"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

Not a paradise stolen by immigrants? What a surprise.

Yes, they did. But, and I can only say this having hired and fired more than a few young men, the work ethic has been dying for a while.

What proof?

Hire one hispanic worker and one American worker. See which one you want to keep based on their work.
I don't need proof...I taught for 30 years...and work study and internships were a part of my program...
The Hispanic worker vs American worker theory doesn't always prove true...I could give you dozens of examples of what we're dealing with right now...
What company gives someone 10 "write-ups" before termination is even a consideration? Birthdays, brother's birthdays, neighbor's ex-wives birthdays, etc. should not be excused absences...You just shouldn't be able to have a "666" face tattoo and be out of uniform when you're working with students....
Employers are terrified of discrimination claims...
If you ever left your house and either walked or drove around the surrounding neighborhoods, you'd see "lost pet" posters on plenty of trees and poles. And all of these neighborhoods aren't full of Haitians. Those of us with common sense know that cats and dogs can get out of their owners' houses and wander away of their own volition.
Or that old, demented alcoholics drive their pets away due to abuse or neglect. It's not a mystery why @TOP goes through many dogs....and I doubt she or her daughter are eating them.
I never gave anyone an F in my classrooms...
Even if they weren't keeping up...;)
I never mentioned pets until someone expressed a concern about lost ones...

So you didn't mention pets until you did. Got it. Good talk. I cited a WSJ investigation that was on the ground in Springfield, stating that the whole thing was bullshit, and you said 'investigations are ongoing". So, do you have the results of those investigations? Gosh, no you don't. BECAUSE THE ENTIRE STORY IS BULLSHIT. And you fell for it, poser.

You are that bitch at in the office that knows you are standing there but won't look at you while they talk about you. Goes perfectly with your fingernails on the chalkboard passive aggressiveness. Karen. You are definitely a Karen. But not a teacher. Ever.
It's because they're black, right, "Chief"? How many times did you use the phrase " God damn niggers" when you were in the Navy, "Chief"?
No, it's because they're Haitian. Haiti was originally a French slave colony. It is the only one that managed a successful revolt and became an independent nation. Pointing out some cultural trait is not racist. You are the bigot here assuming racism where there isn't any.

There's a reason Haiti is the poorest, most backwards, nation in the Caribbean and it isn't because of the ethnicity of the locals but rather their social norms and customs. Cuba is egregiously poor because of Communism not because of the ethnicity of its people.
No, it's because they're Haitian. Haiti was originally a French slave colony. It is the only one that managed a successful revolt and became an independent nation. Pointing out some cultural trait is not racist. You are the bigot here assuming racism where there isn't any.

There's a reason Haiti is the poorest, most backwards, nation in the Caribbean and it isn't because of the ethnicity of the locals but rather their social norms and customs. Cuba is egregiously poor because of Communism not because of the ethnicity of its people.
You're free to quibble, Terry, but your posts across the forum tell all about you.
I don't need proof...I taught for 30 years...and work study and internships were a part of my program...
The Hispanic worker vs American worker theory doesn't always prove true...I could give you dozens of examples of what we're dealing with right now...
What company gives someone 10 "write-ups" before termination is even a consideration? Birthdays, brother's birthdays, neighbor's ex-wives birthdays, etc. should not be excused absences...You just shouldn't be able to have a "666" face tattoo and be out of uniform when you're working with students....
Employers are terrified of discrimination claims...

I appreciate the impact you have had, teaching for 30 years. But what I am talking about is not school-related. It is immigrants (often illegal) seeking work.
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So you didn't mention pets until you did. Got it. Good talk. I cited a WSJ investigation that was on the ground in Springfield, stating that the whole thing was bullshit, and you said 'investigations are ongoing". So, do you have the results of those investigations? Gosh, no you don't. BECAUSE THE ENTIRE STORY IS BULLSHIT. And you fell for it, poser.

You are that bitch at in the office that knows you are standing there but won't look at you while they talk about you. Goes perfectly with your fingernails on the chalkboard passive aggressiveness. Karen. You are definitely a Karen. But not a teacher. Ever.
We have millions of people illegally entering our country and over 18,000 of them are convicted murders but you are still talking about Rover and Snowball. BTW did you have a good dinner run for Uber Eats today?

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We have millions of people illegally entering our country and over 18,000 of them are convicted murders but you are still talking about Rover and Snowball. BTW did you have a good dinner run for Uber Eats today?


Hold on, let me check the title of this thread.

Yes, yes, that's what I'm talking about in a thread that's about what I'm talking about.