Capitalism Has Destroyed / Is Destroying American Family Values

capitalism is a beautiful and freedom creating plan

its all about being fettered correctly

well fettered capitalism is an intrigal part of freedom

don't be a fool

Perhaps america will get there someday, we're certainly not there now. Nothing here is "intrigal" to fweedumb but wealth.
Hello Kacper,

So everyone is less intelligent than you. Gotcha.

That does not follow from what I said. Has nothing to do with it, and is not a logical conclusion.

It's actually an indication that you are losing the debate, giving up.

You can't think of a single thing to say to oppose the contention of the OP, so you attack the author.

Pretty lame. Doesn't take much originality. Anybody could do that to any thread. What's so unique about your lame repetition of that all-too-common lack of inspiration?


Can we infer that you thus have no objection to the OP?

Capitalism applies stress to American families. An ideal family would have both parents actively involved with the lives of their children. Capitalism drives parents away from children. Working parents are pressured to be good workers. That means putting in a lot of hours, giving up quality time with children. How many fathers missed their kids' school sports performances, school plays, Parent-Teacher meetings? How many kids get home from school to find an empty home? No mom there. She's working. Be a good kid and stay out of trouble until the parents get home. If they work too late and it's almost bedtime, don't worry, tomorrow's another day. But then tomorrow is just like today, and the day before, and the day before that. How can kids feel safe to tell their parents all their concerns when they only have 5 minutes before bedtime to recap the whole day , the whole week, their whole lives?

Is it any wonder kids are getting into trouble?

This happens to poor families more than rich.

The only way to try to make up for low pay is to work long hours, and for both parents to work as much as possible. These days, with so many parents taking whatever work they can find, that means being available at a moment's notice. When the big corporate employer wants them, they call. 24-7. If the worker parent turns it down, they don't get called as much. And they need the money. They have to go. What kind of a life is it for a kid who never knows when they are ever going to be able to share their concerns and difficulties with their parent? Sometimes a kid really needs a little guidance. If the parent is working, the kid gets no answers. Little things turn into big things. Things are compounded on top of one another. It all adds up to a messed up kid who later becomes another poor parent who has no good idea how to raise kids. The problem perpetuates.

Capitalism destroys family values.
Hello Nordberg,

The sad fact is we accept the meme " corporations exist to maximize profits'. There should be an addendum about doing no harm' the forefathers chartered corporations and would take their charters away for doing harm . We seemed to have missed that part.

I have sometimes wondered if corporate charters need to be temporary.

Let them exist for a prescribed duration and then be dissolved.

If a man creates a company, builds a fortune, good for him.

Why does that company need to outlive him, and turn into a multi-national conglomerate which becomes more powerful than nations, and begins to dictate policy to nations?

Nations are for all their people.

Corporations are for their investors only.

They are against workers and consumers.

We gotta get our priorities straight.

Corporations should not be more powerful than nations.
Hello Fentoine Lum,

Unfortunately the power structure is vested in defeating your challenge.

That dynamic is definitely in place, but is not absolute.

We can make the country what we want it to be.

It is our challenge, our responsibility.

The founders created the nation out of nothing.

It is up to us to take we we have been given and improve it.

Rolling over and bowing down to the power of big money does not help families or our nation.

Giving in on this battle hurts America.

It would make America great again if family values could be improved rather than suppressed.
Hello evince,

if somebody believes a lie and the facts are offered to them its their fault

they deserve to be publicly shamed for that evil

I liken that to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. It is a distraction from good discussions.
Hello evince,

republican deregulation is evil

They don't believe that. They believe in unfettered capitalism as if it were God. They want to cling to capitalism, want to worship it.

That's ridiculous. Capitalism is a tool. If you are not careful with it, it can hurt you. That is what is happening. We have not been careful with capitalism. It is getting out of control and hurting us.

they don't seek to improve capitalism

They think it is perfect already. Nothing is perfect.

they seek to hand the world to the wealthy

Only the greedy wealthy want that. Most are simply ill informed and believe what they are doing is good.

Capitalism provides jobs, supports families. How can that be bad? It is bad because the quality of the jobs is going downhill. It renders the ability of workers at the lower end of the income scale to be unable to support their families without working so much they can't raise them properly.

Capitalism is the vehicle by which the rich and powerful expand their wealth and power. That includes such methods as using wealth and power to influence and even control governments.

Governments are supposed to serve all the people. That is not always happening.

Look at Big Coal. They are fighting a losing battle. Coal is becoming obsolete. Fracking energy is displacing coal energy because it is cheaper. Capitalism did that.

What does it mean?

Big Coal is still very powerful. Don Blankenship has millions of dollars to spend supporting candidates like Trump. So he does that. He wants laws changed. Laws that were there to protect the people, protect the coal workers. It costs people like Blankenship money to have safety equipment in mines. It is cheaper for him to fight that than it is to protect the workers.

How can capitalism be all good all the time when it gets 29 workers (parents to children, heads of family) killed because Blankenship didn't want to follow safety protocols?

Government regulation told Blankenship he had to erect barriers to prevent run-off from mountain-top removal from getting into pristine mountain streams. Well, that costs money, ya know. It comes right out of Blankenship's profits. He didn't want to do it. Government forced him to. He hates government for that, wants to change it, wants to control government. Trump offered him a chance to do that. So Blankenship would rather support Trump than to do the right thing for the environment. Blankenship went to prison, but that doesn't take away his big money, or his ability to support Trump.

Trump got elected by using the money of convicts to do what convicts what him to do.

Not for the people.

For profits.

Dirty money.

Trump got elected on dirty money.

We've got to stand up and turn this nation around.

Pollution and killed workers, orphaned little children, convicts dictating policy, is not making America great again.

Well-meaning Republicans should be ashamed of what they have allowed.

What happened to the Grand Old Party?

Has it become the Greed-Only Party?
Hello evince,

They don't believe that. They believe in unfettered capitalism as if it were God. They want to cling to capitalism, want to worship it.

That's ridiculous. Capitalism is a tool. If you are not careful with it, it can hurt you. That is what is happening. We have not been careful with capitalism. It is getting out of control and hurting us.

They think it is perfect already. Nothing is perfect.

Only the greedy wealthy want that. Most are simply ill informed and believe what they are doing is good.

Capitalism provides jobs, supports families. How can that be bad? It is bad because the quality of the jobs is going downhill. It renders the ability of workers at the lower end of the income scale to be unable to support their families without working so much they can't raise them properly.

Capitalism is the vehicle by which the rich and powerful expand their wealth and power. That includes such methods as using wealth and power to influence and even control governments.

Governments are supposed to serve all the people. That is not always happening.

Look at Big Coal. They are fighting a losing battle. Coal is becoming obsolete. Fracking energy is displacing coal energy because it is cheaper. Capitalism did that.

What does it mean?

Big Coal is still very powerful. Don Blankenship has millions of dollars to spend supporting candidates like Trump. So he does that. He wants laws changed. Laws that were there to protect the people, protect the coal workers. It costs people like Blankenship money to have safety equipment in mines. It is cheaper for him to fight that than it is to protect the workers.

How can capitalism be all good all the time when it gets 29 workers (parents to children, heads of family) killed because Blankenship didn't want to follow safety protocols?

Government regulation told Blankenship he had to erect barriers to prevent run-off from mountain-top removal from getting into pristine mountain streams. Well, that costs money, ya know. It comes right out of Blankenship's profits. He didn't want to do it. Government forced him to. He hates government for that, wants to change it, wants to control government. Trump offered him a chance to do that. So Blankenship would rather support Trump than to do the right thing for the environment. Blankenship went to prison, but that doesn't take away his big money, or his ability to support Trump.

Trump got elected by using the money of convicts to do what convicts what him to do.

Not for the people.

For profits.

Dirty money.

Trump got elected on dirty money.

We've got to stand up and turn this nation around.

Pollution and killed workers, orphaned little children, convicts dictating policy, is not making America great again.

Well-meaning Republicans should be ashamed of what they have allowed.

What happened to the Grand Old Party?

Has it become the Greed-Only Party?


the money these people spend goes to fooling people and cheating in elections.

fools need to be shamed for believing lies over facts

the foolers need to be publicly shamed for lying

being nice to them does not work

the republican party is run by sociopaths
Hello evince,

Define evil.

to believe blindly in lies is evil

its not the only kind of evil

the current republican party voters refuse all facts and embrace the lies of right wing radio, Fox "news" and trump and team


they are doing it willingly

just like the German people did
Hello evince,

to believe blindly in lies is evil

its not the only kind of evil

the current republican party voters refuse all facts and embrace the lies of right wing radio, Fox "news" and trump and team


they are doing it willingly

just like the German people did

That does not define evil.

You must define the concept of evil before you can apply it.

If you cannot define it then it is meaningless to use the term.

The dictionary says it is "profoundly immoral and malevolent."

Then you have to define moral.

But what is moral or evil to one person is not the same to another.

Our Constitution does not define these terms.

They are subjective.

You are applying them, but they don't mean the same thing to others as they mean to you.

There is nothing absolute here.

It is not as cut and dried as you would like to believe.

Consider this.

Some of the people who voted for President Obama also voted for Trump.

Does that make them evil?

If they vote for your guy they are good and if they vote for the other guy they are bad?

Such oversimplification is a bad implication for our nation.

Minor political parties[edit]
This listing of minor parties does not include independents.
Political Party
2016 Presidential Election Votes[6]
Founded in
Former Titles
International Affiliations
America First Party


America's Party
Christian conservatism
America's Independent Party

American Delta Party
Social progressivism


American Freedom Party
White nationalism

American Third Position Party

American Populist Party*


American Solidarity Party
Christian democracy
Christian Democratic Party USA

Black Riders Liberation Party
Black nationalism


Christian Liberty Party*

American Heritage Party

Citizens Party of the United States

New American Independent Party

Communist Party

Workers Party of America
Workers (Communist) Party of America
International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
Constitution Party
Fiscal conservatism
U.S. Taxpayers' Party

Freedom Socialist Party


Committee for Revolutionary International Regroupment
Green Party
Green politics
Democratic socialism
Association of State Green Parties
Global Greens
Humane Party
Animal rights


Independent American Party

Justice Party
Social democracy


Legal Marijuana Now Party
Marijuana legalization

Libertarian Party
Classical liberalism

International Alliance of Libertarian Parties
Modern Whig Party


National Socialist Movement

National Socialist American Workers Freedom Movement
World Union of National Socialists
New Black Panther Party
Black nationalism


Objectivist Party


Party for Socialism and Liberation

Peace and Freedom Party
Democratic socialism


Prohibition Party

Reform Party
Big tent
Electoral reform
United We Stand America

Socialist Action


Fourth International
Socialist Alternative

Labor Militant
Committee for a Workers' International
Socialist Equality Party
Workers League
International Committee of the Fourth International
Socialist Labor Party of America
De Leonism

Workingmen's Party (1876–1877)
Socialistic Labor Party (1877–1880s)

Socialist Party
Democratic socialism
Social Democratic Party/Socialist Party of America (1898-1972)
Debs Caucus
Union for Democratic Socialism

Socialist Workers Party

Pathfinder tendency (unofficial)
Traditionalist Worker Party


United States Marijuana Party
Marijuana legalization


United States Pacifist Party

United States Pirate Party
Pirate politics


Pirate Parties International (observer)
Unity Party of America


Veterans Party of America

Workers World Party
Hello evince,

That does not define evil.

You must define the concept of evil before you can apply it.

If you cannot define it then it is meaningless to use the term.

The dictionary says it is "profoundly immoral and malevolent."

Then you have to define moral.

But what is moral or evil to one person is not the same to another.

Our Constitution does not define these terms.

They are subjective.

You are applying them, but they don't mean the same thing to others as they mean to you.

There is nothing absolute here.

It is not as cut and dried as you would like to believe.

Consider this.

Some of the people who voted for President Obama also voted for Trump.

Does that make them evil?

If they vote for your guy they are good and if they vote for the other guy they are bad?

Such oversimplification is a bad implication for our nation.

right now the republican party is evil
