Car question

High time she posted? Has anyone been talking about her? She invented this thread didn't she?

I would think this would be the perfect opportunity to finally clear up that all those emails that were posted on the WOT were all lies. Isn't that where she made those comments to Prak about her mom being pissed that she was on the computer too much and tying up the phone?

That's where that came from isn't it?

So let me get this straight, you used to post with them at this WOT site years ago and then IceDancer, obviously alerted you to this thread on this site and immediately you have to come to where the action is so that you can stalk Darla too?

Man. She must have whipped your asses pretty fucking badly. I can't even recall seeing anyone get pwned so hard that 5 god damn years later they would still stalk the person that owned them.
Yes it was...and wait for it-----------------------

a single dial-up line...bwahahahahaha!

That me and maw siphoned off for free from the public library! LMAO

Seriously alec, you know that I continue this with you then some might get the idea that I'm as crazy as you are. You and the other whores are already poison here. That's the last one you get from me.

I know that you know your place here. :)
Oh the other deranged one.

Yes, I'm living with my mother and I posted emails that she sent to me telling me that I spend too much time on her computer and tying up her phone.

Frog is right, you should be writing bad romance novels. I know that this will keep you guys going at least until 3am. So, how about this; I'll go do things I have to do, and you guys stay here and talk about me all night. Sound good? Ohhh, I'm so glad Loyal. I know how hard up you are for an exciting night. One's finally come along for you! :)

OMFG. I thought Ice Dancer was a total tool for still stalking you, but to see that there is a network of certified batshit crazy losers that swarm into action when you appear on the net is whole nother story.

I mean - seriously are they posting from a looney bin? I can barely remember the handles of people I thought were losers back on the net, let alone would I ever show up to post on a thread they were on to bring up shit they supposedly said like a decade ago. What the fuck did you do to them lol? OMG - it must have been some ass whoopin.
Oh the other deranged one.

Yes, I'm living with my mother and I posted emails that she sent to me telling me that I spend too much time on her computer and tying up her phone.

Frog is right, you should be writing bad romance novels. I know that this will keep you guys going at least until 3am. So, how about this; I'll go do things I have to do, and you guys stay here and talk about me all night. Sound good? Ohhh, I'm so glad Loyal. I know how hard up you are for an exciting night. One's finally come along for you! :)

Darla, dear. You poor, poor thing. It's okay schnookems. I am perfectly happy with your sordid little life as it was displayed on the WOT. That you are still hooked up with Prak is enough certifiable proof who is insane, but keep up the pretense. It's a hoot to watch.....


Now go buy your Prius and Shut the Fuck Up, k? You got your advice, so run along to your new important job of dismantling the poster's here writing style k? I am sure those potential new clients are RIGHT IMPRESSED with that!

Keep in mind she wants to make a statement and nothing says "I lack imagination" more than a Volvo.

I would disagree. Its says that they imagined dying in a car accident and decided to buy a Volvo instead of dying in a car accident. It says they imagined having to buy a new car because the old one was worn out and decided to buy one that will last instead.
That me and maw siphoned off for free from the public library! LMAO

Seriously alec, you know that I continue this with you then some might get the idea that I'm as crazy as you are. You and the other whores are already poison here. That's the last one you get from me.

I know that you know your place here. :)

Oh now don't go getting in one of your lil pissed off tizzies dar. I really am proud that you managed to get up off mama's sofa and try to make a decent living for yourself. However, you really ought to work on that hang-up of telling lies about your age and weight...really is silly. It's OK to be fat unmarried and middle aged. There are thousands of women just like you and they don't need to lie.
OMFG. I thought Ice Dancer was a total tool for still stalking you, but to see that there is a network of certified batshit crazy losers that swarm into action when you appear on the net is whole nother story.

I mean - seriously are they posting from a looney bin? I can barely remember the handles of people I thought were losers back on the net, let alone would I ever show up to post on a thread they were on to bring up shit they supposedly said like a decade ago. What the fuck did you do to them lol? OMG - it must have been some ass whoopin.

It involved a man that one of them had a cyber thing for, and then the other two I think just were deeply mentally disturbed and having no life, became way too enthralled with her situation. It's not just me though. They have posted personal info about many posters (you'd be amazed what you can track if you google someone's aol screename, especially considering that back in the day people didn't really realize how traceable they were if they used it anywhere other than the message board). They also are obsessed with frog, prak, christie, scottboxter, and many others. The difference was, I left, the others didn't. And it went on for years over there. And now they have brought it over here. I don't know much, most actually, of what went on over there in the intervening years. I told Prak do not ever tell me, and he never did. He wanted to continue posting there, and I didn't and we agreed to not speak about it. A lot of what they are babbling about is an incoherent mystery to me because of that, and also because, well, they're sick.
That me and maw siphoned off for free from the public library! LMAO

Seriously alec, you know that I continue this with you then some might get the idea that I'm as crazy as you are. You and the other whores are already poison here. That's the last one you get from me.

I know that you know your place here. :)

LOL, So, I'm trying to put myself in their positions and pretend that I really do think you're a liar who lives at home. Remember that certifiable dude that posts here when he's out on bail? MK?

Now, lets say he starts posting on some site you happen upon >

Would you give enough shits to?:

A) care about his lies from 2004
B) feverishly email me so that we could relive posts from 2005
C) post on every thread that he's on trying to tell people how crazy he is
D) All of the Above
E) None of the above
Darla, dear. You poor, poor thing. It's okay schnookems. I am perfectly happy with your sordid little life as it was displayed on the WOT. That you are still hooked up with Prak is enough certifiable proof who is insane, but keep up the pretense. It's a hoot to watch.....


Now go buy your Prius and Shut the Fuck Up, k? You got your advice, so run along to your new important job of dismantling the poster's here writing style k? I am sure those potential new clients are RIGHT IMPRESSED with that!


Poor Topspin being so ill used by miss darla...LOL
I posted a smartass answer to one post on this thread and then started reading.

All I can say is "Wow".
It involved a man that one of them had a cyber thing for, and then the other two I think just were deeply mentally disturbed and having no life, became way too enthralled with her situation. It's not just me though. They have posted personal info about many posters (you'd be amazed what you can track if you google someone's aol screename, especially considering that back in the day people didn't really realize how traceable they were if they used it anywhere other than the message board). They also are obsessed with frog, prak, christie, scottboxter, and many others. The difference was, I left, the others didn't. And it went on for years over there. And now they have brought it over here. I don't know much, most actually, of what went on over there in the intervening years. I told Prak do not ever tell me, and he never did. He wanted to continue posting there, and I didn't and we agreed to not speak about it. A lot of what they are babbling about is an incoherent mystery to me because of that, and also because, well, they're sick. that was a lot a splaining thar Lucy... Your reinvention sure could use some spice. What happened writers block?
LOL, So, I'm trying to put myself in their positions and pretend that I really do think you're a liar who lives at home. Remember that certifiable dude that posts here when he's out on bail? MK?

Now, lets say he starts posting on some site you happen upon >

Would you give enough shits to?:

A) care about his lies from 2004
B) feverishly email me so that we could relive posts from 2005
C) post on every thread that he's on trying to tell people how crazy he is
D) All of the Above
E) None of the above

No well that's the amazing part. I have come across many people I believed were lying about their life, or something in it, on the internet. (alec/icedancer being one glaring example). I couldn't care less. Why would you? You'd have to be beyond pathetic. I couldn't care less if someone wants to post that they're an astronaut or an obvious high school dropout wants to pretend they have a college degree. Seriously, it's the internet, who the hell cares? Get a life. that was a lot a splaining thar Lucy... Your reinvention sure could use some spice. What happened writers block?

I'll leave the spicy reinventing to you and the cheap paperback writer. Enjoy. It beats your day job of standing on the side of that dirt road near the shack you live in, with a big sign reading "DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP".

Who knows, maybe you'll get a blog. that was a lot a splaining thar Lucy... Your reinvention sure could use some spice. What happened writers block?


You do realize, EVEN IF she does live at home, even if she is unemployed, even if she is really a he, or even if she weighs 700lbs and is 4'10" YOU and your psycho crew are the ones who've been following her around for the last 5 years +?

What does that say about you?

I mean don't you think it may be time to get over it? Or are you waiting for the 10th anniversary or something?
I'll post on this thread as long as I want to, and if you don't like it you can do...nothing.

My life was never displayed on the wot, I didn't even post there, I posted on the RBB. Your fantasy of my life on the other hand, does something for you. Maybe keeps you warm at night? Lord knows something has to.

And Prak and I are only friends. I tend to stay friends with my exes Loyal, unlike you who has often posted that you hate every guy you were ever involved with, you know, back in the days you used to get involved with men. Probably has something to do with my not being psycho.

I guess still working as a waitress in a coffee shop at this late stage would probably cause some bitterness wouldn't it? Remember when it was just a stopgap and something better was going to come along Loyal? :)

Yeah it was displayed by Prak. And man was it a hoot! You made so many enemies darla that a number just isn't possible to come up with. You left because you got ran off after all your crap was exposed. You were the most vulgar female ever to post and you carried that right over to here. That men like your "let me lift up my skirt" attitude is nothing to brag about dar any woman can get male attention that way...even fat old bitches like you!

I was actually invited to post over here back in 2006 by someone who will remain unnamed. Numerous AOL posters have come over here. That you are here is incidental, but then you have always wanted to make everything about you miss drama queen!

Gawd but you are so predictable dar! <big grin>

You do realize, EVEN IF she does live at home, even if she is unemployed, even if she is really a he, or even if she weighs 700lbs and is 4'10" YOU and your psycho crew are the ones who've been following her around for the last 5 years +?

What does that say about you?

I mean don't you think it may be time to get over it? Or are you waiting for the 10th anniversary or something?

LOL Stalking a fat midget who lives with their mother for five years.

You do realize, EVEN IF she does live at home, even if she is unemployed, even if she is really a he, or even if she weighs 700lbs and is 4'10" YOU and your psycho crew are the ones who've been following her around for the last 5 years +?

What does that say about you?

I mean don't you think it may be time to get over it? Or are you waiting for the 10th anniversary or something?

That you have bought either by wink or nod into her victim BS is not proof of anything. Several aol posters heard about this board and have joined.dar's presence is incidental. I think she's a nasty low life chick, but I have no problem that she's here. We hated each other on aol and that feeling has obviously not changed.
"You were the most vulgar female ever to post and you carried that right over to here. That men like your "let me lift up my skirt" attitude is nothing to brag about dar any woman can get male attention that way...even fat old bitches like you!"

Amazingly I do know that you are truly too oblivious to get the contradiction here.

I'm a fat old bitch. And you're obsessed with a fat old bitch for FIVE years. No one invited you over here. The people who first came here were Cypress and Ornot, period. Either of them would have invited Osama Bin Laden here rather than you. Or maybe the dead Ruff who you claim to still be hearing from invited you? LOL.

You are so ill alec.
Yeah it was displayed by Prak. And man was it a hoot! You made so many STALKERS darla that a number just isn't possible to come up with. You left because you got ran off after all your crap was exposed. You were the most vulgar female ever to post and you carried that right over to here. That men like your "let me lift up my skirt" attitude is nothing to brag about dar any woman can get male attention that way...even fat old bitches like you!


Wow. And it seems you'll never ever get over the pwning the gave you. I wish I had a transcript of that.

Darla you must have been kicking ass and taking names. Honestly, you should take it as a compliment that your words were so powerful that 5 and 6 years later these losers are still whining about the "enemies" (still LOL) you made on AOL.