APP - censure

i think that the difference is between disagreeing and calling someone a liar
I think that the difference in such a case is minuscule. If you disagree that the bill contains something that is there, that somebody else says is not, one of them will be right and the other will be wrong. It is abrupt, it is direct, it may even be rude to be so direct rather than giving them an out with "mistaken" or some other word, but it is no different than disagreeing.
From the Rules of Decorum and Debate in the House:

Members must:

* Address themselves solely and directly to the Chair. They may not address other Members, individuals in the gallery, or persons who might be observing through the media.

* Refer to Members by state, not by name.

* Avoid characterizing another Member's personal intent or motives and discussing personalities.

* Refrain from speaking disrespectfully of the Speaker, other Members, the President or Vice President.

* Refrain from referring to the official conduct of other Members where such conduct is not under consideration by way of a report of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct or as a question of the privilege of the House.

* Refrain from referring to the specific votes of particular Senators.

* Refrain from using profane or vulgar language.

* Avoid walking in the well when a Member is speaking.

* Ensure that all handouts distributed on the floor or adjacent rooms comport with the rules of propriety for spoken words, and that all handouts bear the name of the authorizing Member.

* Refrain from eating, smoking, or using electronic equipment, including cellular phones or lap top computers, on the floor.

* Wear appropriate business attire.

He should at least receive a sternly written letter.
When did either side apologize for booing, prob never.
This white trash fool couldn't apologize fast enough. Comical
at least he had the class to apologize..something you don't ever see from the lefties..

I'm so over it already...marching onward to take down the slime..
at least he had the class to apologize..something you don't ever see from the lefties..

If this chap was going to back down and issue a whimpering apology almost immediately what was the point of him piping up in the first place?

I'd have more respect for him if he had any balls at all.
If this chap was going to back down and issue a whimpering apology almost immediately what was the point of him piping up in the first place?

I'd have more respect for him if he had any balls at all.

well you see the reaction from the left..he probably was thinking of the safety of his family..
The guy apologized, thats enough for me.

Still, depending on the rules of the House of Rep's, he might should face a censure.

Just because some Democrats booed Bush does not make it right to shout Liar to the President of the United States during a joint address to congress.

Hell, calling someone a liar is not even allowed on this section of Justplainpolitics.
The guy apologized, thats enough for me.

Still, depending on the rules of the House of Rep's, he might should face a censure.

Just because some Democrats booed Bush does not make it right to shout Liar to the President of the United States during a State of the Union address.

Hell, calling someone a liar is not even allowed on this section of Justplainpolitics.

so you support the dems booing?
If this chap was going to back down and issue a whimpering apology almost immediately what was the point of him piping up in the first place?

I'd have more respect for him if he had any balls at all.

uh.....he said it was an accidental outburst, caught up on the moment....:pke:
uh.....he said it was an accidental outburst, caught up on the moment....:pke:

Oh yeah, like the "accidental outburst" when i told the congregation at my friend's wedding that his wife was a "filthy whore".

That all ended happily as well.
see how the twisting come out...He didn't call the Hugo a LIAR..

he called out a point he was making as a LIE..