APP - censure

Again. how did someone with so little self control ever survive in politics and get elected to congress? elected official has ever exhibited lack of self control....

good're lucky this is the APP....because that statement is has to be the most #$##%$^%$ statment ever
Again. how did someone with so little self control ever survive in politics and get elected to congress?
Please. If this was the worst moment of lack of decorum that he ever had, then he's doing better than almost every single person in the US.
I heard booing from Republicans when Obama was calling them out over certian falsities that had been spread.
I don't remember it. While he was supposedly "calling them out" about illegal aliens and abortion is when the guy's outburst came, and booing was for his outburst. The President continued talking, so it happened about when he started talking about abortion, but it was not for what the President was saying.
Because the booing was for this guy's outburst. At least the booing I heard was.

Maybe some were booing Obama, some were booing the outburst and some were booing the people who were booing?

It would be a lot easier to attribute intent if they had simply opted for throwing objects at the person they disagreed with.
Because the booing was for this guy's outburst. At least the booing I heard was.

I thought the booing was in support of Wilson. Or better to say against the President.
I would like to have been actually watching the crowd when it happened.
Maybe some were booing Obama, some were booing the outburst and some were booing the people who were booing?

It would be a lot easier to attribute intent if they had simply opted for throwing objects at the person they disagreed with.
True. Or if they had cards that depicted the intended target of the boo.