Can you forgive those who put "unvaccinated" people through a living hell for 2+ yrs?

Sybil, why don't you see what everyone else sees? That you and Into the Night are the only personalities that not only consistently parse posts into pieces, but do so primarily using single word replies?
Numerous other people do it. It is not unique to ITN and I.

I know you aren't the brightest bulb on the forum, but you're smarter than average. Why are you blind to such an obvious tell? Such a quirky affectation?...or is it obsessive? You can't help yourself, regardless of the sock or who sees it?
Numerous other people do it too, so this makes no sense.

Doesn't the vaccine work for old and infirm people?
Numerous other people do it. It is not unique to ITN and I.

Habitually? Show me one person who has done it three times in a single day...or run and hide in your virtual fantasy proclaiming your nuttiness to be correct.
Awww, sweetie...we feel sad for you!
Who is "we"? It reeks like Marxism over here...... Also, this attitude towards basic concepts shows that you want to be irrational.

I hope wearing a mask wasn't TOO HORRIBLE for you.
Not the point. Read the post, dumbass.

Or asking you to get vaccinated if you could handle it.
Bribing is not asking.
Forcing an ultimatum (undergo invasive medical procedures or lose your job) is not asking.

Fuck your evil Satanic communism.

The stench of Marxism is nauseating...

never demanded people who were unable to handle the vaccine to get one,
Yes, you did.

so hopefully you were OK.
I didn't get any jabs, so yes I am fine.

I understand doing things for OTHER PEOPLE is the worst!
Here, you are assigning a bogus position to me.

Additionally, the belief that getting a COVID jab for the benefit of other people (e.g. "it prevents transmission") is also based on a complete lie, as admitted by Pfizer themselves, who have now openly stated in an EU government hearing that they never tested their jabs for any such purpose.

Thirdly, that belief ("it prevents transmission") is also just completely retarded to begin with because the very act of jabbing is quite literally transmitting "spike proteins" into one's body.

Fourthly, getting jabbed only affects the recipient of the jab. IOW, I can apply all the sunscreen that I want to my own skin, but it won't do any good to protect YOUR skin from sunburn.

Just the worst. So vote Republican. That's their mantra.
If you don't want the tyranny mentioned in my OP, then vote Republican. If you are a Marxist commie, then you will continue voting Demonkkkrat.

And don't forget to get mommy to change your diaper.
Continued QED that you want to be irrational.
Who is "we"? It reeks like Marxism over here...... Also, this attitude towards basic concepts shows that you want to be irrational.

Oh looky! Rightwing nutter thinks that saying "Marxism" covers all things they are scared of. Simpleton.

Fuck your evil Satanic communism.

Fuck your ignorance.

The stench of Marxism is nauseating...

Did someone help you with those words? They seem a bit higher grade level than you are normally capable of.

Additionally, the belief that getting a COVID jab for the benefit of other people (e.g. "it prevents transmission") is also based on a complete lie, as admitted by Pfizer themselves, who have now openly stated in an EU government hearing that they never tested their jabs for any such purpose.

It could keep you out of the hospital which keeps a critical bed open, dumbass. But I suspect you are INCAPABLE of thinking of anyone else but your dumbass self.

Continued QED that you want to be irrational.

Do you even know what QED stands for, moron?
Numerous other people do it. It is not unique to ITN and I.

Numerous other people do it too, so this makes no sense.

Doesn't the vaccine work for old and infirm people?

Hey, what does your weird signature graphic mean? Looks like it's has some "religious" connotations to it. Do you fancy yourself a "Christian"?
Your comments:

Just a reminder of some of the complete and utter hell that (hyperbole, opinion)

Nothing was exaggerated.

Demonkkkrat communists
(hyperbole, name-calling)

Nothing was exaggerated. The Democrat Party at this point ought to be renamed the Communist Party. That's the plain truth, not opinion of any sort.

put "unvaccinated" people through
(nobody put them through anything. They didn't and don't need to get vaxxed.) before you cast your midterm vote (hopefully sensibly for Republicans) (when hell freezes over....)

A complete lie on your part. You are now denying history, denying the ultimatums presented to people... denying Biden's own federal policy... denying State and City policies...

I find myself having a hard time forgiving anyone who forced people to wear masks, forced people to undergo invasive medical procedures (such as tests and jabs), forced people out of their jobs, forced people to die in hospitals without family members by their side, vehemently and venomously ridiculed and treated "unvaccinated people" like lepers (shunning them from society), denied people healthcare because they were "unvaccinated",
denied people hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatment options,
^ Again this is all opinion. Nobody "forced" people to do any of those things. Sensible people who follow science instead of lies and innuendo put some temporary ground rules in place to try to stop the spread of a highly-contagious illness. Y O U were not "forced" to do any of the above. You had a perfect right to go maskless, to pass on getting tests and jabs, and to leave a job that wanted you to do those things. Instead you're bitching about people who want to protect their health and safety because it's all about Y O U, not the common good. Nobody cares if you want to gamble with your life on horse paste. But the people of Brasil who took that gamble are crying about it now.

None of this is opinion. All of this is recorded history (and even current events). You continue to deny history, government policies, and quite frankly, the truth.

Define "sensible people". That's just a meaningless buzzword.

Define "follow science". Is science some sort of god who issues commands to be followed and has movements that need to be tracked?

Define "lies and innuendo". What are you even referring to?

Masks do not "stop the spread". If your mask works, then why force me to wear one? COVID jabs do not "stop the spread". If your COVID jab works, then why force me to get one? COVID is no more contagious than the flu and no more deadly than the flu. Due to the flu "disappearing" during COVID's existence, and now "returning" after COVID "goes away", it almost seems as if COVID is the flu "rebranded". ;) ;)

Yes, I was forced to play along with the "wear a mask" bullshit or else I would've lost my job (hence, an ultimatum). And who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what I went through? You continue to ignore the fact that ULTIMATUMS were issued... ULTIMATUMS that result in "going along with the bullshit" or "losing your job, and in extension, your livelihood".

No, I'm bitching about people who want to force their own completely irrational views onto ME, and want to actively HARM MY OWN HEALTH against my will. If masks actually work, then there's no reason to force everyone else to wear one. If COVID jabs actually work, then there's no reason to force everyone else to get one. It makes ZERO logical sense...

"The common good" --- Yes, I know that you are a Marxist... a communist... one who follows the ways of Satan rather than the ways of Jesus.

"Horse paste" (ivermectin) is proven very safe and effective. I've taken the horse paste version before, and know numerous people who have done so, all with no issues. One just has to dose it correctly instead of guzzling down a whole tube at once (that was dosed for a ~1,200 pound horse) like a moron.

"Brasil" isn't a country. Do you mean Brazil? And I do not accept your fake news source.

forced people onto ventilators who shouldn't've been on them to kill them to collect government money, (insanity on steroids. People who were struggling to breathe were happy to get on a ventilator. I'll go out on a limb and say that 99.9% of those who ended up in the hospital with covid just wanted to get better and go home.)
No, it's the truth. MANY people died because they were improperly placed onto ventilators. Those deaths, of course, got mislabeled as "COVID deaths", all part of the scam.

...lied to people about the efficacy of the jabs, lied to people about what kind of testing (if any) was performed with regard to the jabs, denied/censored/covered up the side effects (such as myocarditis, blood clots, and bells palsy) that were occurring due to the jabs, and many many more tyrannical evil actions. Talk is cheap. You can say it but you can't prove it. It's the sign of a poor argument when you resort to lies and hyperbole because you have no sensible points to make. You are interpreting the actions taken by healthcare workers, teachers, corporations etc. as tyrannical and evil because you were against the idea that covid is a dangerous and contagious disease. The facts prove you wrong; plus, you don't have the words to make a better argument for your opinion. "It's so-and-so's fault" doesn't cut it.
I've already supported my position and told you where you can verify what I've said for yourself. See the EU government hearing where Pfizer openly admits that they never tested their jabby jab for "preventing transmission". The side effects of the jab can be corroborated by anyone who has experienced them or experienced family members experience them. I've personally experienced a number of my own family members have side effects from these jabs, and there are news stories galore about it if you're simply willing to educate yourself about the issue.

Define "the facts"... You don't even know what facts are, as you used the word incorrectly...

Such people would first need to be truly apologetic about their abovementioned actions and even then they shouldn't get away from any of it "Scott free". It's truly disgusting what these people did and what monsters they turned into (and might still be to this very day).

The people who need to apologize are people like Y O U. The US has over one million coronavirus deaths, the largest number than any other country by far, and new deaths are still being recorded daily. People like you have turned this into a political issue, not a health crisis. People like you who spread lies and propaganda don't deserve the time of day, and even if you apologized for your words, I wouldn't believe them. Y O U and people like you are the monsters. Look inside, ask yourself why you have to trash science to protect your political agenda. Because that's what it is; an "us against them" mentality, and you don't care how much damage it's caused and is still causing.
There are ZERO COVID deaths (I assume by "coronavirus" you actually meant "SARS-CoV-2" specifically). COVID in and of itself does not kill. This gets into the death certificate scam if you had half a brain to follow along...

Wanting freedom and sound morals is not being a monster. Wanting to force everyone to submit to YOU and do YOUR bidding IS being a monster... YOU are the one trashing science, as I have already described. YOU are the one trashing logic... YOU are the one trashing history, current events, engineering specs, and any sort of ability to reason for yourself.

I also want to highlight where you say "even if you apologized for your words, I wouldn't believe them". This is why NO conservative should EVER apologize to a Demonkkkrat communist for ANYTHING that they say or do that offends the Demonkkkrat communist. They, as proven right here, have absolutely NO intention of EVER accepting said apology anyway.

Fuck your communism. Go to China if you like it so much.
^ Who did that, besides trump himself?
Liberals all across the country did not trust (and didn't want to get) the COVID "vaccines" at first (while Trump was President). Once again, you are denying history.

They only changed course once Biden was installed as Chief Puppet and then the COVID jabs suddenly and magically transformed into being "safe and effective".
Not to mention the vaccine wasn't even distributed to the general population until after Trump's Coup in March 20021.

Let's not forget Trump's life was saved with experimental drugs...not sure about the nanobots.
False. Completely and blatantly false, and a denial of history. There was no "Trump's coup" The coup belongs to Demonkkkrats.
There is no "popular vote". He won the electoral college vote 304-227. This is documented truth, not a conspiracy.

How do you think states determine who wins that state's electoral votes?

If there is no popular vote Trump lied (again) when he claimed to have won the popular vote in 2016.
Why would you rationally believe that?

The doctors.

Yes. Do you?

Let's just say you don't usually use it as a noun like you did. It's kind of its own statement by itself. :)

HEre's what you said:

Continued QED that you want to be irrational.

Now if you were to actually say that outloud with the Latin translated it would read:

"Continued thus it is shown that you want to be irrational". What you PROBABLY meant (so you wouldn't sound stupid) was: "QED that you want to be irrational". Thus it is shown that you want to be irrational.

That and your general overall ignorance indicated to me you probably weren't familiar with the Latin. Maybe you're just really bad with English grammar and syntax?