Car question

You think you found your spin dar? Your war demonstration pic was pretty bad, I thought the witches hat added a bit of panache`, NO?

It's obvious my caller ID pics are not photo shopped. Really, want to see? <big grin>

The VERY SAME woman in that pic is the VERY SAME woman author's picture in the Ezine Article she posted. As well as the woman on the rooftop, as well as the woman in the protest line at the recruitment center.

tsk...tsk.. Dull-uh REALLY "couldn't care less". :rolleyes:

She's starting to wax hysterical. The proof is in the pudding...:readit:
on some sites they take it more seriously. here for the most part it's just tongue in cheek and for fun, at least for most people.

Hey if you're going to "get someone" like Tiana obviously wanted to, I can think of about 1000 different ways that are way more effective.

After all. Look at this thread...................................


Dumber than a box-a-rox these chicks.
The VERY SAME woman in that pic is the VERY SAME woman author's picture in the Ezine Article she posted. As well as the woman on the rooftop, as well as the woman in the protest line at the recruitment center.

tsk...tsk.. Dull-uh REALLY "couldn't care less". :rolleyes:

She's starting to wax hysterical. The proof is in the pudding...:readit:

The photo line-up says it all...HA!
Go nuts and buy a Tesla. That way you get the cool fast car plus no gas or emmissions at all.

$110k last I checked.

Yeah they had to recall a bunch of them recently. Loose bolts causing steering problems. Problem was in the chassis assembly made by Lotus as I recall.
You don't always get what you pay for.