Case closed: No evidence of Russian collusion found.

It just goes to show how desperate liberals are that they have to make up lies about Trump and Russia.

That's hilarious .. and what makes it even more hilarious is the fact that you have no clue just how mindboggling unintelligent that is.

It's a miracle. :0)
This investigation did its job. It was run by Nunes and repubs to come up with a cover for Trump voters to believe in. Rightys pay attention, Mueller is doing his job. He is not a Republican party hack, even though he has been a Repub his whole life. He is after justice. The house committee was not after that. They ended the investigation today and did not even tell the Dems on the committee that they were doing it. This has never been a clean investigation. it has been a Repub set up from day 1.

Mueller may not be a hack but he hired some democrat hacks to work under him lol.

The republicans aren’t motivated to pull the collusion rabbit out of the hat so they closed up shop. It’s not like they didn’t look. You might as well drop the charade that the democrats are after anything but Trump’s scalp. They would keep the investigation going even if they knew it was a farce.

The ball is in Schiff’s court. He needs to come up with something. The whole country has had to listen to democrats and the Resistance to go on about Russian collusion for well over a year—-and they have *nothing* to show for it.

Shit or get off the pot.
There is strong circumstantial evidence that Trump colluded with the Russian mafia to make his financial comeback after being nearly a billion in debt and American banks would no longer loan to him.

Anybody who borrows millions of dollars in Russia must know they are getting dirty money. Russia is so corrupt all the big money there is dirty. Trump Jr said they did a lot of business with Russia. 2+2
say that is still doesn't show electoral collusion
Putin was like everyone else: he expected Hillary to win. His meddling was intended to sew discord and not to ensure an outcome.

I’m not convinced Russians hacked the DNC because Assange insists it was a leak from within and the data transfer date didn’t point to a hack.
and that scenario relies on a "Russian cutout" never named,never exposed, but is there like a convenient ghost
Your own hero Mueller contradicts that.

The Russian indictments were effectively a counterintelligence operation done by an SP. The indictments are meaningless since Russia won’t extradite. The conclusion was the Russian trolls *did not have an objective beyond sewing discord* in the election.

Which makes perfect sense because the Russians aren’t stupid: to think they could turn a US presidential
election on a shoestring budget and internet trolls is beyond ludicrous.

You’ve been had.
per Rosenstein..
so why would this maior troll farm activity not have a partisan agenda but other nebulous not do?
The Republican party exonerates itself - who cares? The real investigation begins once you lose the house in 2018 and an actual investigation starts.
You guys are so thirsty for a win its hilarious. How hard did house republicans work, not to find the truth, but to provide political cover for their God emperor?
Close enough...Clapper leaked enough junk to them and other msm.
It's been five years since former US spy chief James Clapper lied to Congress about the NSA's giant surveillance program, and the statute of limitations for his crime is coming to end, guaranteeing him a peaceful retirement.

On March 12, 2013, Clapper, then director of national intelligence, knowingly lied to the US Select Committee on Intelligence, when he was asked by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) whether the National Security Agency collected “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.”

No sir. Not willingly,” Clapper said.
Desperate? Hardly. You are the desperate one. You lost. The American people have had eight years of bare naked liberalism with Obama. Your party has been rejected. Even people from your own party voted for Trump. Trump will make America great again. And he will drag people like you, kicking and screaming, along with the rest of us. You can kick and and scream all you like. You are irrelevant. Get used to it.

It's hilarious that you really believe you're the future.
You couldn't even win this election. You had to steal it by stuffing ballots in key states and appointing electors to nullify an election you lost by 3 million votes. Trump is a fluke. The dyke will be plugged in 2018 and the edifice of American fascism will fall in 2020. It will be the siege of Berlin all over again. We will destroy everything you know and love.
Perhaps you are blind to Trump's obvious Putin-love that he demonstrates every single day .. but your blindness has no effect on obvious truth.

Perhaps you have a warped fantasy about Trump and Putin having a love interest and you want to be the guy in the middle.