"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

Because it would be a lie - you know - like the one where the trumptard cult claims Haitians are eating Springfield's pets!
You aren't omnipotent, although you think you are. You don't get to "declare" reality. Too funny.

I don't need proof...I taught for 30 years...and work study and internships were a part of my program...
The Hispanic worker vs American worker theory doesn't always prove true...I could give you dozens of examples of what we're dealing with right now...
What company gives someone 10 "write-ups" before termination is even a consideration? Birthdays, brother's birthdays, neighbor's ex-wives birthdays, etc. should not be excused absences...You just shouldn't be able to have a "666" face tattoo and be out of uniform when you're working with students....
Employers are terrified of discrimination claims...
I taught for 30 years

I appreciate the impact you have had, teaching for 30 years. But what I am talking about is not school-related. It is immigrants (often illegal) seeking work.
Thanks...I think I made a positive difference in quite a few lives...:)
I'm not a business owner...i'm simply observing and relating what I see personally on a day to day basis...
We absolutely do have many hard working immigrants here...those individuals are obviously not the problem...
Devolved trumpanzees get it wrong---everything wrong---big time.

Look, a multicultural nation will NEVER have the solidarity of a homogeneous nation.

America is a multicultural nation and can never be anything else.
But none, not one, of the participating ethnicities, is at fault.
It's the the so-called "melting pot" that has miserable failed,
and no single ethnicity is responsible for the failure.

America is getting browner.
Nothing can stop it.
Nothing will stop it.

The crackers don't have to like it. They're entitled to their preference for a white world.
Just stop procreating and don't subject future generations to the inevitable misery
if that's what you feel.

What they're not entitled to is being stupid enough to think they can do anything about it
and then actually trying to do it.
For that, they should be brutally purged.
Even if that just means chasing them back under their rocks.

The elimination of millions of very stupid white trumpanzees
would make the nation browner still
but less disgustingly stupid.

American is becoming the new Brazil, a multi-ethnic nation at its soul.
[Brazil was the only western nation to abolish slavery later than we did, by the way.]
Our job is to do a better job of it than Brazil did,
and trumpanzees are sabotaging the effort.
They're determined to cast us into the third world.