Car question

I see you're working really hard, on that self-reinvention.

Didn't she always? I LOVE the way she could care less what I say and then spends every opportunity making a statement to me about it...LOL

See here's her quandry. She lied about her being in her mid 40's, she claimed she was in her late 30's over on Full Politics back in 2006 HAHAHA! She has been in her late 30's for like 8 years now!. She posted a phony pic of herself and not her rotund scar faced self. So she has to come out in advance to lay the groundwork for the lies she has alreay told (even though I had said nada about her age or her fat photo from her war protest)...same old scar-puss as ever. It must suck that we are all here and know the facts :cof1:
LOL. That is such a man thing. I am much more of a gut buyer. If I was going to go non-hybrid I would lean towards the Acura. Anyway it'll be a couple of weeks, I don't want to be impulsive. And after I test drive a few and think about it, and maybe do a tiny bit of this boring research, I will let you guys know what I get.

Yes. The acura is exactly what you want.

Its a low key luxury vehicle. Its stylish, has a smooth ride and if you get the tech package, its got lots of fun toys. If you get a 2009, you get the push button start, the ipod integration, I can't tell you how great the seat warmers are, XM radio, bluetooth, and the back up camera is great for city parking - I honestly don't know how I parked before.
Okay I'll consider all this stuff. I won't be caught dead in a mini-cooper, which I consider to be a clown car, but I'll check out the Jetta and the Volvo.

Jettas are really expensive to fix. People I've known that have had to take them in for anything have a look of pain and despair for a good 3 weeks.
Yes. The acura is exactly what you want.

Its a low key luxury vehicle. Its stylish, has a smooth ride and if you get the tech package, its got lots of fun toys. If you get a 2009, you get the push button start, the ipod integration, I can't tell you how great the seat warmers are, XM radio, bluetooth, and the back up camera is great for city parking - I honestly don't know how I parked before.

Tiana, I was just telling someone how much I missed you here today.

I drove this car today, and I love it. I have to drive the Prius and one or two more, but the Acura is really beautiful.
I really don't know what any of that means, other than your deluded obsession with the idea that I live with my mother. You know alec, I have you on IA, but when I see you on a thread of mine, I do usually hit "view post". But maybe because I don't read the majority of your posts, I have missed other lies you have told about me, I don't know.

I was born in 1968, not 1965 and I am 40 years of age, not 44.

I do not live with my mother. (She did once stay with me after she was diagnosed with cancer, but I don't see how you could know about that, and it was a while ago. She's recovered and happily remarried, and living with her husband.)

I have never been "broke".

I am not unemployed.

That picture you posted that you lied and claimed Newsday told you was me? (LOL, nice, if unbelievable touch) Prak actually emailed it to me asking "who the fuck is this?"

I don't know how much of your info you know is wrong (but I suspect much of it), and how much you think is right, and how much you are hoping is right and you just throw it out there.

You are a deeply disturbed woman. But I'm not checking every post you or your whore friends make for lies that I have to refute. I know that's why you came here. You are the definition of "never get into mud with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it". You want to tell lies and get me upset enough to engage you by refuting them.

Knock yourself out. The moderators know my name, and if that should be referenced, or where I live, or any other personal information, it and you will be removed, and I personally will take further action.

Other than that, I do know that after five years, an obsession with a woman on the internet is still the most exciting thing you have going on in your life. So get your whore friends, and knock yourselves out.

HAHAHA "wink wink" yeah you were born in 68 LOL! I know daaaaaarla that you already lied yet again about your age over here. It must really suck to hate getting older as much as you about your insecurities <grin>

As to posting "personal" info we know that was your gig on aol and just because we ran with it back at you after you gave so many posters a taste of your bitchy self does not make you believable here dar.

Now go on getting all worked up over your age and weight...kiss kiss dear.
Snicker~ "I had to give her 20 bucks for a cab because she's broke" " She lost her drivers license I guess because she didn't renew it" "She is always lying small lies and big ones". How's mama's place? :)

Wow IceDancer, you're a riot. You seem totally hilarious and that was quite the proverbial cyberskewering you gave Darla. Coolness at its best.

You should post your picture and give the rest of the board a little synopsis of your life.
Tiana, I was just telling someone how much I missed you here today.

I drove this car today, and I love it. I have to drive the Prius and one or two more, but the Acura is really beautiful.

Which one?! TSX, TL, or the RL.......or are you going to shock us all and bust out and get a MDX? 2009 models with the push button start?
Didn't she always? I LOVE the way she could care less what I say and then spends every opportunity making a statement to me about it...LOL

See here's her quandry. She lied about her being in her mid 40's, she claimed she was in her late 30's over on Full Politics back in 2006 HAHAHA! She has been in her late 30's for like 8 years now!. She posted a phony pic of herself and not her rotund scar faced self. So she has to come out in advance to lay the groundwork for the lies she has alreay told (even though I had said nada about her age or her fat photo from her war protest)...same old scar-puss as ever. It must suck that we are all here and know the facts :cof1:

Every opportunity? Funny, I actually got PM's from people telling me it was high time I responded, so I guess you have been telling other lies as I suspected.

Alec, I've met people on this board. In person. When I say I don't care what you say, it's because I don't care on so many levels, but what you need to get straight, and take this down; personal info, you pay.

Your usual blathering about how I'm lying about my age, that I'm fat, that I live in my mother's basement (I think that's my favorite one), that I'm a hooker...have fun. A high school dropout living in the terrible place you live, wouldn't have anything else to do for fun.

Oh, but alec? I do. :)
HAHAHA "wink wink" yeah you were born in 68 LOL! I know daaaaaarla that you already lied yet again about your age over here. It must really suck to hate getting older as much as you about your insecurities <grin>

As to posting "personal" info we know that was your gig on aol and just because we ran with it back at you after you gave so many posters a taste of your bitchy self does not make you believable here dar.

Now go on getting all worked up over your age and weight...kiss kiss dear.

Ice Dancer you should post a picture and your resume. Seeing as you quite clearly put Darla in her place and exposed her as the living with mom loser that she is, I think when she sees how young, skinny, hot and rich you are, she's going to simply roll over and die of jealousy. Go ahead, post!
Ice Dancer you should post a picture and your resume. Seeing as you quite clearly put Darla in her place and exposed her as the living with mom loser that she is, I think when she sees how young, skinny, hot and rich you are, she's going to simply roll over and die of jealousy. Go ahead, post!

Isn't the living with my mom just the best touch? Living in my mom's basement and as her buddy freedom claimed, selling blow jobs for 20 bucks! That's me alright.
Every opportunity? Funny, I actually got PM's from people telling me it was high time I responded, so I guess you have been telling other lies as I suspected.

Alec, I've met people on this board. In person. When I say I don't care what you say, it's because I don't care on so many levels, but what you need to get straight, and take this down; personal info, you pay.

Your usual blathering about how I'm lying about my age, that I'm fat, that I live in my mother's basement (I think that's my favorite one), that I'm a hooker...have fun. A high school dropout living in the terrible place you live, wouldn't have anything else to do for fun.

Oh, but alec? I do. :)

SCAR, UMM correction, Free calls ya hooker and says it's mama's basement, I figure you probably at least get the living room sofa :)

As to personal info? That's your bag. You got pissed when it got played back on you miss drama queen.
The TL, it's mid-30's and in my price range. Which model do you have again?

TL! I love it too. I spent about $30+ on my last year and I don't regret it one bit! Aren't they fab? And the 2009 ones have even better toys. Are you getting it with AWD?
TL! I love it too. I spent about $30+ on my last year and I don't regret it one bit! Aren't they fab? And the 2009 ones have even better toys. Are you getting it with AWD?

I don't know, because I don't even know if I"m getting it yet. I have a bad tendency to impulse buy, so the plan I laid out is to drive one car a day for a week, and then go back and drive maybe two that I really loved, and then wait a few more days, and make the decision. It will sound stupid, but I actually learned to do this with shoes, and it's saved me a lot of money and stupid (oh, they won't be that uncomfortable) decisions.

It'll be about two weeks, and then when I get whichever one I pick, I'll send you a picture.
SCAR, UMM correction, Free calls ya hooker and says it's mama's basement, I figure you probably at least get the living room sofa :)

As to personal info? That's your bag. You got pissed when it got played back on you miss drama queen.

So, why are you so obsessed with her btw? I've met plenty of people I think are losers over the net over the last 7 or 8 years, and I can't think of one that I've bothered to take the time to follow to another board.

Are you on any prescribed mood altering medication?
SCAR, UMM correction, Free calls ya hooker and says it's mama's basement, I figure you probably at least get the living room sofa :)

As to personal info? That's your bag. You got pissed when it got played back on you miss drama queen.

High time she posted? Has anyone been talking about her? She invented this thread didn't she?

I would think this would be the perfect opportunity to finally clear up that all those emails that were posted on the WOT were all lies. Isn't that where she made those comments to Prak about her mom being pissed that she was on the computer too much and tying up the phone?

That's where that came from isn't it?
I don't know, because I don't even know if I"m getting it yet. I have a bad tendency to impulse buy, so the plan I laid out is to drive one car a day for a week, and then go back and drive maybe two that I really loved, and then wait a few more days, and make the decision. It will sound stupid, but I actually learned to do this with shoes, and it's saved me a lot of money and stupid (oh, they won't be that uncomfortable) decisions.

It'll be about two weeks, and then when I get whichever one I pick, I'll send you a picture.

If its mid 30s you're getting a 2009. I'm sooooo jeal!

That's the best way to buy a car anyway. You go in, say you're interested, don't buy anything and they'll follow up trying to lure you back into their offices with more discounts. A car shouldn't be an impulse buy.
High time she posted? Has anyone been talking about her? She invented this thread didn't she?

I would think this would be the perfect opportunity to finally clear up that all those emails that were posted on the WOT were all lies. Isn't that where she made those comments to Prak about her mom being pissed that she was on the computer too much and tying up the phone?

That's where that came from isn't it?

Yes it was...and wait for it-----------------------

a single dial-up line...bwahahahahaha!
High time she posted? Has anyone been talking about her? She invented this thread didn't she?

I would think this would be the perfect opportunity to finally clear up that all those emails that were posted on the WOT were all lies. Isn't that where she made those comments to Prak about her mom being pissed that she was on the computer too much and tying up the phone?

That's where that came from isn't it?

Oh the other deranged one.

Yes, I'm living with my mother and I posted emails that she sent to me telling me that I spend too much time on her computer and tying up her phone.

Frog is right, you should be writing bad romance novels. I know that this will keep you guys going at least until 3am. So, how about this; I'll go do things I have to do, and you guys stay here and talk about me all night. Sound good? Ohhh, I'm so glad Loyal. I know how hard up you are for an exciting night. One's finally come along for you! :)