Car question

That you have bought either by wink or nod into her victim BS is not proof of anything. Several aol posters heard about this board and have joined.dar's presence is incidental. I think she's a nasty low life chick, but I have no problem that she's here. We hated each other on aol and that feeling has obviously not changed.

Wrong. You were here years before the recent influx of aol people who were told about this board when that old defunct board finally closed down.

You have already gone many rounds with the administrator of this board, years ago, even threatening him with lawsuits, because you were prevented from posting here under my old screename. You stalked me here. You took posts of mine from here, and posted them on your wot board constantly. I was told of this by several people, liar.

Alec, every word out of your mouth is a lie, including and, and the. The woman who famously wrote that first must have known you.
"You were the most vulgar female ever to post and you carried that right over to here. That men like your "let me lift up my skirt" attitude is nothing to brag about dar any woman can get male attention that way...even fat old bitches like you!"

Amazingly I do know that you are truly too oblivious to get the contradiction here.

I'm a fat old bitch. And you're obsessed with a fat old bitch for FIVE years. No one invited you over here. The people who first came here were Cypress and Ornot, period. Either of them would have invited Osama Bin Laden here rather than you. Or maybe the dead Ruff who you claim to still be hearing from invited you? LOL.

You are so ill alec.

What's srewy dar is that because I am one of several AOL posters over here my presence represents "stalking" you. Can you see the self absorbed focus there get help. I have the pics of my phone with your and your moms NY numbers in my caller ID. It is YOU who have called my home. It is you who thinks she is being stalked because in this small insular blogosphere it is ALL about you dar...LOL
That you have bought either by wink or nod into her victim BS is not proof of anything. Several aol posters heard about this board and have joined.dar's presence is incidental. I think she's a nasty low life chick, but I have no problem that she's here. We hated each other on aol and that feeling has obviously not changed.

Yes, but one of you is so desperate for the others attention you jump up and down like a child whenever the other comes on.

If she's such a loser, liar, and low life, why are you creaming your pants to get her attention. Its like watching a 5 y/o.
What's srewy dar is that because I am one of several AOL posters over here my presence represents "stalking" you. Can you see the self absorbed focus there get help. I have the pics of my phone with your and your moms NY numbers in my caller ID. It is YOU who have called my home. It is you who thinks she is being stalked because in this small insular blogosphere it is ALL about you dar...LOL

Well, if you don't care about her, prove it.

Don't respond to any of her posts. Lets see how long you can last.
What's srewy dar is that because I am one of several AOL posters over here my presence represents "stalking" you. Can you see the self absorbed focus there get help. I have the pics of my phone with your and your moms NY numbers in my caller ID. It is YOU who have called my home. It is you who thinks she is being stalked because in this small insular blogosphere it is ALL about you dar...LOL

You have pictures of my "mother's" phone number on your caller id? You are really deranged. I don't have your number, want your number, and since I don't know your frigging LAST name, I have no way of getting your number!

Wow, I don't even know what to say to this. You need to get help, totally straight up. You're mentally ill.
Yes, but one of you is so desperate for the others attention you jump up and down like a child whenever the other comes on.

If she's such a loser, liar, and low life, why are you creaming your pants to get her attention. Its like watching a 5 y/o.

Get over yourself! I do nothing different with an adversary than old dar does. Like I have not read the endless back and forth slam fests she has participated in? Really and of course you have never read those either ...right?
Wow lofl, i've never encountered a bigger loser that Ice. Darla owns him andhe follows her for 5 yrs. This is a future jeff dhamer ax murderer folks. He makes the virgins 3d and waterturd look like brad Pitt.
You have pictures of my "mother's" phone number on your caller id? You are really deranged. I don't have your number, want your number, and since I don't know your frigging LAST name, I have no way of getting your number!

Wow, I don't even know what to say to this. You need to get help, totally straight up. You're mentally ill.

Why don't you tell Damo it's ok that I can post the proof then Dar. Tell him and I'll post the two pics. I wish I could post the hillariously shrill recordings you left too...that would be a hoot! The nut is you and your demented Prak.
Wow lofl, i've never encountered a bigger loser that Ice. Darla owns him andhe follows her for 5 yrs. This is a future jeff dhamer ax murderer folks. He makes the virgins 3d and waterturd look like brad Pitt.

I know, but I'm really starting to get embarrassed to even be entertaining this. I really have to stop.
Why don't you tell Damo it's ok that I can post the proof then Dar. Tell him and I'll post the two pics. I wish I could post the hillariously shrill recordings you left too...that would be a hoot! The nut is you and your demented Prak.

Alec, I don't know your name, and I have never called you. I don't want to know your name or want to call you. Get help.

That's all.
Wow lofl, i've never encountered a bigger loser that Ice. Darla owns him andhe follows her for 5 yrs. This is a future jeff dhamer ax murderer folks. He makes the virgins 3d and waterturd look like brad Pitt.

Well, when she chose you she sure did pick a good candidate to make fun of on her blog. You can bet that your poor grammar and spelling may someday even make you famous.
He's funny yet scary in a ted bundy kind of way. When your that swave you wind up with a lot of alone time for stalking liberals. Hope no one tells him I'm an abortion dr.
Alec, I don't know your name, and I have never called you. I don't want to know your name or want to call you. Get help.

That's all.

So, I guess that's a no? You don't want me to post the proof that in fact it is you who is the stalker? Eh Darla? I really am willing to "put up or shut up? Come on what can someone so innocent as yourself be afraid of???

Here's laughing at you dar.
Get over yourself! I do nothing different with an adversary than old dar does. Like I have not read the endless back and forth slam fests she has participated in? Really and of course you have never read those either ...right?

Yeah. Just like this thread?

She solicits advice on getting a chime right the fuck in with shit you think you remember from 5 years go.......

"har har least she has her license and a job now because when I knew her back in 2004 she told us how she didn't have a job or a license and she lived with her mom.......all pertinent information that people on this board need to know about in 2009 when talking about cars.....har...har....I'm so funny....darla you're a lewwser......freedom remember that time back in 2003 when Darla said she worked at the bunny ranch......har har har....harey bitch.....wasn't that just hillaaaarious how I exposed darla.....har har har......."
He's funny yet scary in a ted bundy kind of way. When your that swave you wind up with a lot of alone time for stalking liberals. Hope no one tells him I'm an abortion dr.

I know right!?

Who does this?

And they obviously keep connected too, because as soon as she got back on a couple of them chimed right in to "expose" her lies and obvious deceit.
Alec, I don't know your name, and I have never called you. I don't want to know your name or want to call you. Get help.

That's all.

Oh yes you did and I saw the numbers myself. In fact I have a copy of the picture she took. It's your mother's number and the number you have on your website for your new business.

You're a pathological liar.
You have pictures of my "mother's" phone number on your caller id? You are really deranged. I don't have your number, want your number, and since I don't know your frigging LAST name, I have no way of getting your number!

Wow, I don't even know what to say to this. You need to get help, totally straight up. You're mentally ill.

Then give the permission I ask to prove myself miss liar.
So, I guess that's a no? You don't want me to post the proof that in fact it is you who is the stalker? Eh Darla? I really am willing to "put up or shut up? Come on what can someone so innocent as yourself be afraid of???

Here's laughing at you dar.

Alec I have no doubt that you are attempting to post my phone number here. And if you do, then I am going to flag Damo right now, and that's going to be it. I know you have my phone number. I know you have my address. But I don't even have your last name. My number is not on your phone. If you use that lie as an excuse to post my phone number, that's not going to cut it. I was wondering what this bs about me calling you was about and where it was going. Now I know. Maybe you also photshopped a witch's hat on it again? You are so sick and devious. Don't even try it, liar. And since you seem to have skipped over this here:

Wrong. You were here years before the recent influx of aol people who were told about this board when that old defunct board finally closed down.

You have already gone many rounds with the administrator of this board, years ago, even threatening him with lawsuits, because you were prevented from posting here under my old screename. You stalked me here. You took posts of mine from here, and posted them on your wot board constantly. I was told of this by several people, liar.

Alec, every word out of your mouth is a lie, including and, and the. The woman who famously wrote that first must have known you.
Oh yes you did and I saw the numbers myself. In fact I have a copy of the picture she took. It's your mother's number and the number you have on your website for your new business.

You're a pathological liar.

LOL, lemme're one of the many "enemies" of which ice dancer speaks.
Oh yes you did and I saw the numbers myself. In fact I have a copy of the picture she took. It's your mother's number and the number you have on your website for your new business.

You're a pathological liar.

I see. So that is the plan. Well, the accusation that I phoned a woman whose last name I don't even know, makes sense now. For one split second I actually thought you had me mixed up with someone else, that maybe someone had actually called you from that board. I should have known better. You know, if you two put your heads together and tried to accomplish something that could, you know, make money? alec might not be where she is and you might not be where you are. Give it a try.