Car question

Photo shopped pics are easy to uncover. Send them and let them get to sleuthing.

She knows I have the proof of her being the real stalker. I have admittedly stood up to her and never have been afraid of owning my part of any of this. Darla is a known nutty mean nasty mouthed chick who is not used to getting it back is all.
Froggie... You need to quote things, I have no idea who you were answering...


Oh, Dam, you, too? I posted that one in the wrong place, but it is usually right under the other post.

I will use the quote for those who can't follow a thread...
One car question nets this?

Well, Darla, buy the Acura. The TL rocks, the RL was better but I don't know if they still make it. I've driven both and loved them.