"Can't Take It Anymore": Residents of Springfield Ohio Beg for Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife

You Trumpys have done serious damage to Springfield. It may never recover from your lies.

What's amazing is how much they don't care - and continue w/ the lies that Trump & Vance keep spreading.

And not just the lies: we see it on here - demonizing entire groups of immigrants, and Haitians as a population. It's not even a dogwhistle anymore - it's stark racism.
When Trump loses. Then, he will not be harming them anymore. His lies have done damage to a small town. He also hurt Haitians around the country. Haitians in NY are having marches protesting Trump
The damage has been ongoing for quite some time.and ...why do you think the residents are so frustrated? This is nothing new... do some reading...learn what's happening there...and in so any other cities...Long overdue changes need to happen...
Americans should always come first...Joe and Kam had their chance...they made it worse...
The damage has been ongoing for quite some time.and ...why do you think the residents are so frustrated? This is nothing new... do some reading...learn what's happening there...and in so any other cities...Long overdue changes need to happen...
Americans should always come first...Joe and Kam had their chance...they made it worse...

Can you post to a news article talking about the damage? I'll wait. But I won't hold my breath. Just like I won't hold my breath waiting for your 'ongoing investigations'. Because there aren't any. You are full of shit as usual, poser.
I guess someone missed the town hall....where hundreds of residents expressed their concerns about their ongoing frustrations and multiple concerns...there's all kinds of investigations when it comes to housing, education, distribution of benefits and resources...healthcare and public safety systems due to the ever increasing number of immigrants ...they are being addressed, finally...
That's also been on the news...
TOP, the retired teacher ;)
The damage has been ongoing for quite some time.and ...why do you think the residents are so frustrated? This is nothing new... do some reading...learn what's happening there...and in so any other cities...Long overdue changes need to happen...
Americans should always come first...Joe and Kam had their chance...they made it worse...
If you ever left your house and either walked or drove around the surrounding neighborhoods, you'd see "lost pet" posters on plenty of trees and poles. And all of these neighborhoods aren't full of Haitians. Those of us with common sense know that cats and dogs can get out of their owners' houses and wander away of their own volition.
Social media is the most powerful tool when you're searching for a lost pet...or trying to find the owner of one you've found...Brightly colored signs are a must when searching for a lost pet...Include a photo, a brief description of your pet and any special identifier...a general area of where the pet was lost or found... Three ways to contact you...
and make sure your pets are chipped and the chip is registered...Screenshot_20240927_165757_Facebook.jpg
I guess someone missed the town hall....where hundreds of residents expressed their concerns about their ongoing frustrations and multiple concerns...there's all kinds of investigations when it comes to housing, education, distribution of benefits and resources...healthcare and public safety systems due to the ever increasing number of immigrants ...they are being addressed, finally...
That's also been on the news...
TOP, the retired teacher ;)

You were going to provide proof that immigrants were eating pets. I guess you can't. That would get an F in any classroom, poser. Grade: F. You didn't understand the assignment.
I never gave anyone an F in my classrooms...
Even if they weren't keeping up...;)
I never mentioned pets until someone expressed a concern about lost ones...
Do you really think that someone who is illiterate, has maybe a 6th grade education, and no job skills is going to suddenly be wanted as an employee by a auto parts manufacturer, microchip maker, or even a logistics company? Someone with that "resume" is unemployable.

On the contrary. They are employable because of the work ethic they bring. You can teach anyone to do the work. But you can't teach them to show up on time and work hard.
On the contrary. They are employable because of the work ethic they bring. You can teach anyone to do the work. But you can't teach them to show up on time and work hard.
Of course you can...didn't your parents and teachers teach you about how important it was to show up on time and work hard?
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That’s fucking crazy talk. I live a short distance from Springfield and it’s been in serious decline since the late 70’s and has been a crime ridden shithole long before now. The loss of manufacturing jobs created a mass exodus from the area and it’s been one of the poorest cities in Ohio for over 30 years now. Now with the end of globalization and the return of low end manufacturing and warehouse jobs has attracted a lot of Haitian immigrants to fill these low paying jobs. They still have a median household income across the board of $35,000/year and it’s been that way long before any immigrants started moving there. So essentially the low end hillbillies are being replaced by immigrants. Whoop de fucking do. That can only be a blessing as the Hillbillies in Springfield are the ones who turned the city into a shithole in the first place.

Not a paradise stolen by immigrants? What a surprise.
Of course you can...didn't your parents and teachers teach you about how important it was to show up on time and work hard?

Yes, they did. But, and I can only say this having hired and fired more than a few young men, the work ethic has been dying for a while.

What proof?

Hire one hispanic worker and one American worker. See which one you want to keep based on their work.
Not a paradise stolen by immigrants? What a surprise.

Yes, they did. But, and I can only say this having hired and fired more than a few young men, the work ethic has been dying for a while.

What proof?

Hire one hispanic worker and one American worker. See which one you want to keep based on their work.
That could cut either way. Depends on the job in part.
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