Car question

Zero smugg factor with the tesla, nobody knows what it looks like in the wild.
For 25% of the cost you get maximum smug with Prius.
Drive thru subway and ask for the Gray Pupon on your turkey samich
No, not a statement. It's just that it's better to have a new car in my situation.
OIC, so "having to go to so many business functions now, I have to admit i have started to give more thought to what my car indicates. " doesn't mean you wish to make a statement. :)
The smug factor? lol.

why do you say not to expect it to be a good economic decision Top?

Because you basically have to do about 60,000 miles of in town driving before you make back the difference in price between a prius and a comparable sized 4 cylinder sedan/coupe on fuel savings. You also have to consider that after 100,000 miles you may have to change out the battery(s) and the convertors on the brakes that recharge the batteries. That could be pricey. More so than dropping an engine or transmission that you might have to do with a Corrolla with 200,000 on it. So the cost savings with a Prius just aren't there yet. Having said that. Hybrids are a blast for in town driving. There's no delay in the power transmision with the electric motor at start/slow speeds like you get with an internal combution engine with it's transaxel/differential. You hit the accelerator you go! That and they are so quiet. You'll really like that if you really dig jammin to your tunes while driving.

However if you want to factor in over all cost as well as fuel efficiency and dependability I would consider a VW Jetta turbo diesel or a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla. The Civic and Corrolla get about 10 mpg on average less than the Prius but they cost about $4,000 to $6,000 less and their a known commodity where long term cost is concerned. The Jetta will cost about the same as the Prius, get's slightly less fuel mileage but has better over all cost then the Prius (I'd call that a wash). It's also got more high end balls then a Prius. If you're doing lots of highway miles, I'd definately would consider a jetta over a prius. I'd go the other way if doing mostly city driving.

So I'd call it like this. If you can get a Prius at about $4,000 more than what a corolla cost, buy the Prius, With the tax credit it makes economic sense. If it's $6,000 more than the the corolla. You'll still be making a minimal carbon footprint and it will make more economic sense. If your doing lots of interstate/highway driving on business, go with the Jetta or the Civic.

Also, something to consider. If your doing lots of in town driving. Consider a minicooper. They get have a very good carbon footprint and their a blast to drive and surprisingly well engineered for their size.
Volvo. Educated left wing types seem to drive them.

Not only that but Volvo is perpetually on the leading edge of safety innovations; they have been for decades. Great engineering and a sound, safe vehicle. The newer ones also seem to be quite visually attractive as well. I don't know what the fuel economy is but it should be competitive at least.
Not only that but Volvo is perpetually on the leading edge of safety innovations; they have been for decades. Great engineering and a sound, safe vehicle. The newer ones also seem to be quite visually attractive as well. I don't know what the fuel economy is but it should be competitive at least.

Volvos are also some of the best cars at lasting a long, long, long time.
I think Topspins advice is sound. But look at VW too. They have made some big progress in mpg and reliability.

Google Consumer Reports and surf through their car comparisons. They give a lot of good info and do a lot more research than you will be able to do.

I agree. The VW Jetta turbo diesel is something to consider.
LOL. Well, I can afford the monthly payments anyway. Anything else might be an overstatement.

But don't think I'm not attracted to a red two seater convertable. I guess Top is right about my Prius motivations; there is some smugness about me Charver!

A little "I'm better than you, you polluting, littering, thoughtless, selfish, consumerist!"

There's also the smart car. You can drive where you want and practically put it in your purse when you get there. LOL
Okay I'll consider all this stuff. I won't be caught dead in a mini-cooper, which I consider to be a clown car, but I'll check out the Jetta and the Volvo.
the jetta diesel get nearly 40mpg on the highway and you have the option of being super green with biodiesel.
It will drive and handle several times better than the prius.
the jetta diesel get nearly 40mpg on the highway and you have the option of being super green with biodiesel.
It will drive and handle several times better than the prius.

VW also has several decades of car diesel experience. The hybrids are still a new technology.

The Smart Car makes the Mini Cooper look like a Suburban. I think the SmartCar will fit in the trunk of the Mini.