Can You Imagine How Badly It Might Have Gone If Trump* Had Been Elected In 2008?

Obama only cost us $10 trillion ! And gave us unaffordable healthcare .....

And 10%+ unemployment with record numbers on food stamps. Strange how the left thinks low unemployment, less on the dole, and a growing economy is a bad thing. For them, since their desire is socialism and government dependency, it is.
Just think of it. The economy was in dark ominous trouble, teetering on the edge of a great cliff, poised to either be saved by responsible stewardship or be sent hurtling into the deep deep abyss of total systemic collapse.

The seriousness of the situation could hardly be overstated.

We were saved.

President Obama skillfully guided us through an amazing recovery no one thought possible during 2009. He brought us back from the brink. We owe him the ultimate debt of gratitude. None of the successes of late would be possible without President Obama's wise and mature leadership.

The stimulus totally worked. It would have worked far better and faster had it been greater. Twice the size would have been most excellent, we can now see in hindsight. That was the time to run a big deficit. The economy needed it, desperately needed the kick start. America needed it.

Times were very tough. Many had already been thrown into bankruptcy and ruin. Lost homes, lost equity, lost jobs, lost everything.

We were so lucky to have such a skilled and patient hand to lead us back from near desolation. Trump would never have done that. Not a chance. It would have been wrong, wrong, wrong austerity all the way.

We faced a depression. We really did. We were so close it was scary. Most people have no idea just how bad it was.

Can you imagine what would have happened if irresponsible 'You all just got a lot richer' Trump* had been elected then?

With all his misplaced immigrant hatred and trade wars?

It could have been the new dark ages.

Good thing we had the master Obama Presidency to rebuild before 'The Apprentice' came waltzing down the golden plastic escalator.

*Really* good thing.

Yeah...….The world elite banking families would never have gotten the chance to purchase the politicians in Washington DC for the Quid Pro Quo promise of personal wealth......and SPY GATE would have never been realized to control the majority of Corp. CEOs through blackmail and the perversion of preying on our Children. :bigthink: One can only imagine the number of lives that COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED. The "possibilities" of this left wing pseudo world are endless.

DON'T YA LUV IT WHEN THE LEFT WANTS TO LIVE IN A WORLD BETWEEN THEIR EARS? :laugh: Can you "imagine" what would happen if a bullfrog had wings? Can you imagine it not bumping its ass every time it jumps but flying off into some left wing EUTOPIA where all the frogs joined hands to sing KUMBAYA....with ORANGE MAN in jail?

Wait....I'm getting a a pseudo investigation in the basement of some building where IMGAINATION was used as objective evidence. OH! the humanity! In this pseudo left wing UTOPIA....the accused is required to prove his innocence without the ability to call any objective witnesses. Anything can happen in the mind of a CHILD....divorced from reality. DX:? TDS....TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.
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Q The people are awake. Propaganda will not get the job done....the masses can no longer be manipulated. PANIC!
Q The people are awake. Propaganda will not get the job done....the masses can no longer be manipulated. PANIC!

Propaganda is what put Trump in office. He has Fox Gnus, Infowars, Breitbart and so many others that are all Trump all the time.
Propaganda is what put Trump in office. He has Fox Gnus, Infowars, Breitbart and so many others that are all Trump all the time.

Problem is......Documentation is not propaganda. What placed Trump into office are the blue collar democrats in the states of Wis. Pa., Michigan, and Fla. You know those smelly Walmart deplorables? :laugh:
That is no answer. Banks are needed. There were banks closing by the shit ton in 2008. You figure out what would have happened if we let them go. It is easy to be a tough guy when you are not responsible like Obama was. He had to fix it and reluctantly did what was required.
The problem is once it was over, the bankers went straight to lobbying and pressure to weaken the new banking laws. That keeps us still vulnerable.
They have too much money and power to be tamed.
The market was crashed too. It was in no position to do anything.

Holding banks accountable was never the intention. The legislation passed after the crash involved people deeply involved in it -- Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.

So, in effect, we had massive amounts of corporate welfare and legislation that favored the banks further.
I lived what happened, dont need someone to tell me

So did I,,so that explanation fails. I remember the fight to get the vote through the House and senate.
I also remember when , late at night, Durbin walked out after the Gramm banking bill passed telling how concerned he was about how dangerous and wrong it was.
I remember when Truman gave a convention speech calling Nixon , Tricky Dicky.
Holding banks accountable was never the intention. The legislation passed after the crash involved people deeply involved in it -- Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.

So, in effect, we had massive amounts of corporate welfare and legislation that favored the banks further.

It was the aim, but Obama knew he could not get programs to recover through congress if banks were against it. In the end, political power still mattered. Dodd /Frank was immediately watered down. Ever since it passed, it has been slowly eroded away.
It was the aim, but Obama knew he could not get programs to recover through congress if banks were against it. In the end, political power still mattered. Dodd /Frank was immediately watered down. Ever since it passed, it has been slowly eroded away.

So again, why were the bailouts preferable to not just letting the market clear things?
Hello Woko Haram,

President Obama was a mixed bag, not the liberal the right painted him to be. He was way too cozy with Wall Street Big Bankers. Some business efforts should certainly be both encouraged and supported by government.

Not banking. We've seen time and time again that this leads to massive crashes. We should definitely get government out of the mortgage business.
Hello Woko Haram,

We won't have another crash like that if progressives get their way and increase Wall Street regulation.

Regulation is a lot of the reason for these crashes. Whenever government gets involved in regulation, it doesn't matter if the politician says he or she stands for the people. They will make rules that might look good on the surface, but the end result is a situation that favors some businesses over others.

I'm not saying all regulation should be abolished, but when it comes to lending, government should stay out. The Community Reinvestment Act caused numerous problems in particular.
Most people do not understand how serious the situation was in the crash which led to the Great Recession. If the government did not take steps to stabilize the market, if the government let the large institutions fail, the chain reaction would have been far more devastating. The small businesses which depended on the big ones would have also fallen. Millions would be thrown out of work. Revenue would have fallen even lower than it already did. We could very easily have slipped into a world wide depression.

There WAS no easy fix.

That's how bad capitalism without proper government regulation imploded.

Proper regulation would encourage banks to be less risky with lending. Instead, we have laws like the CRA that encourage lending to high risk people. There are a lot of people who currently have mortgages that really shouldn't when considering their income situation.

Holding banks accountable and letting the market clear itself would not have allowed as big of a bubble in property to be created. There were natural limits to various lending practices, even in the subprime market, that were weakened via government subsidization and encouragement.
Hello Woko Haram,

Not banking. We've seen time and time again that this leads to massive crashes. We should definitely get government out of the mortgage business.

The United States Postal Service should offer basic banking services and reasonable small loans to lower income Americans. Clearly there is a need. That need is currently being met by Buy-Here-Pay-Here used car joints and Payday Loan joints. These unscrupulous places charge outrageous interest rates which keep the poor poor. This is not beneficial to the US economy. All it does is forward the Class War. It makes it impossible for poor people to rise out of poverty or build wealth. It is unconscionable to be getting rich from the desperation of the poor.
Hello Woko Haram,

Regulation is a lot of the reason for these crashes. Whenever government gets involved in regulation, it doesn't matter if the politician says he or she stands for the people. They will make rules that might look good on the surface, but the end result is a situation that favors some businesses over others.

That only happens when government is corrupted by big money. We are going to fix that with anti-corruption laws which will dissallow big money to dictate what government does, and return power to the people.

I'm not saying all regulation should be abolished, but when it comes to lending, government should stay out. The Community Reinvestment Act caused numerous problems in particular.

The GI Bill was a great example of the success of government lending. It pretty much built the middle class.
Hello Woko Haram,

Proper regulation would encourage banks to be less risky with lending. Instead, we have laws like the CRA that encourage lending to high risk people. There are a lot of people who currently have mortgages that really shouldn't when considering their income situation.

Anybody who made it through the Great Recession to the Recovery from the Great Recession, and did not default is the kind of person who is responsible enough to be borrowing.

Holding banks accountable and letting the market clear itself would not have allowed as big of a bubble in property to be created. There were natural limits to various lending practices, even in the subprime market, that were weakened via government subsidization and encouragement.

That was true in some cases but not on a great enough scale to be drawing those broad conclusions. We don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water.
Hello Woko Haram,

The United States Postal Service should offer basic banking services and reasonable small loans to lower income Americans. Clearly there is a need. That need is currently being met by Buy-Here-Pay-Here used car joints and Payday Loan joints. These unscrupulous places charge outrageous interest rates which keep the poor poor. This is not beneficial to the US economy. All it does is forward the Class War. It makes it impossible for poor people to rise out of poverty or build wealth. It is unconscionable to be getting rich from the desperation of the poor.

How does this serve the constitutional requirement to offer mail service ?
Who will pay the defaults which are the reason rates for poor creditworthy are high ?
The USPS has no surplus of money to lend much less money for defaults. So where does this money come from ?
Hello Woko Haram,

The United States Postal Service should offer basic banking services and reasonable small loans to lower income Americans. Clearly there is a need. That need is currently being met by Buy-Here-Pay-Here used car joints and Payday Loan joints. These unscrupulous places charge outrageous interest rates which keep the poor poor. This is not beneficial to the US economy. All it does is forward the Class War. It makes it impossible for poor people to rise out of poverty or build wealth. It is unconscionable to be getting rich from the desperation of the poor.

They get rich off of the stupidity of certain people, but if you're trying to prevent that sort of thing, you'll need to intervene in all sorts of sales industries.