Hello and welcome OscarLevant,
I agree.
Capitalism, without socialism, will devour itself
Socialism, without capitalism, will collapse under it's own weight.
So, let there be Capitalism for wants, and Socialism for needs
Wants = stuff you would like to have, cars, lipstick, golf gear, clothes, goods, services, etc.
Needs = Police, fire, Defense, Healthcare/social services.
Wants are what I call the positive markets, these are things you would love to have and own.
needs are more in the negative markets. So, you dont want to get robbed, so you need police to deal with it.
You don't want to get attacked by a foreign country, so you need a military to deal with it. You don't want your house
to burn down, but if it catches fire, you need a fire dept to help you.
Similarily, you dont want to get sick, but you need a doctor to help you get well.
So, the negative markets are stuff you don't want, but have to hire someone to help you when things you don't want happen to you.
Now, there are grey areas in the negative markets, and since they are more boutique, in nature, such as legal representation, or perhaps dental work or cosmetic work, these could be served in the wants category. Grey area stuff can be sorted out.
Where does the pendulum rest? It rests only upon reaching dead center.
Well put.
Completely logical.
No individual should have to face off with the daunting power of a giant multinational corporation for life and death NEEDS.
The power mismatch is glaringly favored for the power elites, and it is wrong to allow that.
Not in this day and age of amazing advancements. Not when we have this powerful nation which we set up to promote the welfare of
If we have not provided needs to all who are lacking, then we are UNCIVILIZED. What we have now promotes the welfare of THEY THE CORPORATIONS and THEY THE RICH. (And that's wrong.)
If every individual needs something, such as health care, that is something we can all get organized to provide for ourselves. We should direct our government to provide that.
Our government can easily do that. We have the power. That is what we should be doing. Let the obsessed wealth-seekers seek their wealth elsewhere.
It only makes sense. It is nuts for an individual to try to go out and get his own health care. You can't do that very well on an individual scale; or even a family. But if we all pay a little, that adds up to a lot. That can pay for massive government organizations charged with delivering what we all need.
It makes no sense to allow powerful people to ration these services out to the highest payer.
It is logical that health care would be far more affordable if we eliminate all profits from it. Only the cost of doing the work is all we should have to pay. There is no place for profits for the super-rich in health care. We can't afford that any more.
And when we do it through government, then those organizations answer to us,
We The People. Nobody needs to be making any profits from that. Health care is not something that should be done for profit at all. If these powerful people can run giant corporations for health care, they can run them for industries which sell discretionary products. Nondiscretionary products and services are logically delivered through socialism.
Capitalism is all wrong for health care. It just makes sense to use socialism for health care.
When an individual requires health care, that individual often needs immediate attention. There is no time to shop around for price and quality. It needs to be all in place prior to the need. Logically, that is not a good application of the free market system. It's just all wrong for that. You don't want a health care provider holding out for as much profit 'as the market will bear' before they provide what is often life-saving care.
I find it reprehensible that our current system seeks to pressure it's customers for as much as they will, or can, pay for life-saving services.
It is barbaric to have people suffering and dying because they can't afford the technology which would help them, as some have so much wealth they couldn't spend it all in a million lifetimes.
Health care for profit is BARBARIC!!!
That is just so messed up. And then, to know that some of these super-rich people got that way by 'working the market' in return for providing much-needed care, including withholding that care from those who need it most. That is simply reprehensible. It amounts to profiting from suffering. If we, as the human race, are no better than that then we have a long way to go.
I say the time has come for us to go there.
We need to get RID of this current backward-thinking greedy ruling class government-for-the-rich and get back to the concept of government FOR THE PEOPLE.
These rich and powerful people have taken control and bled our nation's resources DRY to make themselves RICH, and I for one and TIRED OF IT.
And I bet I am not alone.
It is TIME.
Time for
WE THE PEOPLE to rise up and
take control, because the ones who have control are not looking out for our best interests. They serve the rich.
There is NOTHING WRONG WITH SOCIALISM. Socialism is simply a tool, like capitalism.
We need to have the correct balance of socialism and capitalism so that we can have the BEST Of BOTH as we regulate markets to avoid the pitfalls of each; and together, provide a good life for all.
The plight of American Families stands in the balance.