"CASH ONLY" Chaos - when credit card services went down at the local Wawa/gas station

A busy Wawa off the beltway, posted cash only as credit card services went down. It was like the apocalypse. Well, a sign of what it would be like. People could not conduct business or purchase gas unless they had cash.

If the world's satellites were destroyed by a space nuke, so many things would cease to function.

You only have to destroy a few satellites and the debris from those will destroy other satellites. It is known as the cascade effect, and would wipe out all satellites and the debris would make it virtually impossible to use that part of the exosphere for long into the future.

How should the U.S. respond if Putin nukes LEO outerspace and wipes out all satellites?
Great Post Big Dog!

Naturally we would retaliate by shooting down theirs.

But anyway, it would present a huge problem for the entire world- including Russia. And Russia would be shooting itself in the head- if they were to ever attempt some insane act like that.

Here is a study that may make you feel a little more rest assured that we have people working on this!

Geostationary satellite are very distant from the Earth, so have a lot of lag. They also have limited bandwidth. If possible they are replaced with cables as much as possible. Developing countries, along with rural areas, are falling behind replacing them with cables.

Destroying satellites would hurt everyone, but would hurt India, China, Russia, etc. far worse. And of course would hurt Wyoming far more than New York City.

Because it's 1970...


Just the opposite of what you claim is the reality. Copper is being expunged in the developed world. Fiber is still heavily used, Satellite is mostly for large data transfers. Point to point wireless is used more and more. Microwave and 5G LTE dominate for high speed data. LTE is susceptible to weather conditions, microwave is not, but LTE is faster and cheaper. Most backbones are still fiber, but for everything else, wireless rules.
Geostationary satellite are very distant from the Earth, so have a lot of lag. They also have limited bandwidth. If possible they are replaced with cables as much as possible. Developing countries, along with rural areas, are falling behind replacing them with cables.

Destroying satellites would hurt everyone, but would hurt India, China, Russia, etc. far worse. And of course would hurt Wyoming far more than New York City.
Nope. Wouldn't hurt Wyoming at all. They are connected by the Wasatch Relay system (a 'cable').
The Kessler effect (Kessler syndrome) is what you are talking about and it won't occur as quickly as you think or as depicted in the movies. When a satellite is destroyed, the debris goes into its own orbit. For the debris to hit something else it has to be orbiting at the same height and in a different direction for it to damage another satellite.
Basically correct.

Indeed, there is ALREADY an amazing amount of space junk (dead satellites and debris) in low Earth orbit, where satellites have the fastest orbits; yet collisions are very rare. Satcom does not operate satellites in low Earth orbit. They tend to use geosynchronous orbits, along with weather satellites.
Great Post Big Dog!

Naturally we would retaliate by shooting down theirs.

But anyway, it would present a huge problem for the entire world- including Russia. And Russia would be shooting itself in the head- if they were to ever attempt some insane act like that.

Here is a study that may make you feel a little more rest assured that we have people working on this!

Thank you, Geeko, I thought it would be a fun topic.

The U.S. has 4500 Sats., China has 600, Russia has 174.

Of course, Russia would destroy their own Sats., too, with such an attack.
You are a Trump fan Big Dog, and one thing that comes to mind when people ask what Donald Trump's Legacy will be, but for sure, was Trump's announcement that we were naming our Space Program the SPACE FORCE and naming it as another branch of our armed services.

I think everyone liked that idea, whether that was a Donnie idea or not.

I don't know the back story on that, but I credit him with doing it!
You are speculating without providing any evidence. This is typical white lib behavior. In general, the less advanced a country is, the less its people will be affected.

Your OP topic was idle speculation about something that has a snowball's chance in hell of ever happening.
You are a Trump fan Big Dog, and one thing that comes to mind when people ask what Donald Trump's Legacy will be, but for sure, was Trump's announcement that we were naming our Space Program the SPACE FORCE and naming it as another branch of our armed services.

I think everyone liked that idea, whether that was a Donnie idea or not.

I don't know the back story on that, but I credit him with doing it!

I thought it was a stupid idea that unnecessarily created another level of bureaucracy.

The USAF was doing a perfectly good job coordinating with NASA on whatever defense related issues existed involving outer space.

Just another Trump glory hound attention grab.
Your OP topic was idle speculation about something that has a snowball's chance in hell of ever happening.
The Doomsday Clock is at a record 90 seconds thanks to Kamala and Plugs.

And according to your messiah ...


Putin nuclear weapons threat is 'real,' Biden warns

NBC News
https://www.nbcnews.com › news › world › putin-nucle...

Jun 20, 2023 — President Joe Biden has warned that the threat of Russian President Vladimir Putin's using tactical nuclear weapons is “real,” as Ukraine's ...
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I thought it was a stupid idea that unnecessarily created another level of bureaucracy.

The USAF was doing a perfectly good job coordinating with NASA on whatever defense related issues existed involving outer space.

Just another Trump glory hound attention grab.
You know nothing about military tactics, and the importance of controlling the high ground.
The Doomsday Clock is at a record 90 seconds thanks to Kamala and Plugs.
Your IQ is at a record 60 thanks to the fact that you're a complete fucking N4T idiot.
None of that shit has anything to do with your dumbass OP about flakes of paint destroying satellites or Putin nuking them knowing that the debris it would create would also destroy Russian satellites.

You know nothing about military tactics, and the importance of controlling the high ground.
You sure as hell don't.
Your IQ is at a record 60 thanks to the fact that you're a complete fucking N4T idiot.

None of that shit has anything to do with your dumbass OP about flakes of paint destroying satellites or Putin nuking them knowing that the debris it would create would also destroy Russian satellites.


You sure as hell don't.
Explosive diarrhea in your pants, poor thing.

If you'd learn to read, you would know all those things have already been addressed in the thread. Poor poor Slow nomad.
Explosive diarrhea in your pants, poor thing.

If you'd learn to read, you would know all those things have already been addressed in the thread. Poor poor Slow nomad.
I didn't say they weren't addressed Mr. Low Attention Span.

The fact that you addressed them to begin with is why I'm laughing at you.

Stop trying to play your slick little games on me.

the larger the population density, the more fucked you would be I'll take Wyoming and people that still know how to be self reliant any day
The more backup infrastructure, the less you are dependent on satellites. That is just the math of the situation.
Yep, the farther "off grid" you are, the less affected you will be.
Do they live off the grid, or on the fringes of the grid? There is an important difference.

If you do not drive a car, accept that most of your children will die from lack of medicine, and live in a house made of sod, then you will hardly notice the missing satellites. If you drive a car, use modern medicine, live in a modern house, then losing satellites will be a huge problem for you.
Because it's 1970...


Just the opposite of what you claim is the reality. Copper is being expunged in the developed world. Fiber is still heavily used, Satellite is mostly for large data transfers. Point to point wireless is used more and more. Microwave and 5G LTE dominate for high speed data. LTE is susceptible to weather conditions, microwave is not, but LTE is faster and cheaper. Most backbones are still fiber, but for everything else, wireless rules.
Satellites have not been used in the first world for decades now. I still remember the problems with delays because of satellites for international phone calls, but that was back in the 1980's. Seriously fiber optic cables are literally a million times better than satellite in bandwidth, and ten to hundred times better lag.

Wireless does not use satellites, at least not in developed, populated areas. The wifi, or the cell data connects to a fiber optics cable, and goes from there. Satellites are either too high up, or rapidly moving along the sky. Either way, they have terrible bandwidth.