Can you forgive those who put "unvaccinated" people through a living hell for 2+ yrs?

go over it again? clarify your position. enlighten us.

People are inherently good. It's in our genetics. Some are defective, making them violent and intolerant like yourself and your friends, but most are good.

From an evolutionary perspective, this makes good sense. A tribe of humans who are constantly fucking each other over or murdering one another will not survive. A tribe where members are cooperative and work for the betterment of the tribe is more likely to survive.

IMO, the bleeding hearts have done the human race a disservice by saving the stupid and the violent instead of letting them die or remove themselves from the gene pool. I'm against helmet and seat-belt laws for this very reason; it preserves the stupid to procreate and create more stupid people. Better to just let them die.
Scientists Probe Human Nature--and Discover We Are Good, After All
Recent studies find our first impulses are selfless

Throughout the ages, people have wondered about the basic state of human nature—whether we are good or bad, cooperative or selfish. This question—one that is central to who we are—has been tackled by theologians and philosophers, presented to the public eye by television programs, and dominated the sleepless nights of both guilt-stricken villains and bewildered victims; now, it has also been addressed by scientific research. Although no single set of studies can provide a definitive answer—no matter how many experiments were conducted or participants were involved—this research suggests that our intuitive responses, or first instincts, tend to lead to cooperation rather than selfishness.
People are inherently good. It's in our genetics. Some are defective, making them violent and intolerant like yourself and your friends, but most are good.

From an evolutionary perspective, this makes good sense. A tribe of humans who are constantly fucking each other over or murdering one another will not survive. A tribe where members are cooperative and work for the betterment of the tribe is more likely to survive.

IMO, the bleeding hearts have done the human race a disservice by saving the stupid and the violent instead of letting them die or remove themselves from the gene pool. I'm against helmet and seat-belt laws for this very reason; it preserves the stupid to procreate and create more stupid people. Better to just let them die.
Scientists Probe Human Nature--and Discover We Are Good, After All
Recent studies find our first impulses are selfless

people are inherently a mixed bag.

your understanding of human nature is that of a totalitarian.

you see an elect class of moral people from birth, whom you call globalists, and everyone else, whom you call evil.

you're a totalitarian and evil social bifurcator, trying your damnedest to make your lies stick.

you're a desperate and pathetic cretin.
People are inherently good. It's in our genetics. Some are defective, making them violent and intolerant like yourself and your friends, but most are good.

From an evolutionary perspective, this makes good sense. A tribe of humans who are constantly fucking each other over or murdering one another will not survive. A tribe where members are cooperative and work for the betterment of the tribe is more likely to survive.

IMO, the bleeding hearts have done the human race a disservice by saving the stupid and the violent instead of letting them die or remove themselves from the gene pool. I'm against helmet and seat-belt laws for this very reason; it preserves the stupid to procreate and create more stupid people. Better to just let them die.
Scientists Probe Human Nature--and Discover We Are Good, After All
Recent studies find our first impulses are selfless

Thank for the link

Very informative

Comports with my personal findings about life
people are inherently a mixed bag.

your understanding of human nature is that of a totalitarian.

you see an elect class of moral people from birth, whom you call globalists, and everyone else, whom you call evil.

you're a totalitarian and evil social bifurcator, trying your damnedest to make your lies stick.

you're a desperate and pathetic cretin.
QED that some people are broken.
nice evasion tactic, mental midget.

Jeeeezus you are one fucked up individual. I hope you get some help. Stick to the topic of the thread. You can easily find it by going to the OP (that's the first post). Read what they are talking about and then respond to THAT topic.

If you want to rant about "Globalists" START ANOTHER THREAD.

How stupid are you?
Jeeeezus you are one fucked up individual. I hope you get some help. Stick to the topic of the thread. You can easily find it by going to the OP (that's the first post). Read what they are talking about and then respond to THAT topic.

If you want to rant about "Globalists" START ANOTHER THREAD.

How stupid are you?

nice evasive maneuver, fucktard.

you can't take the heat.

you're dumber that you thought eh?

I know it hurts.
nice evasive maneuver, fucktard.

you can't take the heat.

you're dumber that you thought eh?

I know it hurts.

Seriously, what is wrong with you? You seem to have a LOT of problems just simmering there under your unhinged posts. Get the help you need. It is out there.

Now, please, please, please DO TRY to stick to the topic of the OP.
Inversion fallacy.

Make sure to wait until you are in a private room to masturbate to this:

You people have no such scruples.

Straight out of the Racist Dumbass Book of Microaggressions:
How to offend without really trying
“Indian giver.”
“That’s so gay.”
“She welshed on the bet.”
“I jewed him down.”
“That’s so White of you.”
“You people …”
“We got gypped.”

Yak, you people are clearly uneducated dumbass hicks. LOL