Challenging Hume to a Debate #2 - Physics of the Global Warming Faith : Is Greenhouse Effect Even Possible?

You don't know what Earth's surface is. This is an ongoing problem with you.

Nope. The effects of convection, i.e. refraction, can be observed in the air, but that is not energy leaving the surface.

Are you claiming that light is somehow SLOWED to something less than the speed of light?

I shouldn't have to beg you to tell me what you do mean. Is there any hope that we will ever end this seemingly neverending story of what you don't mean?

No celestial body has huge drops in its average equilibrium temperature.

Now, do you have a point to make about Earth's average global equilibrium temperature?
You lost when you said there's no scientists at NASA.
Yes, it brings daytime and nighttime temperatures closer together.
Bingo! We have a winner. You just earned your first points. Now you don't have a goose egg on the scoreboard.

One component of that is the atmosphere stopping some of the suns energy from getting to the earth’s surface.
Incorrect. You don't know what the earth's surface is.

The other part is that it “distributes” thermal energy as it leaves the earth’s surface.
Nope. You don't know what the earth's surface is. Once energy leaves the earth's surface ... well, I won't ruin it for you.

What components of the atmosphere perform this function.
None. Learn what the earth's surface is.
You lost when you said there's no scientists at NASA.
You lost the first time when your deaf studies deprived you of an education. You lost again when you disagreed with me.

You altered what I wrote, but nonetheless, there are no scientist job descriptions at NASA. There are "scientist" job titles, but not scientist job descriptions.

Guess who had every opportunity to include a "scientist" job description in his post but couldn't because there aren't any. Take a guess.
Bingo! We have a winner. You just earned your first points. Now you don't have a goose egg on the scoreboard.

Incorrect. You don't know what the earth's surface is.
You are trying so hard to avoid this topic.

If the atmosphere doesn’t deflect some of the suns energy, why doesn’t the earth’s temperature get as high as it would WITHOUT an atmosphere?

Nope. You don't know what the earth's surface is. Once energy leaves the earth's surface ... well, I won't ruin it for you.

None. Learn what the earth's surface is.

For reasons that we both recognize, you continue to intentionally avoid answering questions. No problem. I have plenty of time.

Trying again….. for probably the 10th time.

Yes, it (atmosphere) brings daytime and nighttime temperatures closer together. One component of that is the atmosphere stopping some of the suns energy from getting to the earth’s surface. The other part is that it “distributes” thermal energy as it leaves the earth’s surface.

What components of the atmosphere perform this function.
You are trying so hard to avoid this topic.

If the atmosphere doesn’t deflect some of the suns energy, why doesn’t the earth’s temperature get as high as it would WITHOUT an atmosphere?

For reasons that we both recognize, you continue to intentionally avoid answering questions. No problem. I have plenty of time.

Trying again….. for probably the 10th time.

Yes, it (atmosphere) brings daytime and nighttime temperatures closer together. One component of that is the atmosphere stopping some of the suns energy from getting to the earth’s surface. The other part is that it “distributes” thermal energy as it leaves the earth’s surface.

What components of the atmosphere perform this function.
I'll address more of this when you let me know that you can discern when I am avoiding and when I am not.
The government isn't going to destroy our economy over it. Lots of people in government talk. Most of them say stupid things, but don't follow through on it.
ESG is mostly though corporations.

green Nazi multinational corporations planning to murder humanity.

they want population reduction.

they're sick psychotic freaks and you love them apparently.

libertrarians love corporate cock regardless of consequences.

they think nihilism is enlightenment, but it's just workaday evil.
I'll address more of this when you let me know that you can discern when I am avoiding and when I am not.
For the 11th time....

What component of the atmosphere prevents the high temperatures from being as high and the low temperatures being as low and how does the aforementioned component do this?
Yes. NASA is a government bureacracy that manages contracts. NASA contracts out to private commercial contractors for all science, engineering, math and research support. NASA contracts out to people like me to provide support. There are no NASA scientists; there are only commercial sector scientists who are paid from NASA funds to provide the support needed.

Now the ball is in your court to bring one of these NASA "scientists" to JPP to argue your position so I can pick him apart.

Let me know when he arrives.

So, instead of you just showing us over and over again, how little YOU know about science, why don't you tell us a RESOURCE YOU WOULD TRUST on the topic. Ie someone NOT YOURSELF. An authority.
ESG is mostly though corporations.

green Nazi multinational corporations planning to murder humanity.

they want population reduction.

they're sick psychotic freaks and you love them apparently.

libertrarians love corporate cock regardless of consequences.

they think nihilism is enlightenment, but it's just workaday evil.
You've confirmed that you're crazy.
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So, instead of you just showing us over and over again, how little YOU know about science, why don't you tell us a RESOURCE YOU WOULD TRUST on the topic. Ie someone NOT YOURSELF. An authority.
Scientifically illiterate people, such as you, are always asking for authoritative sources instead of recognizing the science itself as the authority. That's never going to change until you actually do the work necessary to learn the relevant science in question.

You claim that you are looking for an authoritative source to explain the relelvant science to you (presumably because you are too lazy to learn and understand the science yourself) yet you refuse to learn from me. So it looks like you're going to have to pour your own milk into your cereal bowl.
I'm here for you if you have any questions, but until you do, I'll feel free to mock you all the live-long day.

they're doing public private partnerships with mandated usage that corporations are fine with.

corporations are fine with fascism.

like mandatory injections, we have mandatory whole stupid battery and electrical systems where other fuels are more appropriate and reasonable and effective.
Scientifically illiterate people, such as you, are always asking for authoritative sources instead of recognizing the science itself as the authority. That's never going to change until you actually do the work necessary to learn the relevant science in question.

So you are self-taught? Cool. Explains why you seem to get so much stuff wrong.

You claim that you are looking for an authoritative source to explain the relelvant science to you (presumably because you are too lazy to learn and understand the science yourself)

Unlike you I've actually been in the field studying earth systems.

yet you refuse to learn from me.

Why on earth would I do that? You don't know the science.

So it looks like you're going to have to pour your own milk into your cereal bowl.
I'm here for you if you have any questions, but until you do, I'll feel free to mock you all the live-long day.

So you can't point to any citations or references or authorities to support your position. OK, fair enough. I'm OK with you being full of shit. If that's what you like, you like it.
we have mandatory whole stupid battery and electrical systems where other fuels are more appropriate and reasonable and effective.

Why is an internal combustion engine with an efficiency around 25-30% "more appropriate" than an EV with an efficiency of about 60-70%?

Do you simply like wasting energy?
You lost the first time when your deaf studies deprived you of an education. You lost again when you disagreed with me.

You altered what I wrote, but nonetheless, there are no scientist job descriptions at NASA. There are "scientist" job titles, but not scientist job descriptions.

Guess who had every opportunity to include a "scientist" job description in his post but couldn't because there aren't any. Take a guess.
You make zero sense.
Why is an internal combustion engine with an efficiency around 25-30% "more appropriate" than an EV with an efficiency of about 60-70%?

Do you simply like wasting energy?
are you factoring in all the energy wasted on mining minerals for all the batteries that all go bad over time?

and the grid couldn't even handle everyone charging cars.

you people are bugfuck stupid green fascists.

profiting off solutions that will fail, so you get richer and rest of us get fucked.

run along and fuck off now with your bad ideas?