Car question

:) Well at least she finally got her drivers license back and an actual job.

I've always had a driver's license alec. What lie are you trying to slime me with now? An invented DWI? Sorry, you're barking up the wrong tree.

And I don't have an actual job, though I've never had any trouble finding one, because I have a college education and a great resume. But what I have now is a business that is supporting me well.
I've always had a driver's license alec. What lie are you trying to slime me with now? An invented DWI? Sorry, you're barking up the wrong tree.

And I don't have an actual job, though I've never had any trouble finding one, because I have a college education and a great resume. But what I have now is a business that is supporting me well.

Snicker~ "I had to give her 20 bucks for a cab because she's broke" " She lost her drivers license I guess because she didn't renew it" "She is always lying small lies and big ones". How's mama's place? :)
Snicker~ "I had to give her 20 bucks for a cab because she's broke" " She lost her drivers license I guess because she didn't renew it" "She is always lying small lies and big ones". How's mama's place? :)

I really don't know what any of that means, other than your deluded obsession with the idea that I live with my mother. You know alec, I have you on IA, but when I see you on a thread of mine, I do usually hit "view post". But maybe because I don't read the majority of your posts, I have missed other lies you have told about me, I don't know.

I was born in 1968, not 1965 and I am 40 years of age, not 44.

I do not live with my mother. (She did once stay with me after she was diagnosed with cancer, but I don't see how you could know about that, and it was a while ago. She's recovered and happily remarried, and living with her husband.)

I have never been "broke".

I am not unemployed.

That picture you posted that you lied and claimed Newsday told you was me? (LOL, nice, if unbelievable touch) Prak actually emailed it to me asking "who the fuck is this?"

I don't know how much of your info you know is wrong (but I suspect much of it), and how much you think is right, and how much you are hoping is right and you just throw it out there.

You are a deeply disturbed woman. But I'm not checking every post you or your whore friends make for lies that I have to refute. I know that's why you came here. You are the definition of "never get into mud with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it". You want to tell lies and get me upset enough to engage you by refuting them.

Knock yourself out. The moderators know my name, and if that should be referenced, or where I live, or any other personal information, it and you will be removed, and I personally will take further action.

Other than that, I do know that after five years, an obsession with a woman on the internet is still the most exciting thing you have going on in your life. So get your whore friends, and knock yourselves out.
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I've always had a driver's license alec. What lie are you trying to slime me with now? An invented DWI? Sorry, you're barking up the wrong tree.

And I don't have an actual job, though I've never had any trouble finding one, because I have a college education and a great resume. But what I have now is a business that is supporting me well.

And with all that, you still live in mommy's basement and are attracted to out of work psycho's like Prak.
Disturbing; but interesting.
I really don't know what any of that means, other than your deluded obsession with the idea that I live with my mother. You know alec, I have you on IA, but when I see you on a thread of mine, I do usually hit "view post". But maybe because I don't read the majority of your posts, I have missed other lies you have told about me, I don't know.

I was born in 1968, not 1965 and I am 40 years of age, not 44.

I do not live with my mother. (She did once stay with me after she was diagnosed with cancer, but I don't see how you could know about that, and it was a while ago. She's recovered and happily remarried, and living with her husband.)

I have never been "broke".

I am not unemployed.

That picture you posted that you lied and claimed Newsday told you was me? (LOL, nice, if unbelievable touch) Prak actually emailed it to me asking "who the fuck is this?"

I don't know how much of your info you know is wrong (but I suspect much of it), and how much you think is right, and how much you are hoping is right and you just throw it out there.

You are a deeply disturbed woman. But I'm not checking every post you or your whore friends make for lies that I have to refute. I know that's why you came here. You are the definition of "never get into mud with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it". You want to tell lies and get me upset enough to engage you by refuting them.

Knock yourself out. The moderators know my name, and if that should be referenced, or where I live, or any other personal information, it and you will be removed, and I personally will take further action.

Other than that, I do know that after five years, an obsession with a woman on the internet is still the most exciting thing you have going on in your life. So get your whore friends, and knock yourselves out.

I see you're working really hard, on that self-reinvention.
Actually, maybe I'm weird, but I like volvos. Not as much as the acura though.
If you like the Volvo but aren't interested in making a statement, you should get one of these, since its built on a high-end Volvo chassis, and a lot less expensive since you're not paying for the name.

A CAR! Girl, do they use those in your city? he he! I am so excited for you. I have to leave this one for the guys. I want a 1957 T-bird for my next car! I know, I know, but I am old.
He is one sick puppy, I don't remember those things and I am glad.
I can't give you any more rep points, but a cyber high five is due!
I guess you never saw the South Park episode of the hybrid cars, it was hilarious!