Scut Farkus
Best I'll eventually die in my mid to late 80s from "the jab"? Right on schedule! LOL
fine, be dumb. I'll eventually die in my mid to late 80s from "the jab"? Right on schedule! LOL
tests regularly "overcycled" to create false positives.
it's science, you woulnd't understand.
He's pretty knowledgeable on the topic, actually. YOU, on the other hand, have shown that you don't even know what Christianity IS, let alone any of Jesus' teachings.I doubt you have anything valuable to teach anyone about Christianity.
... and those tests were never meant for diagnostic purposes to begin with...
Hence, my OP...I have no problem with wackadoodles dying from their own stupidity. I only have a problem with it when they seek to harm others in their stupidity.
Of course. Of course. I'm sure he shines in your pantheon.
Bingo. And the best that they could respond to my OP was to irrationally make a mockery out of a single line item of it (while purposefully ignoring the rest of it, and the underlying point of it).Nothing left but you idiots throwing insults and trolling. Done here for now.
What "troll material", precisely?Huh...the guy who posts troll material til the cows come home
So you ARE just here to troll?? Got it.gets annoyed when trolled. I'm surprised at how much a giant hypocrite you are.
No idea what you are talking about, and you have already shown (and even personally admitted) that you are only here to troll.And in your vast knowledge of virology and communicable diseases you sit at the Right Hand of the Father...
Sorry but elevating one's own ignorance to that level and worshipping it isn't a good thing.
Just a reminder of some of the complete and utter hell that Demonkkkrat communists put "unvaccinated" people through before you cast your midterm vote (hopefully sensibly for Republicans)....
I find myself having a hard time forgiving anyone who forced people to wear masks, forced people to undergo invasive medical procedures (such as tests and jabs), forced people out of their jobs, forced people to die in hospitals without family members by their side, vehemently and venomously ridiculed and treated "unvaccinated people" like lepers (shunning them from society), denied people healthcare because they were "unvaccinated", denied people hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatment options, forced people onto ventilators who shouldn't've been on them to kill them to collect government money, lied to people about the efficacy of the jabs, lied to people about what kind of testing (if any) was performed with regard to the jabs, denied/censored/covered up the side effects (such as myocarditis, blood clots, and bells palsy) that were occurring due to the jabs, and many many more tyrannical evil actions.
Such people would first need to be truly apologetic about their abovementioned actions and even then they shouldn't get away from any of it "Scott free". It's truly disgusting what these people did and what monsters they turned into (and might still be to this very day).
This is one of MANY reasons why I will be voting straight Republican this November.
No idea what you are talking about, and you have already shown (and even personally admitted) that you are only here to troll.
Sybil only exists inside of your own head, so what Sybil believes is meaningless/irrelevant to me.^^^
Sybil believes a choice always has to involve a question.
Sure, that completely explains why you keep responding to me and denying your multiple personality disorder; you think my posts are meaningless and irrelevant.Sybil only exists inside of your own head, so what Sybil believes is meaningless/irrelevant to me.
ahhh, my pantheion......
a group of like-minded winners!
Bingo. And the best that they could respond to my OP was to irrationally make a mockery out of a single line item of it (while purposefully ignoring the rest of it, and the underlying point of it).
As a wise man (Alan Keyes) once said: "To act as if concepts are laughable means that you want to be irrational."
That about sums up what occurred within this thread, as that was what I expected it to become.
You can say whatever you want.I say you are NOT a virologist
You can't shut down my speech, dude.and you should not tell anyone what is good or not good when fighting a global pandemic.
Who are "the experts"?I think you have elevated YOUR PERSONAL FEELINGS above what the experts say.
YOU have already elevated YOURSELF to be god.You have elevated YOURSELF to be a god when you are nothing of the sort.
Define "help other people". Define "doing what is necessary". Define "Christianity".And your best is that you just don't wanna do it. But by doing what is necessary you actually HELP OTHER PEOPLE. Apparently that is NOT part of your Christianity.
I find your words to be mostly meaningless, and just you wanting to troll (as you have openly admitted here).I find that weird. Unsettling.
Continued trolling.If you want to blast your faith out there with a giant gold cross on every single post...LIVE LIKE YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT IS REAL.
Yes, "winners". Of course.
go eat a fuckjar.
That's an interesting turn of phrase. I suspect you just cobbled together a bunch of words so you could say "fuck".
I will invite you, likewise, to go eat a fuckbucket of fuckity fuck fucks. And then wash it all down with some dicksoda.
"Winners". Indeed.
You can say whatever you want.
You can't shut down my speech, dude.
Who are "the experts"?
Define "help other people". Define "doing what is necessary". Define "Christianity".
I find your words to be mostly meaningless, and just you wanting to troll (as you have openly admitted here).
Continued trolling.