Challenge to Damocles: ...

I appreciate the embrace of 'Freedom of Expression' here, a real breath of fresh air. I have ZERO criticism of that. For some reason I had the impression that 'moderating' the Site was becoming quite a Task. And, in my view, that the soon to be 'New Folk' that would arrive around the 2020 Elections would bring things to a breaking point, hence the need to beef up the number of Moderators.

Grind: "The best a JPP mod can be is by doing as little as possible."
Jack: Praise Jesus!

So you do intend to keep creating more and more socks, just to make yourself feel needed. :palm:
it's not overwhelming. We pride ourselves on having as few rules as possible. I don't even like having rule 12b. It's not like I am personally offended over many 12b infractions, the reason we are strict on that is because we want to prevent it from getting even worse or going to a bad bad place. Beyond that or personal information we basically let people say whatever they want here. The best a JPP mod can be is by doing as little as possible.

I trust you,the others not so much.
I have seen one day bans,personally motivated!
You're not a moderator,so butt out,butt breath.

Can't mention even one and back up your asininities, HUH!!
