
Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
I have been watching the new miniseries based on the novel Catch-22 that George Clooney has produced.

It is absolutely brilliant. From the screen writing to the casting to the authenticity of the set and settings to the acting.

I hesitate to compare it to the Mike Nichols movie as it a very good movie too.

However to really understand the Mike Nichols movie you really need to read the book to be able to follow the plot and the huge cast of characters.

Clooney’s series is the other way around. You don’t need to read the book as he is able to take the time to flush out the characters that he could not do in a two hour movie. Much of the dialogue and events are straight out of the novel, such as Doc Daneeka explaining Catch-22. The old man and Nately’s whore, the deadman in Yossarians tent, Milo’s syndicate, etc,.

The casting is largely of unknown actors who fit their characters like a glove.

And for conservatives who detest Clooney’s politics will really appreciate the Character he plays Lt. Colonel Scheiskopf. I won’t tell you why though.
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I have been watching the new miniseries based on the novel Catch-22 the George Clooney has produced.

It is absolutely brilliant. From the screen writing to the casting to the authenticity of the set and settings to the acting.

I hesitate to compare it to the Mike Nichols movie as it a very good movie too.

However to really understand the Mike Nichols movie you really need to read the book to be able to follow the plot and the huge cast of characters.

Clooney’s series is the other way around. You don’t need to read the book as he is able to take the time to flush out the characters that he could not do in a two hour movie. Much of the dialogue and events are straight out of the novel, such as Doc Daneeka explaining Catch-22. The old man and Nately’s whore, the deadman in Yossarians tent, Milo’s syndicate, etc,.

The casting is largely of unknown actors who fit their characters like a glove.

And for conservatives who detest Clooney’s politics will really appreciate the Character he plays Lt. Colonel Scheiskopf. I won’t tell you why though.

Thanks for the info on the miniseries. Catch-22 is one of my favorite books. I saw Joseph Heller at Arizona State University, probably sometime in the 1990's. He was funny and enjoyable to listen to. I didn't stay around to meet him afterwards, I wish I had.
its amazing how the right wingers love the liberal point of view in movies, art and music

Hey, moron, READ the book. There is NOTHING overtly conservative or liberal in it. It IS anti-war in its tone, which I wholeheartedly agree with. Other than that, it is a witty satire filled with puns and play on words.
Hey, moron, READ the book. There is NOTHING overtly conservative or liberal in it. It IS anti-war in its tone, which I wholeheartedly agree with. Other than that, it is a witty satire filled with puns and play on words.

It's not even really anti-war. The whole comedy of the book, and it's events, and even how the story is structured, is pointing out the absurdity of how people use circular reasoning logical fallacies to make decisions. Particularly in times of crisis, like war.
It's not even really anti-war. The whole comedy of the book, and it's events, and even how the story is structured, is pointing out the absurdity of how people use circular reasoning logical fallacies to make decisions. Particularly in times of crisis, like war.

Thank you for your intelligent and civil response. I'm a Mott the Hoople and Ian Hunter fan, as well. I think the album Mott, the one with "All The Way From Memphis", is one of THE best rock and roll albums ever made. I also like their earlier stuff, like Brain Capers.
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It's not even really anti-war. The whole comedy of the book, and it's events, and even how the story is structured, is pointing out the absurdity of how people use circular reasoning logical fallacies to make decisions. Particularly in times of crisis, like war.

I would say that was certainly a significant part of the point of the book, but I think the real and main point of the book, was the absurdity and mindlessness of bureaucracy, especially government and military based bureaucracy.

I think that the book and particularly Yossarian, the main character, did more to shape my attitudes towards things like authority and power structures, than anything else I have ever read or seen.

I probably read it at way too young of an age, which was 13.

I and the friend who loaned me his copy, used to constantly pepper our conversations with quotes from and references to Catch-22 for years. All through 8th grade and then high school. It was like our Bible.

Catch-22 was such a big part of my youth, I couldn't even tell you how many times I read it.
I would say that was certainly a significant part of the point of the book, but I think the real and main point of the book, was the absurdity and mindlessness of bureaucracy, especially government and military based bureaucracy.

I think that the book and particularly Yossarian, the main character, did more to shape my attitudes towards things like authority and power structures, than anything else I have ever read or seen.

I probably read it at way too young of an age, which was 13.

I and the friend who loaned me his copy, used to constantly pepper our conversations with quotes from and references to Catch-22 for years. All through 8th grade and then high school. It was like our Bible.

Catch-22 was such a big part of my youth, I couldn't even tell you how many times I read it.

Very good point. Heller goes to quite some length to demonstrate that the bureaucracy could be even more dangerous than the enemy.
I would say that was certainly a significant part of the point of the book, but I think the real and main point of the book, was the absurdity and mindlessness of bureaucracy, especially government and military based bureaucracy.

I think that the book and particularly Yossarian, the main character, did more to shape my attitudes towards things like authority and power structures, than anything else I have ever read or seen.

I probably read it at way too young of an age, which was 13.

I and the friend who loaned me his copy, used to constantly pepper our conversations with quotes from and references to Catch-22 for years. All through 8th grade and then high school. It was like our Bible.

Catch-22 was such a big part of my youth, I couldn't even tell you how many times I read it.

You're as precocious as I was with reading. I read it when I was 16 but got bogged down with it as I didn't realize it was high comedy. My father noticed I was reading it and he loved the book so he started asking me questions about it and he then explained to me that it was a comedy. I then had an "ah ha!" moment and started the book over again and laughed my ass off at all the absurdities. My favorite to this day is "What's good for M&M Enterprises is what's good for the country". :)
You're as precocious as I was with reading. I read it when I was 16 but got bogged down with it as I didn't realize it was high comedy. My father noticed I was reading it and he loved the book so he started asking me questions about it and he then explained to me that it was a comedy. I then had an "ah ha!" moment and started the book over again and laughed my ass off at all the absurdities. My favorite to this day is "What's good for M&M Enterprises is what's good for the country". :)

"But Yossarian still didn't understand either how Milo could buy eggs in Malta for seven cents apiece and sell them at a profit in Pianosa for five cents."

"Milo chortled proudly. "I don't buy eggs from Malta," he confessed... "I buy them in Sicily at one cent apiece and transfer them to Malta secretly at four and a half cents apiece in order to get the price of eggs up to seven cents when people come to Malta looking for them."

"Then you do make a profit for yourself," Yossarian declared.

"Of course I do. But it all goes to the syndicate. And everybody has a share. Don't you understand? It's exactly what happens with those plum tomatoes I sell to Colonel Cathcart."

"Buy," Yossarian corrected him. "You don't sell plum tomatoes to Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn. You buy plum tomatoes from them."

"No, sell," Milo corrected Yossarian. "I distribute my plum tomatoes in markets all over Pianosa under an assumed name so that Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn can buy them up from me under their assumed names at four cents apiece and sell them back to me the next day at five cents apiece. They make a profit of one cent apiece, I make a profit of three and a half cents apiece, and everybody comes out ahead."

And one of my favorite exchanges....

“As far back as Yossarian could recall, he explained to Clevinger with a patient smile, somebody was always hatching a plot to kill him. There were people who cared for him and people who didn't, and those who hated him were out to get him. They hated him because he was Assyrian. But they couldn't touch him, he told Clevinger, because he had a sound mind in a pure body and was as strong as an ox. They couldn't touch him because he was Tarzan, Mandrake, Flash Gordon. He was Bill Shakespeare. He was Cain, Ulysses, the Flying Dutchman; he was Lot in Sodom, Deirdre of the Sorrows, Sweeney in the nightingales among trees. He was miracle ingredient Z-247. He was -
Crazy!" Clevinger interrupted, shrieking. "That's what you are! Crazy!" "immense. I'm a real slam-bang, honest-to-goodness, three-fisted humdinger. I'm a bona fide Supraman."
"Superman?" Clevinger cried. "Superman?"
Supraman," Yossarian corrected.”
I have been watching the new miniseries based on the novel Catch-22 that George Clooney has produced.

It is absolutely brilliant. From the screen writing to the casting to the authenticity of the set and settings to the acting.

I hesitate to compare it to the Mike Nichols movie as it a very good movie too.

However to really understand the Mike Nichols movie you really need to read the book to be able to follow the plot and the huge cast of characters.

Clooney’s series is the other way around. You don’t need to read the book as he is able to take the time to flush out the characters that he could not do in a two hour movie. Much of the dialogue and events are straight out of the novel, such as Doc Daneeka explaining Catch-22. The old man and Nately’s whore, the deadman in Yossarians tent, Milo’s syndicate, etc,.

The casting is largely of unknown actors who fit their characters like a glove.

And for conservatives who detest Clooney’s politics will really appreciate the Character he plays Lt. Colonel Scheiskopf. I won’t tell you why though.

Scheiskopf was such a Shithead!
You're as precocious as I was with reading. I read it when I was 16 but got bogged down with it as I didn't realize it was high comedy. My father noticed I was reading it and he loved the book so he started asking me questions about it and he then explained to me that it was a comedy. I then had an "ah ha!" moment and started the book over again and laughed my ass off at all the absurdities. My favorite to this day is "What's good for M&M Enterprises is what's good for the country". :)

M&M Enterprises represent Big Capitalism,where profit comes before anything else.
Catch 22 has a little of everything in the outside world,war,religion,capitalism,changed the way I thought!Made me question everything!
" You're not going to send a crazy man out to die!
Who else would go? "
hows it going mott? Believe it or not, I was missing seeing you around. granted, I was high when I thought this.
"But Yossarian still didn't understand either how Milo could buy eggs in Malta for seven cents apiece and sell them at a profit in Pianosa for five cents."

"Milo chortled proudly. "I don't buy eggs from Malta," he confessed... "I buy them in Sicily at one cent apiece and transfer them to Malta secretly at four and a half cents apiece in order to get the price of eggs up to seven cents when people come to Malta looking for them."

"Then you do make a profit for yourself," Yossarian declared.

"Of course I do. But it all goes to the syndicate. And everybody has a share. Don't you understand? It's exactly what happens with those plum tomatoes I sell to Colonel Cathcart."

"Buy," Yossarian corrected him. "You don't sell plum tomatoes to Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn. You buy plum tomatoes from them."

"No, sell," Milo corrected Yossarian. "I distribute my plum tomatoes in markets all over Pianosa under an assumed name so that Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn can buy them up from me under their assumed names at four cents apiece and sell them back to me the next day at five cents apiece. They make a profit of one cent apiece, I make a profit of three and a half cents apiece, and everybody comes out ahead."

And one of my favorite exchanges....

“As far back as Yossarian could recall, he explained to Clevinger with a patient smile, somebody was always hatching a plot to kill him. There were people who cared for him and people who didn't, and those who hated him were out to get him. They hated him because he was Assyrian. But they couldn't touch him, he told Clevinger, because he had a sound mind in a pure body and was as strong as an ox. They couldn't touch him because he was Tarzan, Mandrake, Flash Gordon. He was Bill Shakespeare. He was Cain, Ulysses, the Flying Dutchman; he was Lot in Sodom, Deirdre of the Sorrows, Sweeney in the nightingales among trees. He was miracle ingredient Z-247. He was -
Crazy!" Clevinger interrupted, shrieking. "That's what you are! Crazy!" "immense. I'm a real slam-bang, honest-to-goodness, three-fisted humdinger. I'm a bona fide Supraman."
"Superman?" Clevinger cried. "Superman?"
Supraman," Yossarian corrected.”

You'll like how they treat Clevinger in the new series.
hows it going mott? Believe it or not, I was missing seeing you around. granted, I was high when I thought this.

Thanks Grind. I've been busy. Since my wife's promotion to Asst Gen Manager at the hotel she works at she's been a bit of a pain. It appears the power is going to her head and she's taking her new job a little to seriously. She's developed a new method for her house maids to make beds while keeping their arms and back ramrod straight, like in a parade drill. She started out by practicing it with me over, and over, and over again, till I got it right. The bed looked like crap when I was done but it looked impressive as hell while I was making it.

So after drilling on me she went into work and night and day and with some long, long hours and much bitching and complaining by her house keepers she had trained them all to make beds with their arms and backs locked ramrod straight. Once they got it down she was ready for the next QA inspection. So they demonstrated the new technique for making beds, which resulted in a crappy looking bed but the QA inspectors from the corporate office were so impressed that they gave her a perfect score and sent a detailed report to the corporate HQ in St. Louis who was so impressed that they promoted her to Corporate Director of Rooms.

Now she is busy training all the house keepers in her Hotel Chain how to make beds with their arms and backs locked ram rod straight and corporate observers have been so impressed that her corporation has been awarded a JD Powers awards for best service and she's now considered a corporate genius.
Thanks Grind. I've been busy. Since my wife's promotion she's been a bit of a pain. It appears the power is going to her head and she's taking her new job a little to seriously. She's developed a new method for her house maids to make beds while keeping their arms and back ramrod straight, like in a parade drill. She started out by practicing it with me over, and over, and over again, till I got it right. The bed looked like crap when I was done but it looked impressive as hell while I was making it.

So after drilling on me she went into work and night and day and with some long, long hours and much bitching and complaining by her house keepers she had trained them all to make beds with their arms and backs locked ramrod straight. Once they got it down she was ready for the next QA inspection. So they demonstrated the new technique for making beds, which resulted in a crappy looking bed but the QA inspectors from the corporate office were so impressed that they gave her a perfect score and sent a detailed report to the corporate HQ in St. Louis who was so impressed that they promoted her to Corporate Director of Rooms.

Now she is busy training all the house keepers in her Hotel Chain how to make beds with their arms and backs locked ram rod straight and corporate observers have been so impressed that her corporation has been awarded a JD Powers awards for best service and she's now considered a corporate genius.
Thanks Grind. I've been busy. Since my wife's promotion to Asst Gen Manager at the hotel she works at she's been a bit of a pain. It appears the power is going to her head and she's taking her new job a little to seriously. She's developed a new method for her house maids to make beds while keeping their arms and back ramrod straight, like in a parade drill. She started out by practicing it with me over, and over, and over again, till I got it right. The bed looked like crap when I was done but it looked impressive as hell while I was making it.

So after drilling on me she went into work and night and day and with some long, long hours and much bitching and complaining by her house keepers she had trained them all to make beds with their arms and backs locked ramrod straight. Once they got it down she was ready for the next QA inspection. So they demonstrated the new technique for making beds, which resulted in a crappy looking bed but the QA inspectors from the corporate office were so impressed that they gave her a perfect score and sent a detailed report to the corporate HQ in St. Louis who was so impressed that they promoted her to Corporate Director of Rooms.

Now she is busy training all the house keepers in her Hotel Chain how to make beds with their arms and backs locked ram rod straight and corporate observers have been so impressed that her corporation has been awarded a JD Powers awards for best service and she's now considered a corporate genius.
