houston when i was there. Just stifling. The big difference I notice in TX is hottest sun is like 4pm. Up here its around 11am.
My personalized bowling ball was a beautiful, shiny, metallic, deep red color, back when I had one.


I can't believe you had bowling gear.

We had a bowling outing at work and I swear this admin, came out of no where wiht her ball, shoes, gloves and I think some kind of powder. She ripped everyone a new one. You have to watch out for closet bowlers.