Can you forgive those who put "unvaccinated" people through a living hell for 2+ yrs?

are you content with your bag of dicks?
Your limited mental faculties and constant rage is the #1 reason why you're a good patsy primed for grooming.

As if there is the first chance that you would tell the truth.
What truth? That you believe there is a global conspiracy? Your paranoid delusions about "the Revolution"? Your hatred of the United States? That alcohol is the cause and solution to all of your problems?
What truth? That you believe there is a global conspiracy? Your paranoid delusions about "the Revolution"? Your hatred of the United States? That alcohol is the cause and solution to all of your problems?

yes. see klaus shwab and the world economic forum.

educate yourself, kay.

shut up and eat your dick soup.

Go back to practicing pressing the detonator, Patsy.

It's not really a secret that Iran wants to destroy israel. This is not news. The point is: Nobody cares. Most people are tired of jew bullshit.

Many are tiring of their retarded plans for the world, their globalist schemes etc.

How about the propaganda funded by the Jewish Banker Dollars, all the shit you believe, I mean.

The Jewish Religion Does believe jews should run the world on behalf of god. They believe in a time called Olam Ha Ba when the world will be controlled under a jew led global theocracy.