Capitalism Has Destroyed / Is Destroying American Family Values

so you fashion your self a mind reader too?

and all those students were interchangeable in your mind?

you have no real ideas of why they left

Personal discussions, observation, and extensive studies school have to do about student completion, success, etc. If they were interchangeable they would not be going in so any different directions with different goals. That was all clearly stated in my posts.

You are just being argumentative and obviously know nothing about this topic. You are full of anger for some reason.
Personal discussions, observation, and extensive studies school have to do about student completion, success, etc. If they were interchangeable they would not be going in so any different directions with different goals. That was all clearly stated in my posts.

You are just being argumentative and obviously know nothing about this topic. You are full of anger for some reason.


you are being condemning

they didnt fit your mind set so you saw them as lessors

I have had teachers like that in my life

dismissive and judgemental

kept me from enjoying a subject or two
More projection and bigoted stereotyping and problems with reading comprehension.

I think everyone deserves respect and never made any suggestions about cutting social programs despite Frank's cute little memes. You both want to imagine what conservatives think based on a forum message board and assume I must be conservative since I don't agree with all of your intolerant liberal views. Your intolerance and denigration of others you think are beneath you is what allowed Donald Trump to be elected--they reacted against your self-righteous views.

What you are doing is to say that a few can make the transition...

...and therefore EVERYONE should be expected to make it.

You want others to be as you are.

I am not asking that. I DO NOT HAVE TO WORK...BUT I WORK BECAUSE I WANT TO WORK. (And I do it despite the fact that the work takes time away from the non-work things I want even more to do.)

You want to pat yourself on the back...the way Donald Trump does. On a smaller scale you are saying what he says, "I managed to work a paltry $30 million dollars into a vast fortune. If I can do it...why can't you lazy bastards do it also?"

Compared with many I have known, seem to have been born on third base...and you are now bragging that you hit a triple.
According to IRS the middle class shrunk by 11%. 7% moved to higher income classes. Of course, middle class can be defined many different ways.

According to the latest Department of the Treasury Income Mobility Study:

1. More middle income (3rd decile) moved to higher income (42.1%) than lower income (24.6%) within ten years. 33% remained in the middle.

2. Of the lowest decile 58% had moved to higher income groups in ten years

3. Of the second decile 42% had moved to higher income in ten years and 17% to the lowest decile

4. Of the top 1% 58% moved to lower income groups

Washington DC--The Treasury Department today released a study on income mobility of U.S. taxpayers from 1996 through 2005.
The study showed that, just as in the previous 10-year period, a majority of American taxpayers move from one income group to another over time. The study also recognizes that the dynamism of the U.S. economy significantly contributes to income mobility.
The key findings of the study included:
Income mobility of individuals was considerable in the U.S. economy during the 1996 through 2005 period with roughly half of taxpayers who began in the bottom quintile moving up to a higher income group within 10 years.
About 55 percent of taxpayers moved to a different income quintile within 10 years.
Among those with the very highest incomes in 1996--the top 1/100 of one percent--only 25 percent remained in the group in 2005. Moreover, the median real income of these taxpayers declined over the study period.
The degree of mobility among income groups is unchanged from the prior decade (1987 through 1996).
Economic growth resulted in rising incomes for most taxpayers over the study period:
Median real incomes of all taxpayers increased by 24 percent after adjusting for inflation;
Real incomes of two-thirds of all taxpayers increased over this period; and
Median incomes of those initially in the lower income groups increased more than the median incomes of those initially in the high income groups.

from your link

...sorry about the tone. I appreciate your attempts to civilize this place. But the thought of Flash TEACHING kids to think as she does just drives me up a wall.

Out of respect for your intentions...I'll try to keep things under some control. But we will start that tomorrow...or the next day. ;)

...sorry about the tone. I appreciate your attempts to civilize this place. But the thought of Flash TEACHING kids to think as she does just drives me up a wall.

Out of respect for your intentions...I'll try to keep things under some control. But we will start that tomorrow...or the next day. ;)

being civil doesn't always work
According to IRS the middle class shrunk by 11%. 7% moved to higher income classes. Of course, middle class can be defined many different ways.

According to the latest Department of the Treasury Income Mobility Study:

1. More middle income (3rd decile) moved to higher income (42.1%) than lower income (24.6%) within ten years. 33% remained in the middle.

2. Of the lowest decile 58% had moved to higher income groups in ten years

3. Of the second decile 42% had moved to higher income in ten years and 17% to the lowest decile

4. Of the top 1% 58% moved to lower income groups

post 286

the date on that study quoted

this poster is completely dishonest

dishonesty does nit deserve respectful treatment
being civil doesn't always work

Yeah, Evince...but efforting to be more civil does work for me. I feel better about myself when I do not let my lesser nature dominate what I have to say.

Not always you can see in this thread.
flash lied

and pretended her numbers were up to date

she is not an honest broker

she has tossed the gift of respectful treatment in the trash
being civil doesn't always work

:lolup: REALLY? From you? :rofl2:

If a society finds itself with a faction of people who use lies in place of facts it is incumbent on that society to publically shame those liars until they accept facts or STFU

unless they do that their society is lost

you are being condemning

they didnt fit your mind set so you saw them as lessors

I have had teachers like that in my life

dismissive and judgemental

kept me from enjoying a subject or two

You are saying they are losers. I talked about how successful they became--that is obviously not a loser. Many of us changed majors or fields before finding one we liked. I did not dismiss them, I counseled them about their problems and made recommendations including taking tests about occupational aptitude.

I changed fields twice. It had nothing to do with the professor being dismissive or judgmental but because I had little interest/aptitude for the subject.

You are the only one being condemning and judgmental and taking your seething anger out on others on whom you are projecting your own views of the world.
You are saying they are losers. I talked about how successful they became--that is obviously not a loser. Many of us changed majors or fields before finding one we liked. I did not dismiss them, I counseled them about their problems and made recommendations including taking tests about occupational aptitude.

I changed fields twice. It had nothing to do with the professor being dismissive or judgmental but because I had little interest/aptitude for the subject.

You are the only one being condemning and judgmental and taking your seething anger out on others on whom you are projecting your own views of the world.

Ill go get your post and the post number

while you explain why you used a decades old numbers