cawacko and mott - what would it take for them to flip parties?

Get back to me,when you have an erection,and you're married to a lesbian who doesn't care who serves you.

Hello? That's what an old gym sock and lotion is for? Get back to me when you learn all about self-control. People shouldn't blame others for their lack of it.
what would it take to make mott vote for a republican

what would it take to make cawacko vote democrat

honest question to everyone included those mentioned above
I do vote for some GOP candidates and I have rarely, in fact only once, voted a straight ticket.

I do vote mostly Democrat...for now...parties can change and so do people. Trump has turned the GOP on its head and the fall out hasn’t settled down yet. So I’m not exactly sure where my affiliation lies at the moment. Ronald Reagan created a seismic change in the conservative movement and its coalitions. Trump has undone everything Reagan did and has utterly changed the GOP landscape and it’s coalitions. That can’t help but impact the Democratic Party too.

So the times they are a changing and I can’t possibly answer your question completely.

What changes would cause me to lean more Republican? The GOP Abandoning supply side economic policy and embracing a more worker friendly (both white and blue collar) while Democrats lean more towards real socialism (not the current GOP fear mongering variety) and continue to overly focus on social justice while throwing economic prosperity out with the bath water.

But to be honest the thing that turns me off the most about the GOP is it’s reliance on southern conservative populism to get elected which is and always has been a huge lead anchor around this nations neck.
I do vote for some GOP candidates and I have rarely, in fact only once, voted a straight ticket.

I do vote mostly Democrat...for now...parties can change and so do people. Trump has turned the GOP on its head and the fall out hasn’t settled down yet. So I’m not exactly sure where my affiliation lies at the moment. Ronald Reagan created a seismic change in the conservative movement and its coalitions. Trump has undone everything Reagan did and has utterly changed the GOP landscape and it’s coalitions. That can’t help but impact the Democratic Party too.

So the times they are a changing and I can’t possibly answer your question completely.

What changes would cause me to lean more Republican? The GOP Abandoning supply side economic policy and embracing a more worker friendly (both white and blue collar) while Democrats lean more towards real socialism (not the current GOP fear mongering variety) and continue to overly focus on social justice while throwing economic prosperity out with the bath water.

But to be honest the thing that turns me off the most about the GOP is it’s reliance on southern conservative populism to get elected which is and always has been a huge lead anchor around this nations neck.

has trump really undone everything reagan did? Maybe you didn't like reagan as much as you now remember? Take for example the heritage foundation and what they say:

By year’s end, the Trump administration had withdrawn or delayed 1,500 proposed regulations. It has made a difference. On Dec. 14, the administration reported that the regulatory rollback had saved the American economy $8.1 billion, and would save another $9.8 billion in fiscal 2019.

Conservatives cheered the nomination and confirmation of Neil Gorsuch, a strong constitutionalist, to the U.S. Supreme Court. And President Trump followed this up with many other outstanding judicial appointments.

By the end of 2017, the Senate had confirmed 12 circuit court of appeals judges – the largest number of appellate judges confirmed during the first year of any president in history. Why does that matter? Because most federal cases stop at the appellate level. Only one of every 700 cases heard by these courts goes on to the Supreme Court.

make no mistake, 2017 was a banner year for conservative policy victories. On that score, President Trump can confidently stack his record right up there next to President Reagan’s first year.

not to mention tax reform. these are all very conservative policies and implementations. Now I understand why you may not like that as a more left leaning individual, but conservatives should generally support most of these reforms.
cawhacko would switch parties if the Republicans nominated Trump......Mott would only switch if Ohio froze over.........
This is a good example of why I vote for Democrats. Can you imagine a nation run by PiMP’s?

This would be his campaign motto;

I don’t know what you heard about me
But a bitch can’t get a dollar out of me
No Cadillac, no perm, you can’t see
That I’m a motherfucking P i M P
yes. .. "right now"... the point of hte question is, what could conservatives give ground on.. to get to the point where they become more attractive than the democrats?

Biggest thing for me is the phoniness of the pro life, and sanctity of marriage they push. Of course it's kind of expected with many being fake Christians. Their hypocrisy is toxic.
Biggest thing for me is the phoniness of the pro life, and sanctity of marriage they push. Of course it's kind of expected with many being fake Christians.

im mostly pro choice but I dont think the pro life side is phony. I think they truly believe sucking the brains out of a fetus's head after jamming a hole in its skull with a sharp object is bad.
This is a good example of why I vote for Democrats. Can you imagine a nation run by PiMP’s?

This would be his campaign motto;

I don’t know what you heard about me
But a bitch can’t get a dollar out of me
No Cadillac, no perm, you can’t see
That I’m a motherfucking P i M P

yes. .. "right now"... the point of hte question is, what could conservatives give ground on.. to get to the point where they become more attractive than the democrats?
Its not just what the GOP gives ground on. It’s about what ground Democrats are currently standing on.

More importantly it’s also what coalitions form these parties. You very unlikely to ever see me align with certain coalitions. I can’t see my self aligning my self with Franklin Graham, and it the descendents of the KKK coalition.

But back to Wacko and I. If I was living in the Bay Area I’d probably vote Republican too and if Wacko was as close to Kentucky as I am he’d probably vote Democrat too.
Its not just what the GOP gives ground on. It’s about what ground Democrats are currently standing on.

More importantly it’s also what coalitions form these parties. You very unlikely to ever see me align with certain coalitions. I can’t see my self aligning my self with Franklin Graham, and it the descendents of the KKK coalition.

But back to Wacko and I. If I was living in the Bay Area I’d probably vote Republican too and if Wacko was as close to Kentucky as I am he’d probably vote Democrat too.

this could be an interesting point. I am not exposed to the dumbfuck type of conservative that you might be. The conservatives in massachusetts like myself are very elite, educated, and classy.
has trump really undone everything reagan did? Maybe you didn't like reagan as much as you now remember? Take for example the heritage foundation and what they say:

not to mention tax reform. these are all very conservative policies and implementations. Now I understand why you may not like that as a more left leaning individual, but conservatives should generally support most of these reforms.

Well maybe that was hyperbole on my behalf but Trump has certainly turned the Reagan coalition on its head.
im mostly pro choice but I dont think the pro life side is phony. I think they truly believe sucking the brains out of a fetus's head after jamming a hole in its skull with a sharp object is bad.

Not what I meant. I meant it's phony, as it doesn't translate through, on life as a whole being sacred. Late term abortions are abominable, but are rarer then the right makes out.
Monica came on to him, was of legal age! This isn't about self-control.

It is very much about self-control. He could have said, "No, thank you!" If she had asked him to jump off a bridge, could he have controlled himself enough to not do so?
Not what I meant. I meant it's phony, as it doesn't translate through, on life as a whole being sacred. Late term abortions are abominable, but are rarer then the right makes out.

most people view children as the most innocent of all people. I dont think it's hypocritical to not want to have a child (in their eyes) murdered vs. being against welfare for adults.
this could be an interesting point. I am not exposed to the dumbfuck type of conservative that you might be. The conservatives in massachusetts like myself are very elite, educated, and classy.

Another point along those lines. I live in a fairly upscale community and the political division here isn’t really class or race. It’s more like about how you make a living as most folk here are fairly affluent. The business and managerial class are predominantly Republican and the entrepreneurial, professional and technical classes are predominantly Democrat.