Saint Guinefort
Verified User
The doctors.
Semantics fallacy. His grammar is correct. Yours isn't. You have also just demonstrated that you don't know what 'QED' means.
Here's your king:
The doctors.
Semantics fallacy. His grammar is correct. Yours isn't. You have also just demonstrated that you don't know what 'QED' means.
Here's your king:
It was a toss up whether you'd run from the question or answer it. You've made your choice.
HEre's a picture for you to masturbate to!
You are not Jesus Christ.
Tyranny is not 'helping other people'. Vaccinations is not 'helping other people'. Masks is not 'helping other people'. Paradox M. Paradox V.
Here's your king:
Perhaps you should read the writings of Karl Marx. You can find some English copies at the forum site (Politplex) in my signature.
Yours, actually. Inversion fallacy.
Since you support the arguments of Karl Marx, and the fascism, communism, and tyranny that he argued for, I would say your position is quite clear.
Death does not require a hospital bed. Paradox C.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (Latin) (which was to be demonstrated, or which has been demonstrated)
He is correct. You continue to argue both sides of several paradoxes. That is in and of itself irrational.
You claimed judgement authority that only Jesus Christ and God carry. You are not Jesus Christ.Never said I was.
Tyranny is not 'helping' anyone.But if you think Christianity is best displayed by those who are unwilling to take personal actions that might help other people then you and I have a very different version of Christianity.
Actually, quite boring. I've heard morons like you before.I suspect very highly a conversation with YOU about Christianity would be hilarious.
HEre's a picture for you to masturbate to!
They love that shit!
Here's another one:
Trump is not a king.
which alternative facts?
"If we stopped testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any."
tests regularly "overcycled" to create false positives.
On Feb. 7, Trump told Woodward, "This is deadly stuff."
"You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed," Trump said. "That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flus."
But a week later, Trump told Americans "We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape."
You forgot to blame the Jews.
Back to your petty insults again. No argument presented. Trolling.
Trump is not a king.
You claimed judgement authority that only Jesus Christ and God carry. You are not Jesus Christ.
which alternative facts?
ballots with no chain of custody = bad election. fact.
trump was wrong on covid.
nobody's perfect.
many "covid deaths" were diagnosed wrongly because of perverse incentives in the medical field.
But he IS your god.